When is echinacea needed - tincture and herbal preparations?

Echinacea purpurea is a fairly common plant resembling chamomile, but with bright leaves. Echinacea-tincture or dry herb of this amazing plant is sold in pharmacies. This medicine has an immunomodulatory effect, it can increase the body's resistance to various viral respiratory infections.

Echinacea contains polysaccharides, flavonoids, essential oils, saponins, tannins, organic acids, and this list is not yet complete. In addition, inulin, glucose, phenolcarboxylic acids are located in the roots of the plant. Echinacea has a rich mineral composition. It contains potassium and calcium, silver, selenium, molybdenum, cobalt, zinc and manganese. Found in echinacea purpurea and a large number of different enzymes.

The form in which echinacea is most often used is tincture. For its manufacture, both roots and inflorescences of the plant are used, which are harvested in the non-hot season: either in early spring or late autumn. Their collection occurs during flowering.

Echinacea (tincture), the use of which is especially common in folk medicine, helps to treat not only viral infections. Preparations from this plant are well used in the treatment of burns, for wound healing. Some diseases of the genital organs (inflammatory processes in women, impotence in men) also respond to treatment with this herb.

For internal use, echinacea (tincture) is used. Usually, the doctor prescribes an intake of 20-30 drops (it is recommended to hold it in your mouth for a while without swallowing) three times a day. For a quick effect, at the beginning of treatment it is possible to take a β€œshock dose” of 50 drops, and then every hour or two 10 to 20 drops. The internal use of the plant "Purple Echinacea" (tincture) instruction is limited to two months. Further use is possible only on the recommendation of a doctor and then in some cases.

Bacteriostatic and fungicidal, antimycotic effect of tincture has been experimentally proved, which also determines its external use in trophic ulcers, microbial eczema, and osteomyelitis.

Since Echinacea purpurea effectively boosts immunity, it is used after radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and long-term antibiotic treatment - in all cases when its decrease. Echinacea extract inhibits the reproduction and growth of streptococci, staphylococci, influenza and herpes viruses, E. coli. In addition to the successful treatment of the upper respiratory tract, tincture is indicated for rheumatism, polyarthritis, prostatitis, and some gynecological diseases.

In the treatment of gastric ulcers, Echinacea (oil tincture) in combination 1: 1 with sea buckthorn oil is also used. Drink 2 tablespoons at night, a course of up to two weeks.

Adnexitis, prostatitis, cystitis and urethritis are treated with the roots of the plant in combination with other herbs. For example, such a collection is effective:

- roots of Echinacea (2 parts),

- common heather (4 parts),

- buds of black poplar (2 parts),

- common knotweed (4 parts),

- coltsfoot (2 parts),

- rose hips (2 parts),

- yarrow (2 parts).

Two tablespoons of this mixture is poured with a glass of water, boiled for five minutes, then insisted for four hours. Drink before meals (30 minutes) in 50 ml.

The following collection is useful for external use: Echinacea roots (2 hours), buckwheat flowers (4 hours), wild chicory root (4 hours), dioecious nettle (4 hours), cinnamon rose hips (2 hours), Lungwort grass (4 hours). Preparation is similar to the previous collection, but is used as lotions.

There is one important limitation. Echinacea can not be taken for a long time to avoid possible stress of the immune system (the consequences can be unpleasant). Therefore, in all cases, treatment is recommended in small courses with interruptions of several weeks.

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