A blueish nail is a rather unpleasant sight, which I want to get rid of as soon as possible. To do this, you need to know the reason for turning the nail blue. The reasons can be quite different, starting with a simple bruise and ending with various hidden diseases of the internal organs.
Blue nail due to injury
Injury is the most common reason why the nail is blue. After a severe bruise, which a person can not but notice, the nail turns blue. This is due to a hematoma that forms under the injured nail plate. To avoid such an unpleasant phenomenon, it is necessary to apply something cold to the finger in the first minutes after a bruise, ideally ice. In this case, the swelling will decrease, and it will be possible to maintain the natural color of the nail.
When to see a doctor?
If the nail is blue, and the finger hurts extremely badly, you should immediately consult a specialist, in this case, a surgeon. He will be able to remove blood from under the nail and prescribe treatment. If necessary, the doctor can quickly remove the nail plate. This is done only as a last resort, when the hematoma creates a danger. If the finger is not protected by the nail plate, it increases sensitivity to external stimuli. This can cause considerable discomfort, even with ordinary shoes.
Getting rid of hematoma in a folk way
If there is no way to see a doctor, you can try to get rid of the hematoma yourself. To do this, you need a red-hot needle, which needs to pierce the nail plate. Then simply release the accumulated blood from the hematoma. This must be done very carefully so as not to worsen the condition of a sore thumb. It is believed that if you do not release blood, the nail will soon begin to exfoliate. If done correctly, pain will not arise, since the human nail does not have nerve endings. The main thing is not to pierce the plate more than necessary, this can cause damage to the sensitive and delicate tissues of the finger, then the pain will be much stronger than before. But it should be borne in mind that such an intervention is quite dangerous, since infection can be introduced, which can entail very bad consequences. Therefore, if the nail turns blue from the blow, it is better to consult a specialist. If no action is taken, after a couple of months it will grow back, and the blue will disappear after a few weeks. But at the same time, there is a very high probability that the nail will peel off from the skin.
But there are also cases when the nails turn blue not from a bruise. This may be minor finger damage or various diseases.
Inconvenient shoes
Quite often, patients complain that they have a blue toenail for no reason. There is always a reason; you may simply not notice it. For example, tight and uncomfortable shoes that exert constant pressure on the toes, thereby injuring them, which causes the nail to turn blue. In order to avoid such phenomena, it is necessary to wear soft shoes of their size or even a little loose. The length of the sole should be slightly longer than the foot, and the width should be slightly less.
Fungal diseases
Also, the blue nail may be due to infection with a fungal infection. At the same time, in addition to blueing the nail, other symptoms appear, such as itching, the appearance of cracks in the skin. A grayish or yellow tinge on the nails is also possible. In this case, the nail plate becomes brittle and brittle, it delaminates and is completely deformed. If there is even the slightest suspicion of a fungal infection, you should consult a dermatologist.
Incorrect manicure
Often girls complain of blue fingernails. The reasons for this can be quite different, but the main one is the wrong manicure. The master can cause a traumatic effect by severely cutting or pushing the cuticle. This can lead not only to a blue in the nail, but also to its improper growth and wavy shape. To avoid this, you should contact a trusted professional or in stores with a good reputation.
Cosmetical tools
Blue fingernails can be a consequence of the use of low-quality cosmetics. If used often, the health of the nail plate can be significantly worse. It can not only acquire a blue or yellow tint, but also begin to crumble or exfoliate. To avoid this, it is necessary to use natural remedies. But if damage to the nails has already occurred, you must first abandon the use of chemistry and conduct medical procedures. To do this, you can use masks and baths from natural cosmetics. You also need to start using special vitamin-mineral complexes that are aimed at strengthening the nails. It is advisable to quit bad habits and change your diet.
Circulatory failure
Blue nails can be not only the cause of external exposure. Circulatory disorders can lead to this . You can understand this if you look at the finger. His tip also turns blue after the nail. This happens if a circulatory disorder or chronic disease develops in the body. In this regard, the tissues suffer without receiving a sufficient amount of oxygen. The consequences of such violations can lead to gangrene. Therefore, in order to keep limbs healthy, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible.
Congestive Heart Failure
Blue nails on the hands can also talk about other diseases of the body. Causes may include heart failure. This ailment carries swollen small vessels and frozen blood in the venules. As a result, not only the nails turn blue, but also the surrounding tissues. This disease is quite serious, therefore, having noticed the first signs, you should immediately consult a specialist.
Pulmonary insufficiency
Blue nails may also be due to pulmonary failure. In addition to these symptoms, headaches, rapid breathing, and rapid heart rate may occur. Very often, pulmonary failure manifests itself together with heart failure. An urgent need to see a doctor if the patient has not only a blue nail, but also overall poor health.
Now it has become clear that the blue nail can be for various reasons. They can be both simple and understandable, albeit unpleasant, and more complex, inconspicuous, but very serious. Clarification of the cause of blueing of the nails does not need to be postponed until later; it is better to immediately find out the cause and proceed to treatment in order to avoid serious consequences in the future.