Charity Burbridge from Harry Potter: actress and photo

Probably everyone now knows the story of a wizard boy who studied at Hogwarts School. His name is Harry Potter, and all the children know about his adventures, including those who have already matured. There are seven books on the adventures of Harry and his friends, but there have already been more than eight films made. In this article, we will talk about one character who is indirectly mentioned in the third book by Hermione and is directly involved in the last book.

Who is Charity

Charity Burbridge is a sorceress who taught at the famous Hogwarts School until 1997. It is believed that she is either a half-breed or a purebred sorceress. Unfortunately, this is unknown. In addition, there is no information about her past. In the first part of the last film, Miss Charity Burbridge appears before us in the form of an already elderly woman with gray hair. The very name Charity, translated from English, means "compassion," "charity," "mercy."

Charity Burbridge

What Charity taught at Hogwarts

Miss Charity Burbidge, photo of which can be seen below, taught the subject of mahology at Hogwarts . This discipline studies the life and behavior of Muggles (that is, people who are not endowed with the ability to magic) from the point of view of wizards. Until Allekto Carrow took the post of teacher, Muggle studies were not considered mandatory in the program. It was necessary to study it only if the student applied for study at the end of the second year. On muggle science, various questions and problems are studied, which ordinary people do not cause difficulties. Wizards, for example, find it difficult to understand how Muggles invented electricity, how they fly on airplanes, record music, or make movies. Muggle science is useful to those little wizards who grew up in magical families and know little about the ordinary world. Muggle science is considered one of the easiest subjects at Hogwarts. By the way, Hermione studied Muggle studies in her third year and often visited him with the help of the time flywheel. Charity Burbridge began teaching at Hogwarts around 1993.

Charity Burbage Harry Potter

Who killed Charity Burbridge

Harry Potter is exactly the man Voldemort is hunting for. It was he who killed Charity. And he did this for the reason that Charity very imprudently published an article stating that Muggles (that is, ordinary people) are no worse than wizards. They just do not know how to conjure. Moreover, in the article and in her lessons, she very boldly stated that if blood does not mix, then sooner or later all wizards will simply die out. For this she was captured, taken to the Malfoy estate and there at the meeting of the Death Eaters she was personally killed by Volan de Mort. Interestingly, her last words: “Severus, please,” coincided with the last words of Albus Dumbledore.

miss charity burbridge

Recall that Voldemort is the most famous dark sorcerer in Britain. Tom Riddle is his real name, but he succeeded him as soon as he found out that his father was a Muggle and had once abandoned his wife. Volan de Mort’s mother was called Meropa, and because of the tyrannical father, she could not reveal her abilities.

From what spell did the teacher of muggle science die

In the wizarding world, there are three spells for the use of which the wizard can be sent to Azkaban (a prison in the sea on the island and guarded by dementors). The first spell completely deprives the will of another person and makes him a puppet in the hands of a wizard. The second is capable of causing unbearable pain to a person or any other living being. For example, the parents of Neville Dolgopups completely went crazy and have since been kept in a magical clinic for life. But the third spell is called killing and pronounced as "Avada Kedavra". This spell killed not only Charity Burbidge, but also the parents of Harry Potter himself, Albus Dumbledore and many other wizards.

Why Professor Snape Didn't Help Charity

In the sixth book, Severus kills Dumbledore and becomes an outcast for the Order of the Phoenix. Until the end of the seventh book, everyone thinks that Severus Snape is a traitor, a coward, and a murderer. But in fact, he was a spy. And his main goal was to help Harry Potter, as well as protect the boy, even after the death of the principal. By the way, in the seventh book, it is Snape who becomes the new director of Hogwarts. At the insistence of Dumbledore, he does everything so that the least harm is done to students and teachers.

Charity Burbridge photo

It was for this reason that Severus Snape could not help Charity Burbidge, since by doing so he would have simply betrayed himself, and Albus Dumbledore’s very risky plan would have failed.

Who succeeded Charity

After Charity Burbridge, Alekto Carrow became a teacher of Muggle studies under the new government . She was one of the few women who belonged to the Death Eater clan. When she began to teach Muggle studies, she completely changed the direction of the lessons. She told her students that Muggles are stupid and dirty creatures who can't do anything. According to her, people who do not know how to conjure, in some incomprehensible way, drove wizards underground and parasitize on them. When Alecto Carrow took the position of teacher of Muggle Studies, this subject became mandatory for everyone.

Charity Burbridge Actress

Some students, such as Neville, found the courage to protest against Carrow. For this, Alekto tormented with unforgivable spells. She and her brother Amikus punished all students who interfered with the new politics at the school of magic.

Carrow and his brother were Death Eaters before the fall of Voldemort. As soon as the dark wizard was reborn, the family immediately returned to the service of their master.

Who played Charity in the film

Carolyn Pickles (played by Charity Burbridge) is an actress from Britain. She began acting in 1960. It was she who played the teacher of Muggle studies Charity Burbridge, who was killed by Voldemort with the help of an unforgivable spell. Carolyn Pickles studied drama at the University of Manchester and was directly involved in almost all student productions. The actress, of course, played not only Charity Burbridge in the Harry Potter saga. She was a saleswoman in the film The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus and played Miriam in the film Tess.

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