Dishes from thin pita bread: recipes with photos

We are all familiar with pita dishes. At least, if they didnโ€™t eat them, then they saw, for example, shawarma. And probably bought for testing in the store. After all, how convenient it is, if necessary, to quickly organize a small snack: toss a cake on a table, grease with mayonnaise, ketchup, put as many pieces of something meat, vegetables, wrap - and that's all, you can eat! So we will consider now how to prepare dishes from thin pita bread. Yes, and learn how to make it yourself. It is very easy!

Cooking thin pita bread

You will not find a simpler recipe anywhere. From water, flour and salt, literally in a few minutes you can cook chic flat cakes. For seven medium-sized pita breads we will need: 300 grams of flour, 150-170 ml of boiled, slightly cooled, water and half a teaspoon of salt.

To prepare dishes from thin pita bread, you first need to make it yourself. This is done as follows. Pour flour into a bowl and make a recess in it. Dissolve the salt in hot water and gradually pour into the flour. Mix with a mixer until all the flour has dissolved. Then put the dough on the table and knead. In two or three minutes, you get a โ€œbunโ€, which we remove under the film and leave for half an hour until it becomes and becomes smooth and soft.

thin pita dishes
Then we divide the dough into seven parts and roll each of the pieces into a flat cake with a thickness of a maximum of two millimeters and a size slightly larger than the pan. Very important - fry in a dry pan, without oil! Heat it over medium heat. You need to correctly catch the right temperature so that the product is of high quality, but over time you will learn how to do it. If you guessed right, then after 30 seconds, the pita will begin to grow and bubble. So everything is fried. We put the first on a damp towel, then on, sandwiching all the cakes. When we finish the last, the first can already be twisted. That's all, now it's time to cook delicious dishes from thin pita bread!

Lavash pies: general information

We know many recipes for yeast dough pies. But not so long ago, the culinary experts, considering what dishes can be prepared from thin pita bread, realized that pies can also be made from them. What are they good at? The fact that they need very little effort. Buy some pita bread and place a filling between them. That's all, and to taste they are no worse than yeast!

thin pita dishes
The fillings can be any - to your taste - both salty and sweet. But it is recommended to give preference to those products that have already undergone heat treatment, for example, vegetables and stews, or those that do not need it - berries and cottage cheese. If you need to soften pita leaves, then use a mixture of eggs with kefir or sour cream. This mixture can also be used for bundling layers of cake.

The recipe for the very first pita pie

For the first time, such a recipe became available to the public in 2000. He was very successful and quickly spread to all culinary schools in the world. If you are going to cook dishes from thin pita bread, start with it. The finished product is very similar to what is sold at the metro stations and is called "khachapuri". You will need the following ingredients: three to four pieces of pita bread, two eggs, half a liter of kefir, one hundred grams of grated cheese on a coarse grater (can be replaced with a mixture of feta cheese with cottage cheese) and margarine. The recipe is very simple.

thin pita dishes recipes
A form is spread with margarine, a pair of pita leaves is placed in it, so that their edges hang and they can cover the filling. The remaining cakes are torn into pieces, dipped into a mixture of eggs with kefir, squeezed a little and rushed into shape. We pour everything with cottage cheese with feta cheese or cheese, cover with the edges of pita bread, pour the remaining kefir on top and put slices of margarine. Sent to the oven for 20 minutes. It turns out a dish with super taste!

Salted pies from pita bread

We also recommend preparing other dishes from thin pita bread. There are a variety of recipes, some of which we will consider. First, a little about the formation of fillings. In the preparation of salted pies, vegetable, meat, cheese, cereal, egg fillings are used, as well as mixtures of the above.

dishes with pita thin photo

Garlic and salt, fresh or dried herbs, and pepper are added to the sauce to taste. Sometimes the filling is crumbling and dry. In this case, the sauce can be mixed immediately with it. And if there is no such need, for example, in the case of stewed vegetables, then grease the pita sheets themselves.

Sweet pies from pita bread

Sweet dishes from thin pita bread are filled with cottage cheese, dried fruits, various types of jam, berries and fruits. The simplest such dish consists of pita bread, which is smeared with a standard sauce and granulated sugar is added.

dishes of armenian thin pita bread

There is a recipe for sweet cakes made from tortillas. In this case, you need to put several sheets of pita bread in the form, as in one of the previous cases - so that the edges hang, more authentic. A cavity forms, which we fill with the filling and then fill with sauce. Of course, from above the edges are wrapped up.

