Headache from a runny nose: what to do?

One of the most common and unpleasant diseases is a cold. In addition to feeling sick and weak, it is accompanied by nasal congestion, mucosal damage and rhinitis. In addition, many people often have a headache from a runny nose, which further exacerbates the situation. This can be caused not only by physiological processes occurring in the body, but also by various concomitant diseases, for example, sinusitis or inflammation of the lining of the brain. The presence of additional pathologies requires a comprehensive therapy program, which is impossible to pick up on your own at home. It is best to contact a specialist who will perform all the necessary tests and select the best treatment. Let's try to understand why a headache hurts when a cold occurs and what to do about it.

The main causes of migraines with colds

runny nose in man and woman

Let's dwell on this in more detail. A runny nose in a person develops as a result of severe hypothermia of the whole organism or its individual parts. As a result of this, the nose is blocked and other symptoms appear. To prevent pathogens from entering the body, blood begins to flow to the mucous membranes, and they swell. Due to a lack of oxygen in the brain, a headache results from a runny nose. However, this is not the only reason why people suffer from migraines during colds.

Among the main manifestations of this syndrome, the following can be distinguished:

  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • disruption of the body due to the penetration of viruses and bacteria into it;
  • inflammation of the maxillary sinuses;
  • otitis;
  • meningitis.

If you have a severe runny nose and a headache, but at the same time your body temperature is kept within the normal range, this does not mean that there is no serious ailment, and everything will pass by itself. Many viral diseases have similar clinical manifestations with a runny nose. Therefore, it is best to go to the hospital for an examination.

It is worth noting that migraines can be associated with a number of serious diseases that require immediate treatment. Let's dwell on each of them in more detail and find out what dangerous consequences they may be accompanied by.


headache from a runny nose

So what is this ailment? Very often with a runny nose, the frontal part of the head hurts. In most cases, this is a sign of inflammation of the sinuses located in the forehead. Among the main symptoms, in addition to severe migraines, swelling of the eyeballs and eyelids, increased lacrimation, purulent and mucous discharge from the nose, and difficult perception of odors can be distinguished. Also, patients often complain of a cough, which itself passes a few days after the disease.


With severe head hypothermia, inflammation can spread not only to the mucous membrane, but also capture the membranes of the cells of the ethmoid labyrinth. In this case, a person not only has a headache with a runny nose when leaning, but also has a very high temperature. Palpation of the eyes and nose is accompanied by severe pain, breathing is difficult and smells are poorly recognized, and abundant mucous discharge from the nasal passages is noted. Etmoiditis is dangerous because if complex therapy is not started on time, the patient's sense of smell can disappear forever.


A fairly common disease today. According to medical statistics, most patients with a runny nose have a headache with inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. This is due not only to nasal congestion, but also intoxication. Migraine covers the frontal part and temples, and also significantly increases with physical exertion. Breathing through the nose is difficult, and in some cases it may not be possible at all. The increase in body temperature is insignificant, so most people do not give the disease due attention. At later stages of sinusitis, a lethargic state, malaise, and loss of appetite are added to the general clinical manifestations.


runny girl

Purulent-necrotic disease of the hair follicle can spread to the nasal cavity. Destructive disorders lead to swelling of the mucous membrane, as well as the formation of a purulent abscess. At the same time, not only does the head ache with a cold, but also many other symptoms of intoxication and soft tissue damage are present. If the boil increases too much in size, then it will partially block the nasal canal, as a result of which it becomes difficult for the patient to breathe. As furunculosis progresses, the symptoms become more pronounced. There is only one treatment for this disease: doctors open the abscess, after which they clean it of accumulations and treat it with antiseptic agents.

Allergic rhinitis

When the pathogen enters the body, a response begins from the immune system, in which the body temperature can be either elevated or within normal limits. But headaches, shortness of breath, runny nose and increased tearing do not give rest to many. In some cases, skin rashes and itching may also occur. Taking painkillers and drugs that help dilate blood vessels and improve blood flow, have practically no result in allergic rhinitis. The only effective remedy in this case is antihistamines.

