The image from childhood is the cat Matroskin. Who voiced the hero, and why do we love him?

Who lived during the Soviet era, he still recalls those years with nostalgia. Why is this happening? Yes, because the state took care of every person. The food was without harmful additives, clothes - only from natural fabrics, furniture - from quality wood. Cinema was no exception. Pictures of those years today are classics, and cartoons are still interesting not only for those who grew up on them, but also for the generation that learns about the USSR only from history books. For example, the legendary and funny cartoon "Three from Prostokvashino", which we will talk about in more detail today. When it was created, by whom, who voiced the cat Matroskin, whose purring voice is simply impossible to forget - read about all this below.

cat matroskin who voiced

Legendary trilogy

Despite all the animal shows and various contests, the most unique and charismatic cat will always be Matroskin. For the first time, viewers had the honor of meeting this character in 1978, when Soyuzmultfilm studio created the magnificent story of Three from Prostokvashino. The main characters are Uncle Fedor, dog Sharik and cat Matroskin. Who voiced these characters, who breathed life into them, thanks to what kind of people do we perceive these heroes this way? This will be discussed below. So, before the small viewers could come to their senses, the sequel “Vacations in Prostokvashino” (1980) came out on the screens, and after 4 years - the third part, entitled “Winter in Prostokvashino”.

cat matroskin from prostokvashino

The creators of the masterpiece

As you know, the cartoon was based on the work of the great Edward Uspensky "Uncle Fedor, the dog and the cat." He also wrote the scripts for the trilogy. It would seem that there are only three cartoons, and for so many years they are still interesting to revise. What are the characters themselves - Uncle Fedor, Ball and cat Matroskin. Who voiced these heroes? So, Maria Vinogradova, a talented theater and film actress, gave her voice to Uncle Fedor. And the people's artist of the USSR, teacher, actor and director Lev Durov - to the dog Sharik. Separate words deserve the cat Matroskin. Who voiced him so talentedly that now he is the favorite character of many children, and his phrases have already become quotes? For this, we must thank Oleg Tabakov, whose voice speaks not only the legendary and smart cat, but also the wolf from the cartoon "Wolf and Calf", and the Watchdog from the painting "Bobik visiting Barbos" and many other heroes. Uncle Fedor’s mother was voiced by Valentin Talyzina, father by German Kachin, Pechkina by Boris Novikov.

who voiced the cat matroskin

The most charismatic character

After reading the subtitle, many probably remembered such a character as the cat Matroskin. And they were not mistaken! It will be about him. Why is this stray animal so sunk into the souls of the audience? Someone is crazy about the velvety and hoarse voice that the cat Matroskin has (who voiced it, we already know), someone is delighted with his mind and quick wits, but many kids would not refuse such a devoted and caring friend. But with the advent of Matroskin, the cartoon begins! From the very first shots, we see a homeless cat who yawns, jumps on a window and stares at the street. This is where the fateful meeting with Uncle Fedor takes place, to which the cat pours out his soul, tells me scant biographical data, including that the attic is being repaired, and therefore the poor animal has nowhere to live. A compassionate boy takes the cat to him, but his mother is categorically against such an act, which forces Uncle Fedor to leave home.

cat matroskin

Short story

By the will of fate, the newly made friends turned out to be in the village of Prostokvashino, where a local dog, nicknamed Sharik, also joined their company. The company found a free home where it healed amicably and merrily. Some funny situations constantly happened to them, but friendship always won. Everything would be fine, but the boy’s parents were worried, even filed a note in the newspaper about his son’s loss and reward to anyone who finds him. And in the village there was a postman Pechkin, who dreamed of a bicycle, and therefore was glad that he could render a service to Uncle Fedor's parents and get what he wanted. Events unfold in the most favorable way, and after some time the mother of the boy’s life cannot imagine life without Prostokvashino, and the cat Matroskin showed himself as an adult and able to take care of his neighbors character.

Three from Prostokvashino

Image from childhood

What else can be said about this purring character? After the cartoon became popular, the cat Matroskin from Prostokvashino and Oleg Tabakov began to be associated with each other. This cat is a symbol of childhood not for one generation. And today, the image of this colorful character has gone far beyond the cartoon. We can see Matroskin both in the advertisement of dairy products Prostokvashino and on the cover of the book Alphabet of the Cat Matroskin, and his name is in the names of veterinarians.

What else do we know about the legendary cat? A soft and purring voice, which you can’t confuse with any other, we discussed. It is also worth mentioning that Matroskin is a rather politically correct cat. He does not like to participate in scandals, but the last word still remains with him. The cat knows how to be friends and love, although he does not prefer to show feelings openly.

Just imagine, at the moment this image is 36 years old, but at any time it is popular, vibrant and loved by everyone!

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