Intravaginal antiseptic gel "Salvagin": instructions for use

salvagin instruction
The drug "Salvagin" instruction refers to the group of antiseptics and disinfectant medicines. The use of this tool promotes the rapid restoration of damaged mucous membranes, normal microflora and the level of acidity of the vagina with vaginosis of various etiologies. Also, the drug "Salvagin", the instructions to which this confirms, is a stimulant of the body's natural resistance to infections and effectively prevents the development of candidiasis by inhibiting the growth of pathogenic microorganisms of the Candida species. In addition, this antibacterial agent demonstrates activity against bacteria such as mycoplasma, chlamydia, gardnerella, yeast, trichomonas, herpes virus and ureaplasma. It should be especially noted that this prebiotic preparation is of plant origin and is not addictive even with prolonged use.

salvagin instruction Price
The antiseptic drug "Salvagin" is produced, the instructions to which are mandatory attached in the form of a gel intended for intravaginal administration. The composition of the medication as active components includes lactic acid, inulin and a cytrobiotic. In addition, Aloe vera gel is contained in a small amount . As auxiliary ingredients, substances such as caprylyl glycol, glycerin and deionized water are used.

To use antibacterial gel "Salvagin", the instruction recommends mainly for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis or vaginal dysbiosis. In addition, the purpose of this disinfectant is indicated for gardnerellosis, mycoplasma, atrophic, chlamydial and trichomonas colpitis. Patients with a diagnosis of ureaplasma vaginitis also recommends starting to use the Salvagin instruction (its price is on average 800-1000 rubles). This antiseptic gel should be used to prevent the development of vaginal dysbiosis before and after various gynecological manipulations and surgical operations (including after abortion, hysteroscopy, installation or removal of the contraceptive spiral).

salvagin preparation
Use the drug "Salvagin" must be strictly once a day. At the same time, in order to more continuously find the medicinal composition in the vagina and achieve the greatest therapeutic effect from its use, the gel should be administered immediately before bedtime. It is necessary to use this antiseptic agent within five days, although a decrease in secretions and the disappearance of an unpleasant odor in most patients are noted already in the first day after use.

It is strictly not recommended to use Salvagin disinfectant gel in case of individual intolerance to any of its components. In addition, it is undesirable to use it during pregnancy. In this case, before using the drug, you should always consult a doctor.

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