Fainting during pregnancy - causes, first aid

Fainting is a sudden short-term loss of consciousness. It lasts from 4 - 5 seconds to 2 - 3 minutes. In this case, sensitivity is lost, the pulse weakens and slows down, blood pressure drops, breathing becomes rare. Fainting during pregnancy happens quite often.

The main reason for the loss of consciousness of a pregnant woman is a sudden onset of cerebrovascular insufficiency. A spasm of the vessels of the brain occurs and the flow of blood stops, which causes fainting. At the same time, the person feels weak, the skin integrates pale, the pulse is practically not felt on the peripheral arteries, breathing becomes rare and superficial. The appearance of cold sweat is possible , due to insufficient blood supply, the limbs become cool to the touch. Women in the first trimester of pregnancy and young girls in the early days of menstruation are especially affected by such conditions. Fainting during pregnancy often happens in the heat or during stress.

Very often, a pregnant woman learns about her situation precisely by passing out. This is due to certain changes in the hormonal background and the formation of an additional circle of blood circulation in the future. When a woman is on her feet for a long time, in a stuffy room, or she is hungry, blood pressure may decrease, which leads to a fainting condition. Another reason may be a sharp change in mood or overwork. Therefore, pregnant women prone to hypotension should be extremely attentive to their health and take timely measures to normalize their condition.

Fainting during pregnancy is dangerous due to suddenness - falling, a woman may be injured.

Other causes of fainting

Loss of consciousness often occurs in people with cardiovascular pathologies, including hypertension, hypotension, atherosclerosis, heart disease. In older people, age-related diseases of the heart and blood vessels become the cause of fainting, in which sudden collapse can occur.

In healthy people, fainting can occur during oxygen starvation (for example, in a stuffy room). Sudden fear, excitement, fear of pain (especially if a person has a low threshold of pain sensitivity), sun or heat stroke cannot be excluded from the causes of this condition.

It is very important to remember that some serious illnesses can cause loss of consciousness. For example, diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, heart attack, stroke, perforation of a duodenal ulcer or stomach, concussion. Even if it faints during pregnancy, such acute conditions cannot be ruled out.

First aid

Regardless of the cause of the fainting during pregnancy, you must call a doctor and begin to provide first aid.

First, the victim must be laid on a sofa or bed without a pillow. Legs should be at head level. Ensure fresh air by unfastening tight clothing and opening a window. Liquid ammonia or strong perfumes help quickly bring a person out of syncope. To do this, moisten a cotton wool in one of the above fluids and bring it to the nose for a few seconds.

Once the victim is conscious, you can give her hot sweet tea, a few drops of valocordin or valerian diluted in a small amount of water (with caution, since during pregnancy sensitivity to many drugs increases).

In any case, you need to find out the true cause of loss of consciousness, as this can be a symptom of a serious illness.

If this is a swoon during menstruation, in the coming days it is advisable to visit a gynecologist for examination.


To prevent fainting, pregnant women with low blood pressure should follow these guidelines. Nutrition should be complete, fractional, with a high content of proteins. Strong green tea is useful in the morning and afternoon. Walking, gymnastics, pool are also necessary. And, if possible, situations that can lead to fainting β€” queues, trips in crowded public transport, and being in a stuffy room β€” should be avoided.

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