For a long time, among the cardiovascular pathologies, arterial hypertension has remained the leader. The disease is characterized by persistently high blood pressure. The causes of hypertension are many: from bad habits to stress and a sedentary lifestyle.
Pathology requires special attention and treatment in order to prevent a hypertensive crisis. Medicine offers a number of drugs that are able to quickly bring down high blood pressure.
general description
One of the proven and well-known drugs that are used for pressure is Magnesia injections. The tool is used in extreme cases, if the pressure has risen too much and there is a risk of a hypertensive crisis. The drug also helps to eliminate the symptoms associated with high blood pressure, and prevent heart attack, acute heart failure and stroke. Short-term effect of the drug: about 4 hours after administration.
Why exactly magnesium sulfate? The fact is that an insufficient amount of magnesium in the presence of hypertension leads to a hypertensive crisis. Therefore, it is this drug that helps in 99.9% of cases to quickly reduce blood pressure.
The drug has an extremely simple composition - magnesium salt of sulfuric acid. No additional ingredients are added to the medicine.
The medicine is available in three forms:
- powder for suspension;
- tablets;
- injection.
Hot shot
Some sources call it “Magnesia” from pressure by a hot injection. This concept is common. Hot injection refers to the intravenous administration of all drugs, which include inorganic and organic salts. The name is associated with the patient's feelings during the administration of the drug. Blood vessels expand, and a person feels heat, heat, which gradually spread from top to bottom throughout the body.
Mechanism of action
First of all, an injection of "Magnesia" at high pressure as quickly as possible expands the vessels of the brain, which allows stabilizing the state of hypertension.
As soon as the vessels expand, the process of stopping the convulsive state begins, and the signs of cerebral edema disappear almost immediately.
In addition, the drug has a sedative effect, improves kidney function and stimulates urine excretion. All these factors make the drug quite effective in solving the problem of high blood pressure.
In the case of the introduction of the drug during the period of hypertensive crisis, it has the following positive effect:
- reduces the level of nervousness;
- stabilizes the heart rhythm;
- reduces cerebral edema;
- reduces pain during muscle spasm;
- reduces spasm of smooth muscles and blood vessels;
- prevents the formation of blood clots;
- activates the production of bile;
- stabilizes the work of the kidneys;
- removes toxic substances from the body;
- It has a mild laxative effect.
It is for these reasons that the drug is used as an emergency care with a stable, sharp increase in blood pressure. The patient almost immediately feels a slight improvement in health status, swelling subsides.
If blood pressure is low
“Magnesia” injections cannot increase pressure, on the contrary, they lower it. Moreover, low blood pressure is a contraindication for the use of this drug. However, sometimes doctors prescribe the drug to patients with hypotension. This is due to the fact that the drug has a wide spectrum of action, and if it is administered correctly, it can stabilize the condition even in hypotensive patients.
Dosage and route of administration
Today, doctors are of the opinion that at high pressure it is best to administer the drug intravenously and in a jet. Intramuscular administration is considered an obsolete technique, but it is still used in a number of cases, especially if the patient has bad veins and it is very difficult to put a dropper or insert a needle. There is also another reason - in order to achieve a positive effect, it is necessary to introduce up to 20 mg, which is enough for intramuscular administration.
It should also be remembered that magnesium sulfate is not a tool that will treat hypertension. The drug is intended only to remove symptoms as quickly as possible and prevent a tragic outcome with high blood pressure.
It happens that after an injection of magnesia, the pressure does not decrease. The reasons may be the following: improper administration or expired shelf life of the drug, non-compliance with storage conditions. You should also remember about the short-term effect of the drug, so you should not expect a steady decrease in blood pressure. The main thing is that if the drug does not help, a repeated dose is usually not administered, but another drug is prescribed.
Intramuscular injection
Injections of "Magnesia" intramuscularly with pressure are done very carefully and leisurely. When administering the drug, some rules should be observed:
- the patient must lie on his stomach and relax his muscles;
- the injection site is treated with an alcohol-containing solution;
- the puncture itself is done in the upper quarter of the buttock;
- the needle must be inserted at a right angle and deep into the muscle;
- the introduction of the drug should be slow: about 3 minutes the first 3 milliliters.
