Why can prescribe antibiotics for chickenpox in children?

An infectious disease like chickenpox is difficult to confuse with other diseases. The first signs of chickenpox in a child are not much different from an adult disease. Although most people suffer this disease in childhood, some do not become infected until they are mature.

Antibiotics for chickenpox in children are generally not prescribed. And resorting to the use of these drugs is possible only as a last resort. To determine whether such medications are required, and which ones should be chosen, the attending doctor will help after a thorough examination of the baby.

antibiotics for chickenpox in children

Why can they prescribe such drugs?

Antibiotic therapy for chickenpox in children is used in the presence of bacterial complications or against the background of a severe course of the disease, when the body temperature rises and the patient's condition worsens. In the event that chickenpox manifests itself in a purulent form, then in such patients the rash can be filled with pus, because all sorts of pathological microorganisms multiply in it. Antibiotic medications in the presence of chickenpox are used in a number of the following cases:

  1. When the disease is complicated by a bacterial infection, which can occur due to combing, damage or squeezing acne. In a similar situation, drugs from the penicillin group are recommended.
  2. When there are symptoms of an infectious manifestation in the form of papules or vesicles.
  3. When gangrenous or bullous forms of chickenpox are observed.

Chicken pox can often occur with complications. When the condition of a sick child worsens significantly, then during therapy, doctors are forced to resort to antibacterial drugs.

what antibiotic for chickenpox in children

Which prescribe?

So, uncomplicated forms of chickenpox in children are not treated with antibiotics. Such drugs, as was noted, are prescribed only against the background of the attachment of a bacterial infection and the development of complications. Previously, for the disinfection and drying of papules, brilliant green was used, which was used to precisely process the vesicles on the face and body of children. In the event of such complications, secondary diseases can develop among babies. What is the most effective antibiotic for chickenpox in children? According to experts:

  1. Cephalosporins in the form of "Zinacef", "Aksetina." They differ in anti-inflammatory effects. These drugs are low toxic and therefore less dangerous for the child. What other antibiotics give children with chickenpox?
  2. Penicillins in the form of "Amoxicillin", "Flemoxin", "Amoxiclav." Such drugs are prescribed even to young children.
  3. Macrolides, for example, Azithromycin or Sumamed. These funds are the most effective.
    chickenpox antibiotic treatment

Antibiotic treatment of chickenpox in children is prescribed only by a pediatrician after diagnosis and the required tests. In no case can not be treated independently, it can be extremely dangerous to health.

Indications for appointment

Antibiotics for chickenpox are included in the therapeutic regimen in the following situations:

  1. The presence of complications developing against the background of secondary bacterial infection. Infection can occur through wounds that combs the patient due to severe itching.
  2. The presence of an infectious complication, for example, vesicles in the form of a small cluster of sacs that are filled with liquid in the surface layer of the epidermis.
  3. The development of gangrenous, bullous, pustular chicken pox.

Bacterial infections

Treatment with antibiotics for children is necessary against the background of the attachment of bacterial infections to a viral infection for the following reasons:

  1. The presence of risks of developing bullous complicated chickenpox.
  2. Filling pimples with pus with the subsequent development of a purulent form of the disease.
  3. Inefficiency of classical antiseptics.

When else can doctors prescribe antibiotics?

Babies are considered a special group of patients in whom the use of strong antibiotics can lead to undesirable consequences, and in addition to a lot of side effects. Some of the drugs are deadly in general. Therefore, antibiotics are prescribed as a last resort and only if the benefits of their use exceed the risks to the health of the child. Often, such therapy may be required for bacterial infections of a chickenpox suffering from a baby, which will manifest itself in the form of severe sore throat, otitis media, pneumonia, or sinusitis.

antibiotics for chickenpox in children Komarovsky

Against the background of the appearance of rhinitis or bronchitis in a sick baby due to chickenpox, the reception of such funds is prohibited. In this situation, you can harm the digestive system and provoke dysbiosis or dyspepsia in the baby.

Is it possible to have antibiotics for chickenpox, it is recommended to check with your doctor.

