Roast beef. Recipes without secrets

It is hard to imagine the number of meat recipes published. And how many unpublished! However, many people prefer to use a pair of "reliable" at home and do not at all complex about it. Let's talk a little bit about fried meat today. The most famous was probably roasted beef, whose recipes literally dotted the Internet.

A few words about the basic rules of frying meat. As you might guess, you can fry any size pieces. Depending on the size, different technologies are used. Large pieces can first be fried on all sides, then continue to fry in the oven. If in the oven you can raise the initial temperature to 350 degrees, then it makes sense to put the baking tray with meat in the oven immediately, that is, do not fry it beforehand. This allows you to quickly get a beautiful uniform crust, which will affect the taste of the finished product. The size of the pieces will determine the duration of the frying.

Portioned slices are usually fried in a small amount of fat; you can also use a skewer or a rascher (grill). Roasted beef , the recipes for which are very diverse, can have a different taste depending on the dishes used. Thin portioned pieces such as langeta or entrecote are best prepared in cast iron pans. But natural cutlets, pork or veal, are well obtained in stew-pans. With any method and any dishes, the meat is fried on each side until a crust appears. The temperature of the process should be kept unchanged until the dishes are ready, only fillets and steaks are allowed to bring to readiness at low temperature.

A slightly different technology is used when frying pieces. Roasted beef, the recipes of which involve small slices, turns out pretty well in almost any pan. The main conditions are strong fire and some fat. If, when putting meat into the pan, it does not hiss, then it has not warmed up properly. Fried beef in a pan turns out to be soft and juicy with a pleasant taste and aroma, if you rub it with mustard before frying.

Spiritual beef, the recipe of which we will now consider, is prepared like this. The meat cleared of tendons is breaded in flour and fried in well-heated fat. Then it is laid out in a stewpan and poured with broth with sautéed tomato. After stewing for forty minutes, it is combined with fried vegetables and potatoes and brought to readiness over low heat.

But the meat should be much better in a large piece (not less than a kilogram) if it is first quickly and well roasted and put in the oven for two hours. The oven should be hot - about 180 degrees. Every 15 minutes, the meat must be watered with the allocated juice. The same can be prepared in foil. Foil should be two or three layers, then the juice does not leak and the meat will be stewed in it.

To obtain original results, one should not be afraid of experiments when fried beef is cooked. Recipes sometimes can not give the desired taste, and then a reasonable fantasy comes to the rescue. Try adding to the meat is not quite the usual ingredients: pineapple, orange, banana. Before frying, you can marinate the meat in an unexpected marinade, for example, from butter and honey with mustard. When serving dishes, you can also come up with an original sauce, mixing, for example, wine with sour cream and tomato sauce.

Almost all of the above applies not only to beef. Any meat is cooked according to the same principles and rules. The differences are small and relate mainly to preliminary preparation and the duration of frying. Spices, salt and pepper are difficult to regulate with recipes - more needs to rely on personal experience and intuition. If there is neither one nor the other, use someone else's experience. Enjoy your meal!

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