Werber. Books in order - how to read?

Fans of good interesting works, of course, are familiar with such a surname as Verber. Books in order of this author must be read, or at odds? This question is facing many fans of his literary masterpieces.

Verber himself (books in order will be listed below) recommends reading works on chronology, since his inner world has changed every year, and the plots are also, albeit insignificant. Moreover, it is necessary to follow the order if it comes to a separate series.

verber books in order

Verber .: to read books in order, or at odds?

So, consider the question in more detail. Before us is such an author as Bernard Verber. Books in order? Are they worth reading? The author himself claims that this is not necessary. Generally interesting and extravagant person is Verber. Books in order in certain series, in principle, are some continuation of each other, they help to see the formation of the author, to trace his thoughts, etc.

In each work, the author presents a short description of previous events. In principle, the plots are also not too connected. But reading the works out of order, you will not get real pleasure from a complete understanding of the author’s ideas.

Bernard Verber books in order

Series "Ants" (the most famous)

It’s worth starting with the most famous creations of the author. What did Verber write about the book? In order, "Ants" is the first series. In these books, the reader learns about the most hardworking creatures in the world, about their ability to obey the rules. In short, ants are the dream of any dictator. The author discusses whose civilization will be more viable, insects or people. The first book was published in 1991. It is called “Ants”.

The next book was published in 1992. This is a continuation of the trilogy called "Ant's Day." Actions here take place a year after the events of the first part. Ants organize a campaign against people, athe in turn develop poison against these small but formidable creatures. In the world of people, chemists are killed. The case is investigated by a detective and a journalist.

The third book - "Revolution of ants" 1996 release. The plot is even more interesting. A young girl finds a mysterious book in a cave. At the same time, one asexual old ant returns home to tell something about people. In a word, the whole series will appeal to fans of science fiction.

Other books

Between the last two volumes of Muravyov, the author also wrote other works. So what else did Bernard Verber tell his readers? All books in order, with the exception of the aforementioned series, we consider in detail.

In 1993, the Encyclopedia of Relative and Absolute Knowledge was published. It is this book in the last volume “Ants” that the young lyceum student finds. From here she draws a variety of wisdom, drawing certain conclusions. It contains articles on various topics that Bernard Werber collected (books are considered in order in the article). They have neither an alphabetical index nor a chronology. In short, the encyclopedia is a simple collection of entertaining stories and funny information.

Bernard Verber all books in order

In 1994, the book “Tanatotauts” was born. This is a work about test pilots who are forced to go to the other world. A novel is capable of changing a person's idea of ​​birth, death, mythologists, love, wanderings, returns, laughter, sadness ...

In 1997, the Travel Book was released. She carries the reader into wanderings, making him the main character. The book can not fail to please fans of distant countries.

1998 is the time of the publication of the book “Father of Our Fathers”. This is Verber's most beloved novel. Initially, he looks like a detective story, but then goes on to a fantastic version of human evolution.

In 2000, the Empire of Angels was published. In the book on the first page the main character dies. In heaven, he is "arranged to work" as a guardian angel of three completely different people.

In 2001, the book "The Last Secret" appeared. In it, the writer invites the reader to penetrate the secrets of human consciousness. A scientist plays chess with a computer and suddenly dies. The investigation begins.

2002 - the storybook “The Tree of the Possible” is published. Here the author puts forward hypotheses about what the world would be like if ...

In 2003, Verber wrote the book Our Friends of Men. The author offers the reader the so-called version of the reality show "Behind the Glass." The man here is under a glass bell with the woman. Both of them are victims of a mysterious experiment.

2004 - the book "We are Gods." Guardian Angel Michel needs to become a disciple of God. He will again follow his mortal friends, meet old acquaintances and new love.

In 2005, the author publishes the book "Breath of the Gods." All the same, Michelle is in danger. He has to face a brutal "deicide".

The next book is called The Star Butterfly. She came out in 2006. The book tells about people who went in search of a new home in space.

2007 - "The Secret of the Gods." 2008 - a storybook "Paradise to order." In 2009, the book "The Mirror of Cassandra" appears. This work about the young fortune teller is especially to the female gender.

In 2010, the book Cyclops Laughter was published about the best comedian in the world who died under strange circumstances. Verber’s latest masterpiece, Third Humanity, was published in 2012. The magnificent science fiction novel, like the previous ones, has won many fans.

verber order books ants

Readers Satisfied

In a word, in reality, a talented author is Bernard Werber. Books in order or lovers of science fiction will read - not so important. The main thing is that they are satisfied with these works. The writer knows how to make his novels and stories exciting, fascinating, incredible. That is why his work continues to appear more and more admirers.

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