In 2014, another Indian series was released, telling about noble and exalted people, as well as their difficult life in the world of cynicism and greed. The film is called "Royal Son-in-law". About the actors who played the main roles in the series are described in this article. The plot of the melodrama is also presented here.
Actors of the series "Royal son-in-law"
The main role was played by Ravi Dubey. The beautiful girl that this character fell in love with at first sight was played by Achinit Kaur. Brief biographies of the main actors of "Royal Son-in-law" are presented below. Apar Mehta played the mother of the main character - an arrogant and arrogant woman. In the film "Royal son-in-law" actor Rocky Verma played the role of one of the representatives of secular Indian society.
Ravi Dubey
The leading actor in the film "Royal Son-in-law" dreamed of becoming an actor since childhood. However, at the insistence of his parents, after graduating from school, he received a technical education. As a student, Dubey earned money as a model. Once he was invited to a casting series. He never got the role, but since then he set out to get on television. He managed to achieve the goal in 2008, when he played in the film "Ranbir Early."
Archint Kaur
This actress is one of the most popular in India. She played about 30 roles in films and TV shows. Career Archint Kaur began in the mid-seventies. Then, as a teenager, she played in the movie Banegi Apni Baat.
Sidhart Khurana (Ravi Dubei) is one of the richest and most successful people in India. His family is known throughout the world. The father of the protagonist is the owner of a successful hotel chain, whose buildings are located in many countries. Sidhart is a purposeful young man who wants to succeed in this life and prove to everyone that it is worth something real, without the money and ties of his father. He does not want his questions to be decided because of the authority of his family, but strives to be independent and free. It makes no difference to him how much money a person has, what kind of car he drives and how he dresses.
Sidhart wants to see sincerity around him, not fawning and commercialism. Several girls from wealthy families are trying to get his location. They want to build a serious relationship with him, but they are disagreeable to the willful young man with their spoiledness and the way they treat people from the poor.
One day, fate confronts the protagonist with a charming and incredibly smart girl named Roshni (Achinit Kaur). Her mother is a famous and successful woman who appreciates money and a beautiful life. Although Roshni grew up in abundance and in full abundance, having everything that she wanted from childhood, she did not become a spoiled egoist, but, on the contrary, mistrusted wealthy people, considering them to be mostly cunning and hypocritical people, who most often under a noble mask hide their wolf nature.
A beautiful girl tries to help everyone who is deprived and does not have the means to live a normal life. An arrogant mother, such charitable activities seem strange. Sidhart falls in love with Roshni at first sight, but, learning about her attitude to rich guys, does not know what to do. To tell the truth about his origin or pretend to be an ordinary person with an average income. But how long can one hide an uncomfortable truth for him?