A jacket potato is not just a food product. It has long become an element of culture, from which a mile away carries the romance of long hikes, the smoke of tourist bonfires and songs to the guitar at sunset. They even wrote verses about potatoes baked in ash.
There are not so many recipes for baked potatoes at the stake: classic is when it is simply buried in still embers and the second is when potatoes are coated with clay before being buried. After the clay dries and begins to crack, the potatoes are pulled out of the fire and extracted from the clay, breaking the shell. With the preparation according to the second method, there is more fuss, and clay is far from always at hand. But it has an advantage: the potato practically does not burn and is baked more evenly. Although for incorrigible romantics, the first method, of course, is preferable. When one edge of the tuber is slightly moist, and the second is slightly charred.
But jacket potatoes cook well not only on the coals of a bonfire. Rather, quite the contrary. It turns out to be no less tasty if you simply cook potatoes in their skins in a pan on a prosaic electric or gas stove.
Here is a real expanse for gourmets! There are a great many recipes, and even the quantity and variety of side dishes for this dish are absolutely prohibitive.
Doctors, following the culinary specialists, sing the hosanna to this dish. The fact is that the potato peel contains many elements useful to humans, including potassium and zinc, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. In addition, it has many vitamins and enzymes responsible for the assimilation of starch.
The jacket potato contains five times more fiber than a banana, and three times more vitamin C in one potato than in three fruits of an alligator pear (avocado). Cooked peeled potatoes contain significantly less minerals and vitamins than cooked in their uniforms. In addition, jacket potatoes are the champion in the percentage of selenium, which is one of the most important elements that protect the body from cancer.
There is a way to cook jacket potatoes, which, without suspecting it, was discovered by American salt workers in New York State. They brought potatoes with them for lunch, which they dipped in vats with hot concentrated brine. At lunch, they calmly ate it, not suspecting that they were a stone's throw from the millionth project.
But, apparently, they lacked a commercial estimate. A few decades later, an entrepreneur named Hainerwadel established a line for the production of potatoes cooked according to this recipe, and enriched himself! True, he previously had to invest a lot of money in advertising, since many at first did not want to buy an unfamiliar product.
Without a doubt, jacket potatoes have a large number of fans in different countries. And in every country there are national ways of preparing it. You can eat it in any form, depending on how much your culinary abilities and skills are enough. Those who like to eat potatoes should remember only one prohibition: you can not eat tubers that have been exposed to sunlight for a long time. In this case, they turn green, and toxins are produced in them. Of course, you will not get too much poisoning when using them, but nausea, vomiting and upset stomach are very easy. Therefore, it is better to abstain from their preparation.