How long does the operation to remove appendicitis last? Recovery after appendicitis surgery

Appendicitis is a disease that occurs suddenly. Surgery is indispensable. The appendix must be excised. In this article we will talk about how long the operation to remove appendicitis lasts, the reasons that affect this factor, and much more. We begin the conversation about the types of surgical intervention when removing the "unnecessary" process.

how long does the operation to remove appendicitis

Laparotomy and laparoscopy

Laparotomy The operation is performed under local anesthesia. The patient needs to prepare for it. A few hours before the procedure, he stops eating. The hairline is removed from the abdominal cavity, the intestines are cleaned. For these purposes, an enema is most often used. Usually a laparotomy is required to clarify the clinical picture of the development of the disease.

Laparoscopy. For carrying out manipulations, special endoscopic instruments are necessary. They are inserted through small punctures located on the front wall of the abdominal cavity. Laparoscopic surgery to remove appendicitis is performed as follows:

  • A micro camera is introduced into the puncture. Thanks to her, you can see the full clinical picture.
  • Inspection of all organs.
  • In the absence of pathologies, the appendix is ​​stretched.
  • The abdominal tissue is excised.
  • The inflamed process is fixed and removed.

Transgastric and transvaginal

We continue to find out how to perform an operation to remove appendicitis. Technology does not stand still, there are two ways that are rarely used. First, let's talk about the transgastric method. This type of surgical intervention is considered unique and currently experimental. A needle and a gastroscope are used. A puncture is made in the navel. After this procedure, no cuts remain.

signs of appendicitis in women symptoms

The trasvaginal method is intended only for women. An endoscope is inserted through a small hole in the vagina. This method can be used in conjunction with laparoscopy. The advantage of this technique is the absence of scars.

Regardless of which method of surgical intervention is chosen, the following procedures are performed before the operation:

  • Anesthesia is performed.
  • The walls of the abdominal cavity are dissected.
  • An examination of the organs for the presence of additional pathologies is underway.
  • If there are no pathologies, the appendix is ​​removed, its edges are stitched.
  • Stitching Absorbable sutures are used.

An operation using any of the above methods will last no more than an hour. But only if there are no complications.

Acute stage disease

This type of appendicitis is characterized by rapid progression and has several stages.

  • The first stage is catarrhal. Distinctive signs: slight inflammation and thickening of the appendix, nausea and pain in the upper abdomen.
  • The second is purulent. Purulent foci form in the appendix cavity and its walls. Pain is felt in the right side.
  • The third stage is phlegmonous appendicitis. He comes to replace purulent. The process greatly increases in size and is almost completely filled with pus.
  • The fourth and most dangerous stage is the rupture of the appendix. It occurs several hours after the phlegmonous phase.

Complications of acute appendicitis include:

complications after appendicitis surgery

  • Peritonitis (inflammation of the abdominal cavity), appears after rupture of the appendix.
  • Intestinal obstruction. Its symptoms are nausea, frequent vomiting, bloating.

The causes of the disease

How long the operation to remove appendicitis lasts depends on the causes of this disease. About them at the moment and will be discussed. But first, we will focus on the fact that no matter what factor causes this ailment, edema of the appendix and tissues nearby are always observed. There is a violation of the outflow of fluid. This condition may be caused by:

  • Mechanical blockage of the duct (cork formation). Its appearance is promoted by: constipation, malnutrition, chronic diseases of the large intestine, oncology.
  • The presence of parasites. In ninety cases out of a hundred, a whipworm is found in the appendix.
  • Serotonin. Its other name is the hormone of happiness. Standing out from cells during the synthesis period, it provokes inflammation of the tissues. The process contains a large number of cells involved in the endocrine process.
  • Inflammatory processes in the vessels. In this case, there is a violation of the blood supply to the process.

Appendicitis in women

Why is this conversation about the weak half of humanity? There are several reasons for this:

  • In women, the disease is much more common than in men.
  • The development of the disease is affected by monthly cycles.
  • The specific structure of the female body.

In order to seek help in time, it is necessary to know the signs of appendicitis in women. Symptoms can be identified as follows.

  • Acute pain that occurs above the navel and passes to the right side of the lower abdomen. Pain can be given to the back and spread throughout the stomach. Attacks can last up to two hours.
  • The occurrence of nausea and vomiting after pain.
  • Temperature rise.
  • The abdominal muscles are tense.
  • The tongue is dry with a white coating.
  • When a blood test is taken, an increased number of white blood cells is recorded. ROE is higher than normal.

In pregnant women, the symptoms are identical, but, according to statistics, they are quite rare.

Signs of appendicitis in women, the symptoms of the disease are interrelated with the strength of the inflammatory process in the body. If complications occur, loss of consciousness and convulsions may occur.

recovery after surgery to remove appendicitis


Diagnosis of appendicitis does not take much time. The main thing for a doctor is to determine the cause of the onset of pain. Only then can he tell if surgery is required. The diagnosis depends on how long the operation to remove appendicitis lasts.

The first thing a specialist does is talking to the patient. During the conversation, he finds out the duration of the pain syndrome, where he feels whether there was a temperature.

The doctor draws attention to the gait, to the pose in which the patient sits or stands, evaluates the appearance of the abdominal press.

Palpation reveals places where pain is felt, the nature and strength of painful sensations are determined using percussion.