The dosage of an intramuscular injection of Magnesia at a pressure of 5-20 milliliters.
Intravenous injections of magnesia
Intravenous administration of the drug is carried out exclusively in a hospital and with further medical supervision. With this method of administration, magnesium sulfate cannot be administered in pure form; it is diluted with glucose or novocaine.
The hospital uses droppers. The patient's condition should be constantly monitored by medical personnel. With this introduction, improvement occurs after 30 minutes.
Other indications for use
The drug is administered not only if necessary to lower arterial blood pressure. In medical institutions, the drug is administered intravenously in the following conditions:
- pulmonary edema;
- muscle cramps;
- epilepsy;
- arrhythmia with ECG;
- severe neurological pathology;
- magnesium deficiency in the body;
- encephalopathy;
- severe toxicosis or convulsive syndrome in pregnant women.
Especially important is emergency care for disorders in pregnant women, since there is a risk to the health of not only the expectant mother, but also the life of the child.
Pregnancy Use
In some cases, when the pregnancy period proceeds against the background of hypertension, the likelihood of frequent crises is high. In such cases, they often use "Magnesia" and, as a rule, inject it intramuscularly.
However, the introduction of the drug is not possible in the early stages of pregnancy, when all organs and systems of the unborn child are laid. At these times, they are limited to lighter drugs: Papaverine or No-Shpa.
In no case should you administer the drug before childbirth.
Despite the fact that injections of "Magnesia" with pressure help almost all patients, there are still a number of contraindications for using the drug:
- bradycardia;
- renal failure;
- labored breathing;
- hypotension with periodic increase in pressure;
- exacerbation of appendicitis;
- postpartum condition;
- atrial gastric block;
- intestinal obstruction and bleeding from the rectum;
- allergy to magnesium sulfate;
- lactation period;
- muscle weakness or myasthenia gravis;
- low body temperature;
- high levels of magnesium in the blood;
- dehydration of the body.
Feasible side effects
Even when injections of “Magnesia” are indicated for pressure, complications can occur if the medicine was not administered correctly. First of all, there is a huge risk that if the needle gets into adipose tissue, an abscess will develop. In addition, the patient can observe a number of side effects:
- redness of the skin on the face;
- general weakness and drowsiness;
- intense thirst and even diarrhea may appear
- dizziness;
- fever in the head and chest;
- speech retardation;
- cramping in the abdomen;
- dyspnea.
These are quite serious complications, therefore, the drug should not be administered uncontrollably. Against the background of problems with the respiratory system and the heart muscle, the medicine can cause respiratory failure and even cardiac arrest and, as a result, death.
In some patients, the drug provokes a condition somewhat similar to drug intoxication, while in others, instead of a sedative effect, increased irritability is observed, but, fortunately, this is very rare.
What can not be mixed
If you take injections of "Magnesia" at a pressure, then during this period you can not take alcoholic beverages and calcium preparations. Under the ban, barium salts, tartratam, salicylates and procaine, as well as a number of other medicines with which magnesium can form a precipitate.
The drug is contraindicated for simultaneous use with sleeping pills, drugs that have a psychotropic effect, as well as prescribed for Parkinson's disease. Combination with such drugs leads to an increase in their action.
In order to prevent depression of the respiratory system, you can not use "Magnesia" together with analgesics (narcotic), antihypertensive drugs and barbiturates.
The danger of self-medication
It is forbidden to inject “Magnesia” injections at home pressure, not only because the procedure is painful and can cause a number of side effects. In addition, in a patient with a strong increase and subsequent sharp decrease in blood pressure, it can rise again after 4-6 hours. If you introduce the drug again, then everything can end with a violation of cerebral circulation. And this threatens to have to be treated in the neurological department for at least 2 weeks.
If "Magnesia" is administered in a hospital, then the doctors prescribe other drugs that can keep the pressure at the proper level at the end of the drug, at home it is almost impossible.
Possible replacement
If the drug "Magnesia" is not indicated for use by a specific patient, then you can quickly reduce the pressure with other drugs that have a similar effect: "Mexidol", "Papaverine", "Kormagnesin". However, their use at home is also not recommended.