What can be cooked from pork? This question can be answered in completely different ways. Some claim that pork is exclusively shish kebab meat, others claim that various hot dishes can be organized from this product .
Before choosing meat, you need to make sure its quality. If a ham or bacon is used, then it is better to purchase a piece where the lard will be a uniform white color, and the meat itself will be hard and pink. The bluish hue of the ham indicates that the animal was slaughtered at a more mature age. It is better to buy a young pig whose meat will be more juicy and tender.
The sweetish taste of pork gives a special highlight to the whole dish. So, let's look at what can be cooked from pork. This meat is perfect for frying and baking, for soups and even for salads.
What can be cooked from pork? Of course, pot roast. For the recipe you will need the following products: pork shoulder - about a kilogram, potatoes - 4 pieces, carrots - 3 pieces, onion (2 possible), 200 grams of cheese, sour cream, pepper, bay leaf and salt. Rinse the pork shoulder well and cut it into pieces, while separating it from the bones and skin. Take 4 pots, grease with oil and put meat in equal proportions. Pepper and salt. Grate carrots and lay on top of the meat. The next layer - chopped onion rings and diced potatoes, then bay leaf and again salt and pepper. Pour the whole composition with sour cream and pour water (it is better to take boiled cold). Place the dish in a preheated (up to 220 g) oven, while the pots should be covered with lids. Cooking time is about 45 minutes. Then you need to sprinkle a mass of grated cheese in each pot and, without covering, cook for about 10 minutes.
What can be cooked from pork? The second and most common option is barbecue. Pork kebab is one of the most delicious dishes. To do this, you need 2.5 kilograms of pork neck, 8 onions, freshly ground black pepper, special seasoning for barbecue and salt. Barbecue marinade can be made different - in your own juice, in mayonnaise, on kefir or soda water. We will consider the last 2 cases. For this we need curry and half a liter of kefir (sparkling water). Pork must be washed thoroughly, cut into slices 3-4 centimeters. Transfer meat to a pan, salt and sprinkle with spices. Mix everything properly. Cut the onion into rings. You can put onions and meat alternately, that is, make layers, or you can mix everything together. Pour sparkling water into a saucepan and cover with a plate, put something heavy on top so that the meat, onions and spices give juice. If the kebab is made on kefir, then you need to pour kefir into the pan. In this state, put the future barbecue in the refrigerator for several hours. After that, mix everything, and you can start frying.
The third popular pork dish is delicious and juicy cutlets. The following products are needed here: minced pork - about a kilogram, 2-3 onions, pepper and salt, an egg, flour or bread crumbs. Mix the minced meat with chopped onion, salt, pepper, add the egg and form the patties. You can not pour the egg into the minced meat, and roll the patties in the egg, then in breadcrumbs or flour. Fry on both sides until cooked.
What can be done from pork yet? This is a variety of schnitzels, and goulash, and shank, and home-made sausage, and chop, and meatballs, and much more. Many countries even organize special festivals dedicated to meat dishes, where culinary experts from all over the world treat everyone to their masterpieces. Here you can taste dishes from various countries, both traditional and extraordinary and exotic. Recipes of pork meat dishes can be viewed on the sites devoted to culinary, or get acquainted with them in special magazines.