Poetic analysis "Being famous is ugly"

Boris Pasternak is an interesting creative person who draws attention to himself with the extraordinary brightness of his talent. His poems are of interest to many intellectual minds and are extremely popular. Many lines of his immortal creations have long been quotes. The analysis of the poem “To be famous ugly”, given in this article, will be interesting not only to literary scholars, but also to everyone who is interested in silver age poetry.

The status of the lyrical hero

He is very tense, but confident in his innocence. The lyrical hero of Pasternak seeks the truth in this world and comes to certain conclusions only through his own experience. A true creator is always a pioneer. He creates something that will further serve the road to a large number of people, will lead them to a new understanding of the truth and the world around him.

analysis being famous is ugly

The lyrical hero does not rush about, is not lost in conjecture, he is completely calm and confident in himself. Of course, it took him quite a long time to go all the way from beginning to end and come to the point of becoming an artist. The fate of any creative person is connected with torment, eternal spiritual search, service to art.

Let's try to analyze. “Being famous is ugly” (Pasternak's poem) is intended to show the poet’s soul with its conflicting feelings. Like any creator, he is constantly in search of his place in the world. This is what Pasternak tells readers.

“Being famous is ugly”: analysis

In this lyrical work, the author touches on several topics relating to the process of creativity and human existence as a whole. Success and fame, in his opinion, are transient. It is unacceptable to set these components as a goal, otherwise real creativity will fade, turn into simple money making. An artist cannot cultivate greed and self-interest in himself, he must be sincere and truthful.

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If for a simple layman it is forgivable for something to have a certain penchant for profit, then for a poet such a “hobby” may prove detrimental. Any creative person has a very vulnerable soul. Lies and deceit destroy it, deprive the feeling of self-sufficiency and peace. What conclusions does the analysis allow us to draw?

“Being famous is ugly” emphasizes the great role of the poet in public life, defines his place in the universe. The artist always paves the way for the future, he does not live in the present, and therefore he is never satisfied, completely satisfied. This is the main idea that Pasternak’s poem “To be famous is ugly” emphasizes. The analysis of this lyrical work is aimed at revealing the essence of creativity.

Why does a poet live?

The artist’s mission is different from that of most people. Every creative person has a subtle mental organization that allows her to feel and perceive such things that a simple layman simply would not pay attention to. The Creator is always sensitive to what is happening, for him there are no unnecessary trifles. The poet should not constantly engage in too ordinary things, otherwise he will lose himself. It takes him more time to be alone with his own infinite essence and to realize the significance of everything that happens. Otherwise, any artist is doomed to countless torments and suffering.

analysis of a poem being famous ugly

Truth is of the highest value to him. For the sake of truth, he is ready to endure temporary hardships, to go to his goal. Freedom is a poet's guide. You can’t do without it. Only by remaining free can a poet create and move forward to new achievements. The analysis “Being famous is ugly” shows how difficult and unusual the life path of a creative person is.

The aspirations of the poet

All artists are so arranged that they necessarily see the meaning of their life in maximally serving the will of the Almighty. Such a person is more than anyone else connected with his inner essence, therefore his intuition is well developed. The lyric hero considers the purpose of creativity to be self-giving. He says that it’s crucial to stay alive until the very last breath.

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It is important to live this life with dignity, without adapting to circumstances and not trying to play any role. You must remain yourself and go all the way to your own accomplishments. Only then will a person be truly happy. The analysis “To be famous ugly” demonstrates the task of any artist on earth - to search for the truth in everything and live according to the laws of conscience.

Instead of a conclusion

Thus, the meaning of the poet’s stay on earth is not to save himself as long as possible, but to spend his inner creative forces correctly and with benefit. The potential inherent in the artist can serve the benefit of other people, show them the right path. Analysis of Pasternak’s poem “To be famous is ugly” shows the depth of feelings and emotions of a true creator who always lives on the verge of his abilities and is surrounded by contradictions.

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