"Cephalexin" 250 mg: indications, instructions for use, dosage

The discovery of antibiotics once caused a real revolution in medicine. Many of these substances subsequently turned out to be simply indispensable in the treatment of various kinds of infectious diseases. Currently, more than a hundred varieties of antibiotics are used in medicine. Preparations based on them are used today to treat most infectious ailments. For example, quite often, the medicine “Cephalexin” 250 g is used to treat such diseases.

Release form and composition

This drug belongs to the group of cephalosporin antibiotics of the first generation. Cephalexin can be delivered to the market in several medicinal forms. On sale today there are capsules of this drug in different dosages, tablets, as well as granules and powder, intended for the preparation of a suspension.

Children's syrup "Cephalexin"

At a dosage of 250 mg, this medicine is available in the form of:

  • light green capsules (No. 2);
  • yellow granules intended for the preparation of syrup;
  • pills.

In a syrup mixed with granules, 250 mg of the active substance is contained in 5 ml.

In addition, this medicine can be produced in the form of 500 mg capsules (No. 0) and powder for the preparation of syrup (125 mg / 5 ml), as well as thermal packs (125 mg).

The main active ingredient of "Cephalexin" in any form is cephalexin. Also, the composition of this drug, depending on the form of release, may include such additional components as, for example, sodium saccharin, sucrose, iron oxide, etc.

How does the medicine work?

In the patient’s body, the active substance “Cephalexin” 250 mg, like 500 or 125 mg, begins to be absorbed very quickly into the blood. By disrupting the synthesis of peptidoglycan of the cell walls of pathogenic microorganisms, this drug causes lysis of the latter. As a result, the patient's body is freed from the infection, and the person recovers.

The peculiarity of this medicine is that its absorption can slow down food intake. However, the state of the gastrointestinal tract of the patient does not affect the degree of absorption of the drug. The maximum concentration of the active substance “Cephalexin” is observed in the blood of patients about 1 hour after taking the drug. This medicine is excreted from the body mainly through the kidneys. At the same time, some of it is removed with bile.

Indications for use of "Cephalexin" 250 mg

This drug can be prescribed when diagnosing a variety of infectious diseases in patients. Most often, doctors prescribe "Cephalexin" to patients with various diseases of the lower and upper respiratory tract. It is also believed that this drug helps with otitis media very well.

One of the most serious diseases in which this medicine is used is osteomyelitis. The following diseases are also answers to the question of why Cephalexin helps well in the treatment:

  • endometritis;
  • cystitis;
  • dermatitis;
  • gonorrhea.

In addition, quite often “Cephalexin” is used to treat infectious diseases of the skin and soft tissues.

At the doctor

What contraindications exist

In some cases, this medicine, like any other antibiotic, cannot be prescribed to patients for the treatment of infectious ailments. Contraindications to the use of "Cephalexin" 250 in capsules, granules or tablets are:

  • sensitivity or allergy to any components of the drug;
  • pregnancy, lactation.

Unfortunately, the active substance “Cephalexin” can penetrate the placenta and is found in amniotic fluid. Therefore, it is impossible to be treated with the use of this drug, including pregnant women.

“Cephalexin” capsules are intended primarily for providing medical care to children. But it is still impossible to give them to small patients under the age of 3 years. At the same time, syrup from granules is allowed to be prepared, including for children from 6 months.

Instructions for use "Cephalexin" in tablets and granules

Since food can slow the absorption of this drug, it is recommended that you take it before eating. It is best to drink such tablets or syrup in 40-60 minutes. before lunch, breakfast or dinner. The course of treatment with “Cephalexin”, depending on the type of disease or the condition of the patient, can be 7-14 days. Moreover, with infections caused by beta-hemolytic group A streptococcus, the minimum period for taking this drug is 10 days.

The amount of antibiotic used by patients also depends on the condition of the patient's body and the specific ailment. The instructions for use of "Cephalexin" in tablets or granules of its specific doses, of course, are not indicated. Only the attending physician should develop a treatment regimen for this drug. On average, adult patients, as well as children over 10 years of age, take this drug in an amount of 250-500 mg every 6 hours.

Using the medicine "Cephalexin"

For patients under the age of 10, this medicine is in most cases prescribed as a syrup. In this case, the average daily dose of the active substance "Cephalexin" 250 g with a child's body weight of up to 40 kg is 25-100 mg / kg of body weight. In most cases, such patients are recommended to take the drug four times a day.

For infections of soft tissues or skin, as well as streptococcal pharyngitis "Cephalexin", doctors usually recommend children to drink twice a day. With otitis media, the dose of this drug should be 75 mg / kg. Its reception is prescribed for such an ailment 4 times a day.

