Treatment of human papillomavirus type 16

The human papillomavirus type 16 in women and men is oncogenic. There are many reasons for the appearance of such a disease, and before conducting therapy with folk or medication, all of them must be eliminated.

HPV types

The HPV virus category includes more than 150 species.

  • Species 7-29, 57 (exception 11, 16, 18) often become a factor in the occurrence of warts on the skin.
  • Species 1-4 appear on the sole, in the form of specific corns.
  • Species 6, 11, 42-44, 53-55 have a low oncogenic level.
  • There are also types of virus that several times increase the possibility of cancerous lesions of the vulva, vagina, penis and anus. A high probability of developing cancer is observed with the following types of human papillomavirus: 16, 31, 35, 33, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66, 68, 18. This category is called HPV a9.
  • Rashes initiated by papillomatosis of type 70, as well as 30-43, 55-69 genotypes, which are defined as precancerous conditions, also require special attention.

The average age of patients suffering from different types of this disease is 40 years. Depending on the species, it can cause anogenital warts, papillomas, laryngeal outgrowths and warty epidermoplasia.

Genital warts are species 6 and 11.

Species with a high risk of developing cancer cause all chances to cause intraepithelial neoplasia of the cervix. Most of the genital warts and papillomas are advised by doctors to remove.

human papillomavirus 16 31


The human papillomavirus 16/18 is a rather dangerous benign disease that affects a person with a weakened immune system, regardless of gender differences and age.

The danger is that HPV manifests itself only 2-3 months after the initial infection. With untimely treatment by a doctor, papillomas can lead to the development of cancerous tumors and malignant tumors.

Typically, human papillomavirus type 16 and 18 affect a person:

  1. In case of sexual contact due to contact with a person who has short-term or clinical manifestations of the virus.
  2. When visiting a bathhouse or pool, but the risk of infection in this way is not very high.
  3. With microtrauma during depilation or shaving.
  4. In contact with personal hygiene items used by a sick HPV 16 type of person, or even simply through his hands.
  5. During childbirth: the human papillomavirus 16 from woman to child is transmitted during its passage through the birth canal.
  6. When cutting fish and meat products.
  7. During operations: there are cases when the virus was transmitted from a sick patient to a doctor during surgery by airborne droplets.

The above factors allow the virus to develop, stimulating the proliferation of HPV type 16 cells. In order to prevent this, it is recommended to regularly undergo examinations by doctors and carefully choose sexual partners.

human papillomavirus 16 treatment


The human papilloma virus of types 16, 31, 33, 18, which enters the mucous membrane of the female genitalia, is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • pain
  • burning sensation;
  • itching during intercourse and urination.

An important symptom of HPV of these types can be called slight bleeding during intercourse.

It is noteworthy that the type 16 papilloma virus initially may not manifest itself in any way, but after some time warts or condylomas may appear on the body.

In the first stage, benign formations of light yellow or even black color, usually can be round in shape with a diameter of about 10 mm. Often they appear on the elbows, fingers or knees. Most often, the disease is manifested by the formation of small warts, which are formed on the mucous membranes and skin of the genital organs of a person. HPV type 16 can cause the development of bowenoid papulosis. This is a very dangerous complication.

The main pathogens in this case are rashes, which usually appear on the human genitals. HPV type 16 is a complicated disease that can trigger oncological changes. The disease makes itself felt by the appearance of a rash first on the genitals, and then on the hips. The rate of spread of symptoms and the number of rashes depend solely on human immunity.

human papillomavirus 16 in women

Diagnosis of HPV type 16

To determine the presence of HPV type 16 in the body, complex laboratory tests are usually performed, such as:

  1. Inspection of a specialist to determine the visual signs of HPV type 16.
  2. Colposcopy of the genital organs using special equipment.
  3. PCR to detect viral cells that are in the latent phase.
  4. Digene test is a modern method for diagnosing HPV. Usually it is used in conjunction with cytology to compile the most complete clinical picture.
  5. Histology - the study of tissues that are obtained as a result of colposcopy. The structure of papilloma cells is determined and, if necessary, allows you to determine the mutation.
  6. Cytological examination. It does not provide accurate information and does not fully identify the 16 type of HPV.

Quantitative analysis is usually used to identify types and numbers of viral cells. It is performed by the following methods:

  • PCR;
  • Digene test.
human papilloma virus type 16 in women

Drug treatment

Human papillomavirus is a very dangerous disease that requires immediate treatment. However, many questions arise here. Now there is no such tool that can completely cure this disease. However, there are ways in which this disease can be treated.

human papillomavirus types 16 and 18

Methods for the treatment of human papillomavirus type 16

So, if we talk about the medical treatment of this disease, then most often they use immunostimulants and antiviral drugs. Such funds are used in tablets or injections. It is worth noting that only a doctor can prescribe any of the drugs. Otherwise, the consequences of such treatment can be extremely sad.