Treatment rules

In order not to harm the small body and provoke the development of undesirable manifestations, the following general rules related to the use of antibiotics should be followed:

  1. Medications are prescribed only by doctors.
  2. Self-medication is strictly prohibited. It is possible to suspect an aggravation of the course of the disease if fever and fever persist on the third day, and at the same time, various bacterial foci become aggravated.
  3. It is important to carefully comply with the prescribed therapeutic course and dosage prescribed by the doctor. You can not stop taking the medicine earlier even in case of improvements. The course must be completely drunk, which will make it possible to eliminate the increased risk of relapse.
  4. You can not independently reduce or increase the dosage of the drug during therapy. Certain amounts of antibiotics influence bacterial resistance.
  5. Tablets should be washed down with 200 milliliters of water. It is forbidden to use juice, tea, milk at the same time (such products can be consumed at the end of four hours after taking the medicine or completely abandon those).
  6. It is exactly important to observe the frequency with the order of taking medication and products. Each medication can be taken after, before or during a meal.
  7. It is necessary to drink tablets at a certain time of the day and daily at regular intervals.
  8. During therapy, you can not engage in sports or any intense physical exertion.
  9. Check with the doctor the compatibility of the studied drugs and other drugs.
  10. After treatment of chickenpox with antibiotics, the state of the digestive system worsens, so you should drink probiotics in addition. You need to start two days before the start of the antibacterial course, throughout the course of therapy, five days after its completion.
    what antibiotics give children with chickenpox

Thus, in order to improve the condition in the presence of chickenpox in children, antibiotics are not prescribed. The need for such therapy arises only with the appearance of complications of the disease due to bacterial infection. Infection is carried out, as a rule, through combed wounds, and in addition, due to weakened immunity. As part of the treatment of purulent acne, which does not heal for a long time, local ointments that have an antibacterial effect may be required.

Opinion of the most famous specialist

What does Komarovsky think about antibiotics for chickenpox in children?

According to the famous pediatrician, it is not worthwhile to treat chickenpox with drugs that act on the causative agent of this virus. They are used only in the presence of a severe course of the disease (in adolescents, newborns, children up to a year, pregnant). But with the mild nature of the disease, symptoms are treated that worsen the condition of the baby. So, according to a famous doctor, high fever is brought down by "Paracetamol" or "Ibuprofen" in a certain dosage.


But as for aspirin with chickenpox, it is completely contraindicated, as it can provoke all kinds of complications. If there is chickenpox in a child, itching is observed, and in order to calm it, the babies begin to comb the vesicles. The consequence of such actions may be infection, which will not pass without a trace and will form all kinds of depressions on the skin.

is it possible with chickenpox antibiotics

Komarovsky gives ten of the following recommendations:

  1. Skin treatment with products that are prescribed only by a doctor.
  2. Ingestion of antihistamines prescribed by a doctor.
  3. Children need to be distracted so that they forget about itching at least for a while.
  4. It is necessary to very shortly cut the baby's nails, and newborns just can wear gloves.
  5. Daily change of linen is required, including bedding.
  6. Every four hours a child is allowed to bathe in a bath of cool water, without wiping the skin after that, you can only soak it.
  7. Overheating of the body is not allowed, because this only increases the itching.
  8. It is necessary to provide the baby with a full drinking regimen, since dehydration can contribute to the defeat of all internal organs.
  9. It is equally important to walk in the fresh air.
  10. Beginning to visit public places, including kindergartens and schools, is required a little later, namely twenty-one days after a full recovery. After chickenpox, the immune system is depressed in babies and various viruses easily cling to them.


According to Komarovsky, parents who wish to protect their babies from chickenpox should decide to vaccinate him. Such a vaccination should be included in the calendar of compulsory. The pediatrician reports that moms and dads who decide to vaccinate do the right thing, because there is a percentage of children for whom a disease such as chickenpox can be fatal. In addition, the vaccine will protect the crumbs from this ailment even after they reach an older age, when it is very difficult to tolerate, accompanied by serious complications.

what antibiotics for chickenpox


Thus, chickenpox is a very common ailment, which affects mainly children. But pediatricians do not recommend treating it with antibiotics. And they insist that such therapy be carried out only in extreme cases.

So we examined what antibiotics are prescribed for chickenpox.

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