Because of what people faint: causes, possible diseases, treatment

Why do people faint? In another way, this phenomenon is called syncope. Not always a short-term loss of consciousness indicates a serious illness. First you need to establish the reasons for this process. This article will answer the question: "Why do people faint?" In addition, here you can find the types of syncope.

About symptoms

A person can confuse the concept in question with memory lapses or with dizziness.

So why does a person faint? This happens due to the fact that there is a sharp metabolic disturbance in the brain, a decrease in blood circulation, and oxygen starvation. This is the cause of syncope in both a child and an adult.

In a state of fainting

As a rule, before passing out, a person himself understands that this will happen now. He has a feeling of weakness, also characterized by severe sweating, squeezing his temples.

If a person experiences all these symptoms, he needs to sit down first. This phenomenon can last about 25 seconds. After all, he comes to his senses.

The consequences that may be with syncope include urinary incontinence. But this is extremely rare.

Why a person faints: reasons

There are many factors that can cause syncope. Thanks to them, there is an instant decrease in blood circulation in the hemispheres of the brain.

So why does a person faint? The reasons may be hidden in different circumstances, consider the main ones.

Causes of Syncope

So, a person may lose consciousness due to the reaction of the central nervous system to stress. His blood pressure drops sharply, and his blood supply slows down. As a result, there is a deterioration in the nutrition of brain structures, and a person faints.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system may also be the cause of syncope. With such an ailment as arrhythmia, a decreased activity of cardiac emissions is observed.

Another cause of syncope is orthostatic hypotension. That is, a person can lose consciousness when he gets out of bed. This is explained by the fact that the blood does not have time to move from the legs to the brain and other areas.

Another factor of fainting is acute severe pain or shock. This happens from the rapid flow of blood to the organs.

What diseases cause syncope?

So why do people faint? What kind of diseases are the cause of this phenomenon?

The source of fainting may be aortic stenosis or pulmonary hypertension. Also, with a sharp blow, a person can lose consciousness.

Migraines, diabetes, low blood pressure are diseases that can lead to fainting.

About Syncope Classification

When a person faints, the reasons are not entirely clear. To do this, you need to find out what kind of syncope this phenomenon belongs to.

Man passed out

There are several types of syncope:

  • Psychogenic. These syncope are the result of a nervous shock.
  • Neurogenic. Based on the name of the type of syncope, it can be determined that its cause is a violation of the autonomic nervous system.
  • Extreme Syncope data occurs in emergency situations. The latter include, for example, a lack of oxygen in the air or poisoning.
  • Self-made. Why does a person faint in this case? The cause is various kinds of diseases or malfunctions of the internal organs. As a rule, those people who have ailments of the cardiovascular system most often faint.

About first aid

Having figured out why a person faints, consider what needs to be done in this situation.

First aid provided on time will help to avoid any kind of consequences.

So, first you need to call an ambulance. It is qualified specialists who will take all actions.

First Aid

If an adult faints in the heat, then it should be moved to the shade. A person must be put on a flat surface. And under his head put a soft roller. It can be made from clothes.

After that, you should check whether the person is breathing, and also count the pulse.

The head must be turned sideways. This is done so that a person does not choke in case of vomiting.

After that, the victim should be unfastened. This is necessary for more oxygen to enter the human body. In addition, in order for this vital chemical element to reach the head faster, you should raise your legs up.

In the case when one of those nearby is in the medicine cabinet there is ammonia, it also needs to be used. They rub the whiskey of the person who fainted.

You can also wipe the victimโ€™s face with a damp handkerchief. All this will bring him to his senses. If a person has come to his senses, then he should be given water. And in no case do you need to leave him alone, because he may once again feel dizzy.

About treatment

In order to prescribe the necessary medicines to the patient, you should know the causes of syncope.

If fainting occurs due to any disease, the doctor prescribes appropriate medications in this area.

In the case when the syncope is caused by other reasons, preventive measures should be taken. They are described in more detail in the next section. By observing them, a person will be able to avoid this kind of situation.

Preventative measures

Upon learning the answer to the question "Why does a person faint?" and the causes of this phenomenon, you should adhere to a few simple rules that will help not to lose consciousness:

  • In the diet of any person should be present all the necessary micro and macro elements. Everyone needs to eat fully. It is these nutrients that will allow the body to work properly.
  • In addition, every day you need to do exercises. A certain amount of physical activity should be given. The latter include running.
  • Girls in position to avoid fainting should regularly visit their gynecologist, all doctor's instructions must be followed.
  • Also, do not resort to strong physical exertion. It is better to exclude them altogether.

If a person has a tendency to syncope, then in this case it is necessary to consult a specialist. It is he who will give those recommendations that will help to avoid such situations. As a rule, the doctor prescribes a vitamin complex for the patient, as well as nootropic medicines.

It is not always clear why people faint, so if this happens, you need to contact a specialist.

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