Instructions for the use of Cephalexin 250 mg suspension in case of very severe infections allow an increase in its daily dose to 100 mg / kg. In this case, the frequency of administration can be 6 times a day. But, of course, the decision to change the treatment regimen in this case should also be made only by the attending physician.

How to cook syrup

To take this drug, including in the form of a suspension, it is necessary, of course, correctly. Of course, this applies in particular to the treatment of young patients.

When preparing cephalexin syrup for 250 children, the dosage should be followed as accurately as possible. In any case, syrup for the treatment of such patients must be prepared according to all the rules. In principle, making a suspension of granules for a child alone will not be particularly difficult. In order to prepare the medicine, you must first remove the cap from the vial. Then in the container with granules should be added water to the existing mark on its walls. Next, the bottle needs to be tightly closed and the mixture shaken well.

Rules for the use of suspension

In the future, syrup prepared in this way will retain its healing qualities for 2 weeks. Keep a suspension of Cephalexin 250 mg in the house at the same time allowed at room temperature. But the medicine bottle, of course, needs to be closed very tightly.

Before each use, the cephalexin syrup should be shaken. As already mentioned, 5 ml of such a suspension contains 250 mg of the active substance of the drug. Based on this, and you need to calculate a single dose.

Laboratory research

Side effects

Like any other antibiotic, “Cephalexin” when treated with it, of course, can have a negative effect on the human body. Most often, when using this medication for quite a long time, intestinal microflora are disturbed in patients. The fact is that antibiotics can destroy not only harmful bacteria, but also beneficial ones. The intestines with prolonged use of such drugs can suffer quite a lot.

If there are unpleasant sensations in the gastrointestinal tract, people undergoing treatment with “Cephalexin” can try to correct the situation by taking, for example, “Bifidumbacterin”. Also, when using this drug, it is advisable to add more products with bifidobacteria to your diet.

In addition, the medicine "Cephalexin" can sometimes cause the following side effects:

  • vomiting, nausea, diarrhea;
  • dry mouth
  • toxic hepatitis;
  • intestinal candidiasis.

From the side of the nervous system in a patient undergoing treatment using “Cephalexin” 250 g, the following can be observed:

  • weakness;
  • headache;
  • dizziness.

Sometimes the result of the use of this drug may even be convulsions or hallucinations.

Harmful microorganisms

This medicine may have a negative effect on the genitourinary system. In this case, the patient will experience:

  • itching of the anus and genitals;
  • candidiasis;
  • discharge from the genitals.

In addition, the drug can cause a patient, for example, problems such as:

  • leukopenia;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • arthritis.


Instructions for use with “Cephalexin” 500 mg, like 250 or 125 mg, of course, prescribes to drink it in strict accordance with the recommendations of a doctor. Unfortunately, the network also describes cases where this medicine caused the development of anaphylactic shock in patients. This is a very dangerous condition in which the patient can be fatal at any time. The same goes for Quincke's edema, which is also one of the possible side effects of Cephalexin. Unfortunately, many people have allergic reactions to antibiotics today.

In any case, if the patient has sensitivity to any components of this medicine, he will most likely manifest:

  • hives;
  • erythema;
  • itching
Infection protection

Analogues of the drug

It costs this drug in pharmacies is not too expensive. But sometimes it, like any other, has to be changed to analogues. There are, of course, a lot of drugs with the same therapeutic effect as Cephalexin’s modern industry. Many antibiotics belonging to the cephalosporin group can be used in the same cases as this effective drug.

However, it is best if necessary to change “Cephalexin” to some medicine with the same active substance (if the patient is not allergic to it). There are several analogues of this tool in the modern market. Replace "Cephalexin" in the treatment of a patient, the doctor can, for example, on:

  • Palitrex.
  • Keflex.
  • "Ecocephron."
  • Ospexin.
  • "Zeff."

All of these drugs contain cephalexin and are relatively inexpensive.

Patients' opinion about the drug

People who have ever been treated with "Cephalexin", speak about it online in most cases, not bad. In addition to the effectiveness of the action, patients include, first of all, a wide spectrum of action and good tolerance to the advantages of this drug. Judging by the reviews available on the Internet, this medicine helps patients usually already 2-3 days after the start of administration. To the unconditional advantages of this medicine, patients include, of course, and its low cost.

Diseases in children

Some disadvantage of this drug is that sometimes it can still cause side effects, and quite serious and unpleasant. Most network users on specialized sites advise to be treated using Cephalexin nevertheless exclusively under the supervision of a doctor. Instructions for use "Cephalexin" 500 mg, 250 mg or 125 mg, given by a specialist, of course, must be followed exactly.

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