Peripheral artery disease: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Peripheral artery disease develops due to circulatory disorders in the arteries of the lower extremities, as a rule, this happens due to atherosclerosis. This is explained by the fact that insufficient oxygen enters the tissue.

The likelihood of a vascular disease increases with age. About 30% of older people over the age of 70 suffer from it. The risk of pathology is increased in people with diabetes and smokers.

So, what is this disease, what are the causes of its development, what symptoms are observed in this case? How do doctors diagnose peripheral arterial disease and is it treatable? What preventive measures exist today?

Features of the disease of the arteries of the legs

Blood, saturated with oxygen and nutrients, moves through the arteries from the heart to the organs and tissues of the body. If the blood flow in the arteries of the legs is disturbed, then their tissues receive an insufficient amount of nutrients and oxygen, as a result of which the disease of the peripheral arteries develops.

The blood flow in the aorta is disturbed as a result of the development of atherosclerosis. The aorta itself is a large vessel from which branches supplying blood to the head, upper limbs, neck, abdominal organs, chest organs, and pelvic cavities depart, after which the artery divides into two branches, through which blood flows to the legs.

In a normal state, the surface of the inner side of the vessel is smooth, but in old age atherosclerosis of peripheral arteries develops, in which deposition of lipid plaques occurs in the vessel wall. This leads to a violation of the structure of the walls of the arteries, narrowing, their compaction and, as a result, a violation of the blood flow in it. Lipid plaques are composed of calcium and cholesterol. As atherosclerosis progresses, the lumen in the aorta becomes narrower and leads to the appearance of the first signs of arterial disease. This disease for a long time may not manifest itself at all, while atherosclerosis of the peripheral arteries will continue to progress and in the absence of timely diagnosis and proper treatment can lead to amputation of the limb. In addition, the risk of developing circulatory disorders in other organs increases, which can trigger myocardial infarction or stroke.

Peripheral artery disease

The main manifestation of peripheral arterial disease is a feeling of great discomfort or pain in the legs when walking. The localization of pain is different, the place of its occurrence depends on which parts of the arteries were damaged. Pain can occur in the foot, knees, lower back, thigh, legs.

Causes of lower limb artery disease

So, atherosclerosis is the main reason for the development of pathology of peripheral arteries. Moreover, men are more susceptible to disease than women. There are many factors that increase the risk of developing this disease, the main ones:

  • Diabetes.
  • Long-term smoking.
  • Constantly high blood pressure.
  • Increased blood cholesterol.
  • Obesity.

A high risk of manifestation of this disease occurs in people who have previously encountered problems with the cardiovascular system.

Symptoms and treatment

Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities is the main reason for the development of diseases of the arteries of the legs, the most common symptom of which is pain while walking. Painful sensations can occur on any part of the legs, the localization of pain depends on where the affected vessels are located.

Pain sensations arise due to insufficient blood supply to tissues, that is, due to such an ailment as atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities, the symptoms and treatment of which are interconnected. Therapy should be started as early as possible, otherwise its progression can lead to complete blockage of the artery and, as a result, amputation of the limb.

Atherosclerosis of the peripheral arteries

But the symptoms of the disease are not always pronounced, often the doctor does not even suggest that the patient develops pathology. Often, treatment begins only after the symptoms become pronounced. If the disease is not treated on time, then it can cause a heart attack or stroke.

Another striking symptom of the disease of the vessels of the legs is lameness. At rest, pain is absent and occurs only during walking. It should be borne in mind that lameness and pain are not mandatory symptoms, they can occur in rare and exceptional cases, for example, during long walks or while climbing a mountain. But over time, the clinical manifestations of the disease do not disappear, but rather intensify, convulsions arise, a feeling of heaviness that does not go away even after rest, a feeling of compression. If all these symptoms occur, seek medical attention.

There are a number of indirect signs that indicate the development of peripheral arterial disease:

  • Hair loss.
  • Pale and dry skin of the legs.
  • Decreased sensitivity in the lower extremities.

The degree of development of the disease is determined by the intensity of the symptoms, the stronger the pain and discomfort during walking, the more serious the disease. If the disease is started, pains bother a person even at rest.

Strong narrowing of the arteries of the lower extremities

When arteries narrow strongly due to lipid plaques or are blocked altogether (peripheral arterial thrombosis), leg pain appears even during dormancy. The legs may look completely normal, but the fingers are pale in color, sometimes with a bluish tinge. They are usually cold to the touch, impulses in them are weak or absent.

In the most severe cases of oxygen deficiency, tissue necrosis begins (death). The lower part of the leg (ankle) is covered with trophic ulcers, in the most advanced cases gangrene develops, but such a complication is rare.

Occlusive lower limb artery disease

Peripheral arterial occlusion is a common manifestation of atherosclerosis. This disease leads to a restriction of the ability to move, often to death.

The term "occlusive arterial disease" refers to damage not only to the arteries of the legs, but also to other vessels that pass through the brain and internal organs, that is, a disease of the peripheral arteries and veins.

With age, the risk of developing the disease increases.

Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities symptoms and treatment

The risk group includes people:

  • up to 50 years old, who have an increased risk of developing atherosclerosis;
  • from 50 to 70 years old - smokers or with diabetes;
  • over 70 years old;
  • with characteristic atherosclerosis symptoms in the lower extremities.

