Due to the regular increase in blood pressure, serious diseases of the heart and blood vessels occur. A similar situation is characteristic not only for the elderly, but also for young people. It is unlikely that it will be possible to completely get rid of the ailment, but using certain medications, as well as monitoring the pressure, it is possible to minimize complications.
Medicinal medicines whose action is aimed at lowering, controlling and maintaining the level of blood pressure (hereinafter BP) are normal, include Lozap and Lozap Plus.
Medicines can reduce the burden on the heart, have a moderate diuretic effect. But these medicines are slightly different, so a comparison of Lozap and Lozap Plus is necessary.
The described drugs differ in many indicators, which include the active components, dosage, instructions for use.
general description
It is as follows:
Drug / Features | "Lozap" | Lozap Plus |
Release Forms | Tablets | Tablets |
Dosage | 12.5 mg | 62.5 mg |
| 500 mg | |
| 100 mg | |
Appearance | An oblong, biconvex white tablet. A cardboard box contains 30, 60 or 90 capsules | The oblong shape is a light yellow shade with a transverse dash. The package may contain 10, 20, 30 or 90 pills |
At the heart of the described drugs there is one active substance - losartan. In the composition of "Lozap Plus" there is a supplement with hydrochlorothiazide, which complements and enhances the effect of the first.
The main substance helps in lowering blood pressure to normal, protects the heart from stress. An additional component has a diuretic effect that increases the effectiveness of the main ingredient. "Lozap plus" stands out because it has a stronger hypotensive effect.
What diseases do they take?
The described drugs should be taken with:
- hypertension
- diabetic nephropathy;
- chronic heart failure.
And also in order to reduce the likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease and reduce mortality in people with hypertrophy and hypertension of the left ventricle of the heart.
In addition to the described indications, the reception of "Lozapa plus" is recommended in conditions where additional diuretic therapy is required. The drug can be used by people of advanced age. In a situation where other ACE inhibitors have not come up, Lozap plus can also be prescribed.
Therapeutic properties
Indications for use of the drug "Lozap" are various. The drug will allow:
- Reduce blood pressure and keep it normal.
- Reduce the burden on the heart.
- Reduce the amount of aldosterone and adrenaline in the blood.
- To increase the tolerance of physical and emotional stress in people with cardiovascular diseases.
- Improve the blood circulation of the heart and the intensity of renal blood flow.
A moderate diuretic effect is also possible from taking the drug.
After a few hours, you can notice the first positive effect from taking the capsule. It will persist throughout the day. For persistent pressure reduction, the therapeutic course should be 1 month.
The particular effectiveness of the drug is seen in the treatment of those who have malignant arterial hypertension.
"Lozap plus", in addition to the described therapeutic actions, produces additional:
- Helps to reduce the concentration of potassium in the blood.
- Activates the production of the hormone renin.
- Reduces the concentration of uric acid and accelerates its excretion.
The active substances of the drugs are perfectly perceived by the body and quickly enter the bloodstream from the digestive tract.
Recommended dosages, features
What is the difference between “Lozap” and “Lozap plus”, not everyone knows. Prescribe medications once a day at the same time, preferably in the morning. The tablet should not be crushed or crushed. It must be swallowed whole and washed down with half a glass of water. Taking capsules is not related to eating.
The duration of the therapeutic course is determined by the doctor, taking into account a number of parameters: the patient's condition and the effectiveness of the treatment. As a rule, the drug is taken for a long time, up to several years.
Considering the difference between “Lozap” and “Lozap plus”, it is worth bringing the recommended dosages for the first:
- Increased blood pressure: 50 mg once a day for a long time. If the doctor considers it necessary, then the dosage is increased to 100 mg. Tablets are either taken once a day, or they are divided into 2 doses.
- Chronic heart failure: 12.5 mg per day, course 7 days. Gradually, this dose is doubled and drunk another week. Assess the effectiveness of the drug. If the desired effectiveness has not been achieved, then the dosage is increased to 50 mg. Perhaps the doctor will increase the dosage to 100 mg. Exceeding the indicated dosages is unacceptable. If the maximum dose has not given the necessary effectiveness, then another medication is selected.
- Diabetes mellitus and hypertension: 50 mg per day. After 1-2 weeks, the dosage is increased to 100 mg per day.
