Florentine eggs: ingredients, step by step recipe with photos, nuances and cooking secrets

Italian cuisine has always been distinguished by its sophistication and originality. The most unusual thing in this country is that almost every city has its own vision of a particular dish. That is, the traditional Italian pasta in Venice, Florence, Rome, Milan or Naples can be prepared in completely different ways. Every corner of this amazing country can boast of unusual dishes that are made only in a certain city. One such dish is Florentine eggs. Already from the name it becomes clear that this dish is the visiting card of Florence, an amazing town located on the banks of the Arno River.

The main nuance

A distinctive feature of the gourmet food is the ceramic pots in which it is baked, and then served on the table. You can feel like a real Italian chef by cooking Florentine eggs in your kitchen. A step-by-step recipe will help create this truly delicious meal with a minimum of time and effort.

Standard ingredients

The main component that you will need to create such an unusual dish is chicken eggs. Here, even inexperienced housewives will not have questions. The main condition is the freshness of the product.

The next essential ingredient, which is abundant in the cuisine of Florence, will be needed to create Florentine eggs. It is, of course, spinach. The fact is that in the city, blinding with its beauty and cuisine, they have a special weakness for this plant. They say that it was here that spinach was first eaten. Be that as it may, this healthy and tasty plant gives Florentine eggs a special charm and elegance.

Fresh spinach

Additional ingredients of the meal are natural fat cream, Parmesan cheese, nutmeg and, of course, olive oil. All these ingredients create an amazing harmony of taste, aroma and appearance.

If you want to make the dish more nutritious, then add bacon to it. To make the meal sparkle with bright summer colors, use tomatoes, sweet peppers and fresh herbs. The classic Florentine egg recipe allows you to experiment, so turn on your imagination and create new masterpieces of Italian cuisine at home. Do not be afraid, you will not commit a culinary crime with your actions; on the contrary, Italians are very enthusiastic about all kinds of innovations and encourage bold decisions.

Florentine Spinach Eggs

The Italian dish is ideal as a breakfast for all family members. The eggs are quite nutritious and nutritious, thanks to which they will charge you with energy for the whole day. Crispy toast made from white bread with garlic will be the perfect complement to such a meal. From the specified number of ingredients, you will get three servings of a delicious, satisfying and very mouth-watering dish.


To create Florentine eggs you will need:

  • six tablespoons of cream 33%;
  • three large chicken eggs (fresh);
  • six tablespoons of finely chopped spinach (fresh or frozen);
  • one and a half tablespoons of olive oil;
  • a slice of Parmesan cheese (70-100 grams);
  • three pinches of nutmeg;
  • salt, black pepper.

Italian style breakfast

Italian food
  1. Florentine egg recipe (with photo) begins with the choice of dishes in which you will prepare breakfast. Standard clay pots, in which many housewives are used to baking potatoes, will not work for him. The thing is that they are very large. Just imagine how many eggs can be placed in a classic pot! To create an Italian dish, you will need portioned ceramic molds, which can be purchased at any store. By the way, modern small pots are still useful in the household. They are very convenient to cook julienne, bake omelette or make delicious desserts.
    Portioned ceramic mold
  2. The next stage of preparatory work is the inclusion of an oven. He must have time to heat up well in order to save your time. Turn on the oven 175 degrees.
  3. Now you can start preparing the products. Put fresh or frozen spinach in a well-heated pan with olive oil. SautΓ© the ingredient over high heat for several minutes, then distribute it in three ceramic pots.
  4. Cream the whole spinach surface. For each pot, you need two tablespoons of the dairy product.
  5. Lightly salt all the ingredients. Add one pinch of nutmeg to each pot. This seasoning will give the dish a refined taste and magical aroma.
  6. Drive one chicken egg into each pot. This must be done very carefully so that the yolk remains intact. Salt and pepper the egg to taste.
  7. Grind the Parmesan cheese using a medium grater.
    Grated Parmesan
  8. Sprinkle the resulting chips generously in the contents of ceramic pots. If you can’t find the right kind of cheese, or its price is frighteningly high, then replace it with Dzhugas or Rokiskis. These Lithuanian products have maximum resemblance to Parmesan. "Dutch", "Swiss" and "Russian" cheese are also often used as an alternative to the Italian ingredient.
  9. Close the ceramic pots with eggs in Florentine lids, and then put in a hot oven. Bake for 10 minutes, then immediately serve the dish to the table.

Italian Food Tips

  • If you decide to make the dish more satisfying with the help of bacon, then chop the product into thin slices, and then place them on the bottom of the ceramic pots. The further sequence remains the same: spinach - cream - salt - nutmeg - egg - ground black pepper - salt - grated cheese.
  • Vegetables (tomatoes or bell peppers) can be laid out directly on the egg (on the protein side), after cutting them into rings.
  • Before serving, sprinkle the dish with finely chopped fresh parsley.
  • Unusual flavors of eggs in Florentine will give soy sauce. It should be added to the pots immediately after cream. When using soy sauce, the amount of salt should be reduced.
  • Do not overdo the dish in the oven. In this case, the yolk will simply boil. Control the process by looking into the oven and opening the lid of one of the pots after 7 minutes.

Enjoy your meal!

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