Multifaceted, versatile, talented! The poet, bard, author of prose, script, theater and film actor Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky, of course, is one of the prominent figures of the Soviet era. An amazing creative heritage to this day is admirable. Many deeply philosophical thoughts of the poet have long lived their lives as quotes. One of the main themes in the work of many poets is love, Vysotsky’s quotes about love and life are very popular, because love is an integral part of it, for example, one of his quotes confirming this:
No love and no life, and the air is heavy.
What do we know about the life and work of Vladimir Semenovich?
short biography
Unfortunately, the age of many brilliant ideas is short-lived. Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky lived only 42 years, having briefly survived the "fatal" mark 37:
With me at the number 37, hops flies at the moment.
And now it blew like cold:
Under this figure, Pushkin made a duel for himself.
And Mayakovsky lay down on his barrel with his temple.
He was born in Moscow on January 25, 1938. Most of the poet’s life fell on difficult times for our country.
And although the executions didn’t mow us,
But we lived, raise without daring eyes, -
We are also children of the terrible years of Russia,
Timelessness poured vodka into us.
As a child, Vladimir studied music. In 1945, Vladimir went to school. In 1953, Vysotsky met the actor Sabinin, who brought him to the theater circle. And already in 1954, the first performance took place - Vysotsky read variations on Krylov's fable in women's school No. 187. In 1955, Vladimir received a certificate of maturity.
Much of Vladimir’s life in those years was connected with life on the Bolshoi Karetny, with Vysotsky’s friend Levon Kocharyan who lived there. A song was dedicated to this place.
In 1956, after being expelled from a technical university at his own request, Vladimir entered the Moscow Art Theater School. During his studies, a poetic gift manifested itself, his favorite subject was literature.
Whatever the road, the only thing that matters is where it leads.
In the 60s, Vysotsky began to actively write songs, play in the theater. In the late 60s, an active struggle of critics with Vladimir Semenovich began. Perhaps that is why in 1979 he wrote the following lines ...
I live, I do not expect a miracle,
But the veins swell with shame:
I want to go from here every time
Escape somewhere there!
Unfortunately, in recent years, the poet led a very unhealthy lifestyle, in 1979 the bard had a clinical death, and Vladimir Vysotsky died on July 25, 1980.
We managed - on a visit to God there are no delays.
So what are the angels singing in such evil voices?
Personal life
Vysotsky is a man with a difficult fate, but as a true poet he paid a lot of attention to love. Vysotsky ’s quotes about high feeling, a large number of them speak for themselves.
I’ll steal, if the theft is to your liking -
Am I wasting so much effort squandered ?!
At least settle for a paradise in a hut
If someone took a tower with a palace!
On the account of Vladimir Vysotsky 3 marriages and a novel. The first wife of Vysotsky was Isa Zhukova, they registered a marriage and got married on April 25, 1960.
Perhaps with the fact that the bard had a diverse personal life, one of the most famous quotes by Vysotsky about love, about friendship, about life ...
All but the best of friends are coming back,
In addition to the most beloved and devoted women.
Everyone returns, except those who are needed.
I do not believe in fate, I do not believe in fate, and even less for myself.
In 1961, Vysotsky met Lyudmila Abramova, and already in 1962 they lived together. Vladimir Vysotsky for a long time could not file a divorce from Iza, the second marriage was concluded only in 1965.
In 1962, the son of Arkady was born to the poet, and in 1964 - Nikita. This marriage was also not long, formally a divorce took place in 1970, but in reality the relationship was broken before.
Only willows and flaxes, only they gave
Only bright days or moons.
Here is your refuge, Tanya.
So sing her hallelujah!
So sing to her, evil songs,
Resound her, all the cantatas!
Good hymns or good news,
More often go to Tata’s head.
These lines are devoted to the new choice of the bard, of course, they replenish the collection of quotes from Vysotsky about love. So in 1967, Tatyana Ivanenko, actress of the Taganka Theater , became the poet’s hobby.
But that was a fleeting hobby, already in 1967 he dedicated his first love song without the ironic connotation of Maria Vladi. The lines full of bright feeling are certainly a wonderful quote from Vysotsky about love:
I will no longer get rid of peace:
After all, everything that was in the soul a year in advance,
Unaware, she took with her -
First to the port, and then to the plane
Although towards the end of Vysotsky’s life, relations with Marina were tense, he still loved her to the end. This is evidenced by the letter that she found after the death of Vladimir Semenovich.