- Prevention of cardiovascular disease and mortality: 50 mg. After 2-3 weeks, the effectiveness of the therapy will be carried out. If it turns out to be insufficient, then you should continue to take 50 mg of the drug for a long period of time.
- Reception of diuretics in high doses simultaneously with the drug: daily dose of 25 mg.
Older people also adhere to the indicated dosages without decreasing them. Those who are older than 75 years old and have liver and kidney diseases need to take 25 mg once a day. For them, a maximum of 50 mg is allowed at a time.
Dosage Instructions for "Lozap Plus":
- Increased blood pressure: 1 pill once a day. After 21-35 days, therapy is assessed. If blood pressure returned to normal, then keep taking the same dosage. If not, then increase the number of tablets at a time to 2 units.
- Prevention of mortality and the development of heart and vascular diseases: 1 tablet once a day. If after 3-5 weeks from the treatment the necessary result is not obtained, then take 2 capsules.
The maximum daily dose of Lozapa Plus is two tablets.
List of contraindications
What is the difference between “Lozap” and “Lozap plus”, it is difficult for an ordinary person to say. The medicines in question are not intended for children. As a rule, they are prescribed to those over the age of 18. Women who are carrying a child, and those who are breastfeeding a baby, are contraindicated. With individual intolerance to the main substances of the drugs, their intake is contraindicated.
Reception "Lozapa plus" is prohibited with bilateral renal artery stenosis. Anuria, hypovolemia also belong to those conditions in which the administration of drugs is undesirable.
Side effects and overdose
As a rule, when taking Lozapa Plus and Lozapa, contraindications and side effects are insignificant. However, with an overdose, the following reactions may appear:
- insomnia;
- digestive tract disorders;
- cough;
- congestion of the respiratory system;
- swelling;
- pain in the abdomen;
- convulsive syndrome in the legs;
- rapid pulse;
- asthenia;
- hypotension;
- tachycardia;
- bradycardia.
When such symptoms appear, the drug is stopped.
Combination with other drugs
The relationship with other medicines of the antihypertensive effect leads to an increase in the therapeutic effect. "Lozap" and "Lozap plus" can be combined with other drugs for the treatment of hypertension and heart failure.
Reception "Lozapa plus" together with potassium-sparing diuretics is undesirable, since the appearance of hyperkalemia is possible.
Not everyone knows the difference between Lozap and Lozap Plus. Both described drugs are forbidden to combine with alcohol, since such a combination can lead to a decrease in blood pressure. In this case, a person will experience nausea, vomiting, dizziness, numbness of the extremities, impaired coordination of movements. He may feel a general malaise.
If the combination of Lozapa Plus is combined with the use of alcoholic beverages, a decrease in the therapeutic effect of the drug can be noticed. A diuretic component is present in it. When combined with alcohol, urination increases, respectively, the concentration of the active substance decreases.
If the patient previously had Quincke's edema, then during the entire therapy with the described drugs, medical monitoring should be carried out, since a relapse of a severe allergic reaction is possible.
If the patient is diagnosed with hypovolemia or hyponatremia caused by a variety of factors, then when taking "Lozap" and "Lozap plus" hypotension may develop. In the presence of these disorders, before starting the therapy with the described drugs, it is necessary to eliminate the disturbances in the water-electrolyte balance and whether to take both drugs in the minimum doses.
Advantages and disadvantages
Which is better - “Lozap” or “Lozap plus” is difficult to determine. People who have been prescribed these medications have noted that they effectively lower blood pressure. Someone "Lozap Plus" more effectively helped, as it reduces pressure faster.
The benefits of Lozapa and Lozapa Plus, according to cardiologists, are as follows:
- Taking drugs is carried out only once a day, while there is no connection with food intake.
- "Lozap" and "Lozap plus" do not lead to allergies.
- At the termination of treatment with drugs there is no so-called withdrawal syndrome.
- When taking Lozapa Plus, you do not need to take additional diuretics.
Disadvantages: cost. Since Lozapa Plus contains 2 components, it is 2 times higher than Lozapa at a price.
"Lozap" and "Lozap plus" are effective drugs that have some differences. Only a doctor will be able to determine which drug should be taken and establish the correct dosage.
Self-administration of such drugs is not recommended, since the doctor bases the choice not only on the patient's complaints, but also on the results of the examination. Therefore, it is impossible to decide which is better - “Lozap” or “Lozap Plus” without the help of a specialist.