The main methods of treatment

This moment should be given special significance. If headache and runny nose, how to treat a cold? It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question, since the therapy program is selected individually by specialized specialists, depending on the clinical picture of the patient. At the same time, it is not recommended to self-medicate, since a thoughtless intake of antibiotics can not only not bring any positive results, but also significantly aggravate the patient's condition, as well as cause various serious complications. At the same time, it is important to understand that it is useless to fight migraines only, since in order to recover it is necessary to eliminate the very cause of the disease, and this requires complex therapy.



What are they? Most people are used to fighting colds with folk methods, the most common of which are thermal procedures. However, if a runny nose and headache are caused by inflammation of the maxillary sinuses with an accumulation of purulent complications, then they are contraindicated, since warming will only accelerate the progression of the disease. Therefore, physiotherapy is acceptable for use only after an accurate diagnosis is made. Nevertheless, many people are interested in the answer to the question: โ€œHeadache from a runny nose. What to do at home to improve well-being? โ€ The only thing that is allowed is rubbing menthol oil into the whiskey, which will reduce the pain syndrome and slightly alleviate the symptoms.

Among the most effective methods of physiotherapy that are recommended for colds, the following can be distinguished:

  • head and facial massage;
  • inhalation of essential and aromatic oils;
  • lavage of the nasal cavity with saline;
  • cold and warm compresses.

It is worth noting that therapy is determined depending on the type of disease and the nature of its course. In this case, a course of physiotherapy should be carried out not only until the patient's well-being improves, but until his full recovery. Otherwise, there is a high probability of relapse.

Drug treatment

cold treatment

When a headache occurs from a cold, doctors are of the opinion that the therapy based on the use of modern medications is the most effective. They allow not only to get rid of nasal congestion and migraines, but also to stop the pathological processes taking place in the body. As practice shows, the treatment of many diseases with folk remedies is fraught with very serious consequences.

Depending on the origin of the disease, the following medications may be prescribed:

  • antibiotics
  • antiviral;
  • painkillers;
  • vasodilator;
  • antiseptics.

What kind of medication to prescribe is decided exclusively by the doctor. In order for therapy to be as effective as possible, the patient must observe bed rest and ensure sufficient fluid balance. The latter helps to eliminate toxins from the body and strengthens the immune system.

Alternative methods of treatment

folk treatments

If you want to defeat a cold as soon as possible, then taking medication and physiotherapy can be combined with traditional medicine. However, it is best to coordinate this with your doctor so as not to cause even greater harm to your health. With the right approach, taking various decoctions and infusions prepared from various medicinal plants, you can significantly improve well-being and minimize the likelihood of complications. It is also worth noting that one should not get too carried away with traditional means, since very often they cause irritation of the mucous membrane, as a result of which allergic reactions begin in the nasal passages.

The most effective methods of traditional medicine are the following:

  • rubbing lime juice into the temples area;
  • inhalation with lavender and basil oils;
  • aromatherapy using warming lamps;
  • compresses with potato juice;
  • the use of teas made from chamomile and lemon balm.

It is worth noting that it is strictly forbidden to deal with migraines with the help of alcoholic beverages and drugs, in which alcohol is present. They contribute to the expansion of blood vessels, which will lead to an exacerbation of clinical manifestations.


the girl has a runny nose

This article gave a detailed answer to the question of whether a headache from a runny nose can hurt. If you also encountered a similar problem, then it is better not to try to cope with the disease yourself, but to go to the doctor's office. The cold itself is not terrible, but the complications to which it can lead. You will spend only 2-3 days on a comprehensive examination, and in case of an exacerbation of the disease, it may take you several months, and the therapy itself will cost a decent amount. Therefore, do not neglect your health, but timely contact the hospital and begin treatment.

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