Pharyngitis disease - what is it?

Unpleasant sensations and sore throat can indicate such a common phenomenon as pharyngitis. What it is? This is an inflammation of the pharynx, which can be a manifestation of acute colds or respiratory infections. Also, the patient may be disturbed by coughing, tickling, itching in the throat. Pharyngitis can develop in both adults and children. Diagnosis of this disease in babies is complicated by the fact that they cannot complain about discomfort. However, careful parents will notice changes in the behavior of the crumbs: sleep disturbance, poor appetite, irritability, tearfulness.

pharyngitis - what is it

Pharyngitis: what is it and what types of disease are there?

Pharyngitis can be acute or chronic.

The acute form of the disease, as a rule, does not proceed in isolation and is one of the signs of an acute viral or infectious disease.

Chronic pharyngitis, in turn, is divided into hypertrophic and atrophic. In the first case, there is an accumulation of viscous mucous sputum in the throat, which provokes irritation. This can be especially troubling in the morning and may be accompanied by nausea or vomiting. Atrophic pharyngitis is characterized by more pronounced symptoms: the mucous membrane is dry, it may contain hard to separate dried mucus. There is a constant tickle and dry throat.

Pharyngitis: causes of the disease

Like all chronic ailments, pharyngitis can develop against a background of weakened immunity. Also, infectious diseases that occur in parallel, stressful situations, hypothermia and overwork of the body can provoke this condition.

Chronic pharyngitis can be the result of frequent colds , bacterial or viral infections. In addition, climatic and environmental factors can have a negative impact: chemicals, polluted air, excessive drinking, and smoking.

It is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible if there is a suspicion of pharyngitis. What is it and how to eliminate discomfort, the doctor will tell.

pharyngitis causes

Disease treatment

Therapy of pharyngitis is carried out comprehensively, aimed at reducing the characteristic symptoms and eliminating the underlying cause of the disease. Medication includes the use of anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiseptic and antibacterial drugs. In case of infectious pharyngitis, throat cavity pulverization with antiseptic and analgesic aerosols is recommended. With the allergenic nature of the disease, antihistamines are prescribed.

For the treatment of acute pharyngitis, immunomodulators are used that stimulate the production of the body's defenses.

Treatment of a chronic form of the disease begins with the rehabilitation of foci of infection of the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract.

pharyngitis disease

Therapy of atrophic pharyngitis is primarily aimed at eliminating dryness and sore throat. For this, alkaline and oil inhalations are used.

A positive effect on the patient's condition is exerted by sea and mountain air.

In addition, in order to prevent further damage to the inflamed mucosa and to prevent the disease, it is recommended to adhere to certain principles of nutrition. It is necessary to exclude coarse, spicy, salty, hot and cold foods from the diet.

After reading this article, you learned more about a disease such as pharyngitis: what it is, its causes and treatment principles. Always monitor your well-being, do not ignore the symptoms of illness, and be healthy.

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