A blood test is being given. The number of leukocytes is established. In women, a pregnancy test is performed.

More accurately, the diagnosis is established using x-ray, ultrasound, CT.

If the clinical picture is not clear, an additional examination is performed - laparoscopy.

laparoscopic appendicitis surgery

How to prepare for the procedure

Many are interested in the question of how to prepare for an operation to remove appendicitis. Specialist Tips:

  • On the eve of a light lunch, it is advisable to refuse dinner, only drink.
  • In the evening, before the operation and in the morning on the day of its operation, a cleansing enema is placed.
  • Shaves the anterior abdominal wall. It is advisable that day when the procedure will be carried out.
  • Before the operation, an anesthetist conducts a conversation with you. Be sure to tell him about all the diseases you have suffered.
  • Remove dentures, if any.
  • Before the procedure itself, the lower limbs are bandaged with an elastic bandage to the patient.
  • If your anesthetist has prescribed a sleeping pill, be sure to take it. Before a crucial moment, you need to sleep well, and most importantly - calm down.
  • Refuse food and drink on the day of surgery.
  • Going to the operating room, visit the toilet.
  • It happens that the procedure can be canceled, do not worry. Feel confident and remember that everything is done for the good.


How long does the operation to remove appendicitis last? There is no single answer to this question. The duration of the procedure can be thirty minutes, but only if the patient has no complications. When diagnosing a purulent stage, this period increases to one and a half hours. The wall of the process is torn, pus enters the peritoneum. The surgeon needs to rinse all nearby organs and install drainage. If you do not perform such manipulations, complications may arise.

Now let's talk about how the operation to remove appendicitis goes.

  • A small incision is made on the right side. Not only the skin, but also the walls of the abdomen are cut.
  • The appendix and the organs around it are being studied.
  • In the absence of concomitant diseases, the process is removed.
  • Connective tissue is cut, the appendix is ​​separated from the intestine.
  • The gut is sutured. For these purposes, special threads are used. They dissolve over time.
  • Drainage is used to dry the abscess.

Recovery period

Now let's talk about how recovery occurs after surgery to remove appendicitis. We immediately inform you that this period lasts until the seams are removed. Then rehabilitation begins. Its duration depends on many factors: the type of operation, whether complications were observed, adhesions appeared or not, and others.

how do the operation to remove appendicitis

The patient is in the hospital for about nine days. After the operation, drainage is established for him. This procedure is carried out in order to prevent a purulent inflammatory process. The tube is installed on the right side of the abdomen. Its ends are brought out. Thanks to drainage, the wound is washed. An antiseptic is used. The removed tube lasts for several days. She almost does not bother the patient. Refuse drainage is not worth it, as it is installed in case of the threat of complications.

Middle and late period. Monitoring of urination and defecation of the patient. The condition of the suture, body temperature, appetite are controlled.

The patient may experience pain after surgery, the attending physician in this case prescribes medications. If pain occurs after discharge, we can talk about complications.

In the first days after surgery, the patient should not walk. Sutures are removed in a week.

What is possible and what is not

Recovery after surgery to remove appendicitis includes proper eating. We’ll talk about this more seriously now.

  • The first twelve hours from eating should be abstained. You can’t drink, your lips are moistened with water.
  • On the first day after surgery, you can only drink water, jelly, rice broth, tea with sugar and low-fat broth. Chicken is preferred.
  • On the second and third day, you can potato, vegetable puree, boiled rice. You can not products that include fiber and milk. It is strictly forbidden to use salty, sour, fried and alcohol.
  • The first week after surgery. The menu can include dried fruits, cereals cooked on the water, mashed soups, vegetables. During this period, food should be chewed carefully.
  • A week after surgery. You can eat mushrooms, casseroles, omelets, beets. You should abandon sauces, dressings, ketchups, mayonnaise.
  • Legumes and confectionery products can be eaten only a month after surgery.

It is advisable to follow a diet for three months.


When and what complications may appear after an operation to remove appendicitis?

Postoperative problems may occur if the operation was performed incorrectly or health problems occurred during the recovery period:

  • On the fifth day, a seal may appear in the seam area. Body temperature rises to thirty-eight degrees. Such symptoms indicate the presence of purulent inflammation.
  • The formation of adhesions is the cause of intestinal obstruction. Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, lack of gas.
  • Abdominal abscess. Signs - an increase in body temperature to forty degrees on the twelfth day after surgery.
  • The appearance of intestinal contents from a wound indicates an intestinal fistula.
  • One of the most serious complications is purulent thrombophlebitis of the portal vein. The period of its manifestation is from two days to three weeks after surgery. Symptoms: pain in the right hypochondrium, weakness, chills, fever, enlarged liver, spleen, yellow skin.

how long does the operation to remove appendicitis last

The cost of an operation to remove appendicitis depends on many factors, including the complications that have arisen. The figure ranges from 6050 rubles to 24050 and above. In emergency cases, the procedure can be performed free of charge.


As you can see, there is no exact answer to the question of how long the operation to remove appendicitis lasts. This period of time depends on:

  • The method used (about forty minutes).
  • Stage of the disease (from forty minutes to two hours).
  • Detection during the operation of pathologies of internal organs (the procedure can last from one and a half hours and above).
  • Age. If a child, then the operation will require at least two hours.
  • Human factor. The coherence of the medical staff.

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