Violation of blood circulation in the vessels may occur due to damage to them or thrombosis.

First aid for the development of clogging of the vessel is as follows: it is necessary to give the person painkillers and cardiovascular medicines, ice the limbs, carry out dressing, if necessary, and send the person to the hospital.

The treatment of thrombosis is usually conservative. But such measures are used if no more than 6 hours have passed since the attack.

Surgical treatment - plastic arteries, bypass surgery or vascular prosthetics.

Arterial disease

Obliterating disease of the peripheral arteries is a dangerous and severe chronic pathology, characterized by a progressive course. It manifests itself in the form of chronic ischemia of internal organs and limbs. With this disease, there is a violation of the flow of arterial blood to the lower extremities, this is due to a violation of the elasticity of the vessels. Blood circulation is not carried out in the required volume; narrowing of the arteries occurs, and sometimes their complete closure.

The risk factors for the development of this disease include: high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, high blood fats, an inactive lifestyle.

Pathology of peripheral arteries

The first sign of the development of pathology is pain in the lower leg, calf muscle, and buttock. Gradually, the pain begins to intensify, it becomes difficult for a person to move long distances, and in the end he stops walking at all.

Treatment of pathology is aimed at restoring natural blood circulation in the affected area. As a rule, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, in the later stages an operation is prescribed, the purpose of which is to restore impaired blood flow.

If gangrene develops, limb amputation will be required .

Diagnosis of the disease

The doctor interviews the patient, measures blood pressure, asks about bad habits, lifestyle. After which he probes the pulse on the artery, in the damaged area.

For an accurate diagnosis, the doctor prescribes special tests to determine if the arteries of the limbs are affected or not. One way to study peripheral arteries is to measure blood pressure on the leg and arm and compare the results. This will make an assumption about the development or absence of vascular pathology. In some cases, the doctor prescribes an ultrasound scan of the lower extremities to study the peripheral arteries, this will provide complete information about blood circulation in the affected area.

Peripheral Artery Thrombosis

If the doctor remains in doubt after the procedures, he appoints angiography (x-ray examination of the vessels) and tomography (examination of the condition and structure). If there is a suspicion that the patient has a late stage of the development of the disease, he is prescribed a radiography.

Methods of treating peripheral arteries

The method of treatment depends on the degree of development of the disease, as well as on the site of the lesion. The main objective of treatment is to stop the progression of the disease, to minimize the risk of complications.

The patient is prescribed a course of treatment, in addition, he is advised to eat right, change his lifestyle, give up alcohol and smoking. All bad habits negatively affect the vessels of a person.

If earlier to begin treatment of lesions of the peripheral arteries, then the course of treatment will be compliance with preventive measures.

Of the medicines prescribed are those that are aimed at regulating cholesterol levels. Sometimes drugs that reduce the effect of platelets are included in the course of treatment. These drugs are aimed at diluting blood, which is a good prevention of blood clots.

Conservative treatment is used if the disease is mild. In the case of severe damage to the peripheral arteries, surgical treatment is necessary.

If large arteries are damaged, the technique of surgical intervention is used - angioplasty. A flexible catheter is inserted into the arterial lumen through the femoral vein , then a conductor, which delivers a special balloon to the place where the vessel is narrowed. By inflating this balloon, the normal lumen of the vessel is restored mechanically.

Peripheral Artery Examination

In more advanced cases, artery bypass surgery is performed. An additional vessel is created through which blood flow is allowed, bypassing the affected area. To do this, use both artificial prosthetic vessels and the veins of the patient himself.

Surgical removal of atherosclerotic plaque is sometimes used. To do this, open the artery, but this procedure can disrupt blood flow through the vessel.

The most radical surgical method of treatment is amputation of the limb, this method is used only in the case of gangrene.

Disease prevention

Peripheral Artery Damage

There are a number of preventative measures that will reduce the risk of arterial disease progression:

  • The best prevention of the development of arterial pathology is an active lifestyle.
  • Proper and balanced nutrition will provide the human body with minerals and trace elements, the lack of which can trigger the development of vascular disease.
  • Constant monitoring of cholesterol in the blood.
  • Taking medications for high blood pressure.
  • The exception to the menu is spicy and fatty foods.
  • Animal fat should be completely replaced with vegetable fat.
  • Monitor blood sugar.
  • Quitting smoking, alcohol.
  • Keep track of your weight.
  • Taking aspirin to prevent blood clots.
  • Hiking in comfortable shoes.


To ensure the prevention of the disease and prevent relapse, it is important to responsibly address the issue of lifestyle changes. Be sure to pay attention to the presence of risk factors for the manifestation of this disease. In order to prevent their appearance, you need to regularly monitor the level of glucose in the blood.

It is important to constantly check your cholesterol and blood pressure. With an increased rate, both medications should be used, and the diet should be changed. Diet should completely eliminate foods with high cholesterol, as well as smoked, spicy, salty foods, fatty and high-calorie foods. Gradually, all animal fats should be replaced with vegetable fats.

It is important to completely stop smoking and alcohol.

It is important for people who are prone to overweight to prevent the development of obesity.

It is important not only to balance your diet, but also to exercise regularly, this will help maintain physical fitness in good condition and prevent the progression of vascular disease.

It is necessary to take care of your health and follow all the doctor's recommendations, because the disease goes away when she has no chance.

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