STD: transcript. Sexually transmitted diseases: treatment, prevention

What is an STD? The interpretation is: sexually transmitted diseases. This abbreviation is known to almost the entire adult population of the planet, because it is difficult to avoid meeting them, and as a preventive measure you need to arm yourself with knowledge.

Male problem

In most cases, STDs (transcripts - sexually transmitted diseases) pass without symptoms that are uncomfortable for a person, although there are exceptions, of course. Therefore, no one goes to the doctor, especially if the reason for the consultation confuses the patient or puts him in an uncomfortable position in front of his family. Unfortunately, the ego plays a more important role in the individual's modern value system than well-being. Abortive, erased or ignored diseases lead to serious consequences in the future. STDs in men can cause prostatitis, urethritis, inflammation of the epididymis and infertility. Sexual function also suffers: decreased libido, problems with erection, ejaculation, and getting an orgasm are directly related to the infection. Women are no less likely than men to acquire sexually transmitted diseases and their spread. But the beautiful half is more conscious of their own body, therefore, their desire to be healthy is higher, and the percentage of recovery, respectively, is the same.

STD decryption

Under the blow

At risk are young people, women and men of childbearing age, people who have promiscuous lives and often change partners. Women who engage in prostitution as a means of raising money are also vulnerable.


There are more than twenty causative agents of STDs. The list of diseases is not inferior in number of positions and begins with the most famous and common of them: syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, genital herpes, bacterial vaginosis. Next come nosologies, which are less common: balanoposthitis, urogenital shegellosis, genital warts, giardiasis, amoebiasis, and others.

Distribution reasons

  1. The preponderance of the demographic situation in favor of the young population, the leveling of the institution of marriage and the change in the norms of social and family morality.
  2. The growth of cities, the universal use of the Internet to expand the circle of acquaintances, international tourism, including sex tours.
  3. Tolerance to differences in sexual relations (homo- and hetero-compound couples, free marriage).
  4. Public, social unrest: wars, uprisings, natural disasters, epidemics.
  5. The low availability of contraceptives in third world countries, where the population is growing and living conditions leave much to be desired.
  6. Prevalence of prostitution on a voluntary or violent basis.
  7. Addiction, substance abuse, alcoholism.
  8. The resistance of pathogens to drugs, antiseptics due to their widespread use without a doctor's prescription.


Tests for STDs include a study of discharge from the external genitalia. At the reception, the doctor makes a genital swab, which is transferred to the laboratory for examination. The contents are microscopic, stained with aniline dyes, seeded on meat-peptone agar or a specific medium to grow a cell culture. These are the most affordable methods of laboratory diagnosis. In addition, a blood test is taken to detect signs of infection and to check for the presence of specific antibodies to clarify the diagnosis. More expensive and accurate tests, such as a DNA test or PCR, identify the causative agent by the presence of its genetic material (even in trace amounts) in human biological fluids. Testing for STDs can be done in any commercial or state laboratory, both with or without a referral from a doctor.

Briefly about the main infections

So, we characterize the most common STDs.


How does this infection enter the body? STDs of this type, unfortunately, are transmitted not only through sexual contact, but also through contact-domestic transmission. It is almost asymptomatic. The first rash appears after 3-5 weeks. During this time, the pale spirochete manages to spread throughout the body and increase the size of its colony. After the rash disappears (and this happens quite quickly), a period of calm will come again.

STD tests

The next manifestation is a solid chancre at the gates of infection (oral cavity, genitals, places of damage to the skin). They can also go on their own, without medical intervention. When after two months a person again sees a rash, the disease has already passed to the next stage. After a while, the rash will disappear again, and syphilis will not make itself felt for years, even decades. To later manifest itself in the form of a tertiary chancre, which corrodes the skin, muscles and bones, very painful. The end of all this is a long and painful death from a comorbidity, such as paralysis, cardiovascular disease, encephalopathy.

Genital herpes

Such an STD (the decryption is already known to us), like the herpes simplex virus of the second type, causes an infection that manifests itself only on the genitals. It is transmitted sexually and vertically (during childbirth). It manifests itself as itching in the genital area, the appearance of vesicles (vesicles) on the buttocks, inner thighs, burning during urination.

STD tests

After four weeks, the symptoms disappear and reappear only when the body is weakened by another infection or immunity is reduced. Without treatment, the disease becomes chronic. It is important if there is a history of suspicion of herpes to be examined during pregnancy planning, otherwise the child may be born with intrauterine malformations.


Bacterial sexually transmitted disease, transmitted exclusively through sexual contact. A few days after dubious contact, men begin to purulent discharge during urination, accompanied by painful sensations of pain, itching, tingling in the inguinal region. Symptoms of an infectious process are present: fever, chills, lack of appetite.

STDs in men

When the infection spreads higher, to the internal genital organs, it leads to painful bowel movements, inflammation of the testicle and, as a result, to infertility. Timely treatment helps to avoid possible complications, but immunity is formed unstable, so that the risk of getting sick again remains.


The causative agent is an intracellular parasite, which can be detected only by a blood test for the content of antibodies to chlamydia or a provocative test that β€œlures” bacteria.

STD infection

The first symptoms appear within a week after contact. Mucous or purulent discharge, itching, pain appear. Over time, discomfort disappears, and the disease becomes chronic. Without proper treatment, the carrier can infect their sexual partner.


After the venereologist suspected an STD in the patient, the decryption of his tests and the collection of anamnesis were successful, the diagnosis was established - treatment can begin. Given the significant number of diseases and the erasure of the clinical picture due to untimely seeking medical help, the diagnostic process may be somewhat delayed.

STD treatment

Treatment of STDs consists in influencing the pathogen (antiviral, antibacterial drugs), strengthening natural defenses (immunomodulators) and preventive sanitary-educational work with the patient. In addition, you need to persuade a person to bring his regular partner for examination, as he can also be ill. Treatment of STDs cannot be interrupted after all symptoms have disappeared, because the pathogen has not yet completely left the circulatory system, and the disease may return.


At the moment, measures to reduce the number of cases of sexually transmitted diseases are reduced to lectures among schoolchildren about safe sex, the distribution of free condoms and mandatory annual medical examinations.

STD prevention

Prevention of STDs is necessary so that people turn to medical institutions for help in a timely manner. Awareness of the population, especially youth, about the methods of protection and the early manifestations of these diseases reduces the percentage of chronicity and serious complications. Self-prevention of STDs is the presence of barrier contraception and a careful selection of partners.

Be attentive to your health! Untreated STD in men is one of the first factors in infertility and sexual impotence.

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