Let's make a pie of pita bread, bake it

The assembly of such dishes from Armenian thin pita bread is done in layers: first we put pita bread, then - a layer of filling and so on. In the event that our filling is dry, each pita must first be lubricated with a sauce of eggs and sour cream. When the filling layer is heavy and thick, you need to put two pita bread together. In this way, tearing the cake will be prevented. You can collect such a dish both in the form and right on the table. It is preferable to assemble in the form, since you can arbitrarily put cakes and filling, there will be space for the air gap, and this will allow the dish to bake better.

thin pita hot dishes
At the bottom of the form, it is desirable to lay baking paper, but you can simply grease it with vegetable oil. When assembling on the table, each cake must be folded with an envelope so that the filling does not spread.

How to bake the pie? In the case when a ready-made filling is used, which does not need special heat treatment, bake the cake until browning, at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. If the filling is raw, then cover the pie with foil and bake from 30 minutes to one hour, at a temperature of 220 degrees. Before turning off the oven, remove the foil and lightly brown the top.

Cooking pita bread stuffed with salmon and cheese

We continue to cook dishes of thin pita bread. Recipes with photos will help us with this. We will fill this pita bread with a real festive filling, in which tender sausage cheese is very successfully combined with slightly salted salmon, and crispy salad and green onions will give the dish an unrivaled freshness.

thin pita dishes recipes with photos
You can pickle the fish yourself or use the store, no difference. Ingredients for roll: one thin pita bread, 100 grams of salmon, several feathers of green onions, five to six leaves of green salad, 100 grams of sausage cheese, 50 grams of mayonnaise.

Stuffing pita bread with salmon and cheese

We will fill the dishes with thin pita bread. Photos popularly tell about this process. We unfold the pita bread on the table and carefully spread it with mayonnaise. In the event that you bought an oval pita, then cut it around the edges to make a rectangle or square. So all rolls will be neat and of the same thickness. Cut salted salted salmon into thin slices, and rub the sausage cheese on a small or medium grater. Chives will be chopped as small as possible. Now itโ€™s not a very easy task - you need to evenly distribute the sausage cheese on the tortilla. Here you have to try!

thin pita dishes in a slow cooker

We lay the pieces of salmon on top, then pieces of lettuce and green onions. We turn our flat design into a roll, as tightly as possible. Then we pack it in cling film and send it to the refrigerator for at least one hour. We get, cut into four-centimeter portioned slices. The dish is ready, serve to the table. In a similar way, you can cook many other dishes with different fillings that resemble the well-known shawarma.

Option for thin pita bread in a slow cooker

Now we will tell you how to cook pita meat pie in a slow cooker from pita bread . This dish is another option for unsweetened pastries from minced meat and pita bread. It is not at all difficult to cook, and then you can take it with you to nature or serve for dinner with a vegetable salad.

thin pita shawarma
Necessary ingredients: two or three sheets of thin pita bread, 0.5 kg of minced meat, one medium-sized carrot, one onion, green onion, 250-300 ml of kefir, one egg, 200 grams of hard cheese.

Cooking a pie in a multicooker

Now we will tell, using the example of this pie, how to prepare hot dishes from thin pita bread. We take the minced chicken made from the whole loin of chicken (it turns out approximately 550-600 grams). Fry it in a frying pan, along with carrots and onions, pre-processed as expected (peeled, chopped, grated, to whom it should be). A little pepper, sprinkle with spices and salt. Since cheese is also salty, try not to overdo it with salt. We give the opportunity to cool the minced meat, and then mix it with pre-grated cheese and chopped finely green onions. Here, the filling for the pie is completely ready.

photo of thin pita bread with filling
Lubricate the multicooker with a little oil. Cover it with pita bread. We spread exactly half of our stuffing on it. Now we take pieces of another tortilla, soak the eggs with kefir in a mixture and spread on top of the minced meat. Here you need to have a supply of kefir and eggs, as it can easily go away and two glasses.

The next step is to lay out the remaining minced meat on crumpled pieces of pita bread. If they still remain, then put on the twisted meat. Then pack the cake with the edges of the hanging cakes.

At the end of the process, fill everything with the remaining kefir. If it is missing or almost gone, you can add melted butter. It's time to bake our dish in a slow cooker. We do this for an hour. You can flip and brown the other side. If you use the oven for baking, then 25 minutes is enough. We get it and, voila, the meat pie with pita bread is ready! Enjoy your meal!

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