Immunostimulants - these drugs are most often used in the early stages of the disease. Usually, in addition to them, the patient is also prescribed other medications for complex treatment. It is worth noting that the main goal of immunostimulants is to make the immune system work better and protect the body from various viruses. Such a remedy is necessary, because with an RFP, the body of the crane is weakened and can catch any infection, which in this case is undesirable, as this can adversely affect the human condition.

Antiviral drugs are also quite effective, and they are prescribed very often with the human papillomavirus. However, there is no exact guarantee that these drugs help in the treatment of the disease. But I want to note that antiviral drugs are prescribed so that the body can fight other viruses and develop immunity, which is necessary. Such drugs are also prescribed in complex treatment for the most positive effect.

As mentioned above, this disease can not be completely cured in a short time, it can take a long time. It is also worth noting that it is not scientifically proven that HPV can be completely cured. However, in order to maintain his body in good condition, it is necessary to carry out complex treatment. Doctors say that with early diagnosis and proper treatment, you can avoid a large number of different problems that appear in the later stages of the disease. And in order to avoid these consequences, of course, complex therapy is needed.

It is worth noting that complex therapy is not only immunostimulating drugs. These are various injections that will help fight internal foci, as well as solutions and ointments to combat external manifestations of the virus. It is worth noting that an integrated approach is really very important. Since there is only some sense from complex treatment, another treatment simply will not bring results and the patient will become worse every day.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that HPV is a rather dangerous disease and its treatment should be taken seriously. It is good if it is detected in the early stages, since in this case it is much easier to start treatment. It is necessary to monitor your health and consult a doctor during time to avoid negative consequences.

Alternative treatment

Papillomas are benign tumors that consist of multiplied skin cells or mucous membranes. Their appearance provokes human papillomavirus (HPV) - the most primitive and small viral organism. But this is precisely what ensures the virus a high reproduction rate and vitality.

Most often, doctors prescribe a surgical operation and a comprehensive course of antiviral drugs to treat HPV infection. But along with this there are no less effective folk remedies.

human papillomavirus 16

Thuja oil

Thuja oil is an antiviral agent that is usually used to get rid of warts, especially on the genitals. The substance stimulates the functioning of immune cells, which contributes to the destruction of infected cells.

human papillomavirus type 16


This is a fairly powerful antiviral, antioxidant and immunostimulating agent that perfectly fights HPV manifestations and has anti-cancer properties. For treatment, it is used mainly in the form of a decoction or tincture.


To prepare the ointment, grind a clove of garlic and mix it with a small amount of cream (it is best to use a baby cream) - about 2 tsp. The gruel is placed on gauze, applied to the papilloma and fixed with a bandage. The mixture should be kept for 3-5 hours, after which the affected area of ​​the skin is washed with warm water and soap.

Canadian Yellow Root

This is the most popular alternative medicine that fights HPV very well. The root contains berberine, which increases the number of white cells, strengthening immunity. The use of yellow root is recommended in capsules.


For its preparation, plantain leaves, dandelion root, horsetail grass, lemon balm and nettle are mixed in equal proportions. The collection (3 tbsp.) Is poured into 1 liter of cold water and boiled for 10 minutes. After this, the finished infusion is left for 3 hours, filtered and taken in 3 tbsp. l 3 times a day 30 minutes before eating.

Egg white

The egg is broken and poured into a clean bowl. The protein remaining on the walls of the shell is used to treat papillomas. Each new layer is applied to the skin only after the previous one dries. Papillomas with a protein film are not recommended for watering. If everything is done correctly, the papillomas dry out quickly and disappear.


Unripe fruits should be chopped in a meat grinder, put in a jar and pour kerosene (2: 1). The finished mixture must be kept for 3 weeks in a dark, cool place, and then strain. The healing fluid needs to be lubricated with papillomas twice a day until the skin is completely restored. But this method cannot be used to treat mucous membranes.

Celandine juice

This is a very effective tool, which in its composition contains acid that destroys the cells of the warts. Before the procedure, the affected skin is degreased and steamed, the area around the papilloma is lubricated with vegetable oil or baby cream. The affected areas are spotted twice a day with the juice of fresh stems and leaves of the plant until the papilloma completely disappears.


Alternative recipes make it possible to solve the problem of HPV, which may be accompanied by rashes on the mucous membranes and skin areas. In order for the treatment to give a result, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist, venereologist or gynecologist, who will select the optimal course of therapy based on folk and traditional methods of treating human papilloma virus.

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