Marinochka, my love, I am drowning in the unknown. I have the impression that I can find a way out, despite the fact that I am now in some kind of weak and unstable period. <...> The main thing - I want you to leave me hope that you do not take this for a break, you are the only one thanks to whom I can get back on my feet. Once again - I love you and do not want you to feel bad. Then everything will fall into place, we will talk and we will live happily
Theater actor
Much in the life of Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky was associated with the theater. It was not for nothing that he entered the Moscow Art Theater at one time, where he first appeared on stage; his debut took place already in 1958 in a student performance based on Stein’s play “Hotel Astoria”. After graduating from the studio, the young actor was assigned to the A.S. Pushkin Moscow Drama Theater, where his creative searches began.
I don't like the fatal outcome
I never get tired of life.
I don’t like any season
When I don’t sing funny songs.
In 1964, Vladimir Vysotsky came to the Taganka Theater, where in September he received his first role. He received his first major role in the spring of 1966 in the play "The Life of Galileo". His relations with the theater were not always simple, but despite the difficulties, sometimes Vysotsky left the theater - there was no complete break.
Of course, I'll be back - all in friends and in dreams,
Of course, I will sing - it will not take six months ...
One of the most significant roles of Vladimir Vysotsky was Hamlet, which premiered on November 29, 1971. The actor’s game showed innovation, he managed to connect the Shakespearean hero with the Soviet era.
Also in the 70s, he was transformed into the merchant Yermolai Alekseevich Lopakhin from Chekhov's play “The Cherry Orchard”, as well as Arkady Ivanovich Svidrigailov from “Crime and Punishment” by Dostoevsky.
Movie actor
The creative activity of Vladimir Vysotsky was inextricably linked with cinema. Work in this direction also began in the 60s. First of all, he wrote songs for films. There were films with his participation, for example, “Interventions” by Gennady Poloki. Unfortunately, during the life of the actor, the picture did not go on hire.
But clairvoyants - however, like eyewitnesses -
In all ages, people have been burned at the stake.
In the 70s, the list of roles replenished, often playing a movie was associated with disappointment. In these years, the actor had a number of unsuccessful roles.
Sometimes criticism still noted the "complex psychology of the game." For example, this is zoologist von Koren. Vysotsky even received an award for best actor at the Festival of Nations in Taormina. Vysotsky is an actor of one take, he did not like to repeat. Perhaps this is not a quote from Vladimir Vysotsky about love, but what a beautiful phrase this is!
You can play, live - no
The most famous image in Vysotsky’s cinema is Gleb Zheglov (“The meeting place cannot be changed”), for which Vladimir Semenovich posthumously received the USSR State Prize in 1987. Vysotsky also played Don Guan in Mikhail Schweitzer's Little Tragedies.
Undoubtedly, Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky was a talented poet. On his account a huge number of songs, while he wrote them on his own poems.
Words run to them closely - so what! -
You are never afraid to be late.
There are a lot of them - words, but still, if you can -
Tell me when you can’t help but say.
A lot of songs are written about love, this gives rise to a large number of quotes by Vysotsky about love, his words are beautiful, at the same time, they make you think about the significance of this feeling in a person’s life, about his need:
I breathe - and, therefore, I love!
I love - and, therefore, I live!
Of course, Vysotsky is a talented performer. When he sang songs, everything froze. Even more striking, the voice of the bard is not the most melodic. But the sincerity of performance cannot but touch the soul.
It is a pity that during his lifetime not a single collection of Vysotsky’s songs was released, that in the 60s a whole campaign was directed against him. Many could get to know the poet’s work earlier, listen to his thoughts. Only in 1981, through the efforts of Robert Rozhdestvensky, did the first publication appear.
Interesting Facts
- From the side of relatives, Vysotsky did not receive support if he wanted to go to study as an actor. Therefore, he first entered a technical university.
- When Vladimir Vysotsky came to the Taganka Theater, the verses he read did not impress. But singing with a guitar fascinated the director as much as 40 minutes.
- In the play "The Life of Galileo" Vysotsky played without make-up, he even conveyed a change in age due to internal experiences.
- Vysotsky was a "complex" actor, often arguing with directors and allowing himself to improvise.
- Vysotsky's whole life was a rush. He loved fast driving, a speed of 200 km / h. Often the poet wrecked his vehicles.
A talented, amazing, brilliant poet, bard, actor - Vladimir Vysotsky has become one of the most unusual pages in the history of our country. His poems, his songs touch, the lines of them became real quotes by Vladimir Vysotsky.