The human eye is a sensory paired organ with the ability to clearly perceive light radiation. It is because of this that people can exercise a visual function. Today, the human eye is forced to cope with much greater loads. Often it happens that people begin to hurt their eyes. Sometimes this is accompanied by other symptoms: tearing, headaches. In such a situation, it is worth visiting an ophthalmic clinic in Moscow or other major cities. Only a qualified specialist will be able to accurately determine the cause of the unpleasant symptoms. If this is not possible, then you can try to understand the cause of pain in the home. However, self-diagnosis is not recommended.
A variety of factors can cause pain. It is worth considering the main reasons for the appearance of such discomfort.
Eye strain
Most often, people who work for a long time at a computer or other monitors suffer from such problems. Also, many note that the head and eyeballs hurt in the heat. In this case, the pain is due to the intense tension of the eye muscles. As a rule, such pain is aching or dull. If a person looks at the monitor for a long time or is forced to squint from the sun, then he suffers from intense stress.
Additionally, patients complain that it hurts to blink. Eye pain also begins when the eyeball moves or when the patient abruptly looks from one object to another. In this case, darkening of the image may occur.
Speaking about why eyeballs hurt, it is worth noting that migraines often become the cause of such unpleasant symptoms. This is due to the fact that during such periods, the vessels of the brain and the eyes themselves begin to greatly expand and strain. Against this background, severe discomfort appears. A person suffers from the fact that his eyeballs and head hurt.
Infection in the eye
In this case, the person suffers from severe inflammation and pain. However, one must understand that infections and harmful bacteria get into the eyes not only under the influence of the external environment, but also as a result of the activity of inflammatory foci in other body systems. For example, this can happen if the patient previously had purulent sinusitis or sinusitis. In this case, there is a high risk of developing eye infections.
If we talk about inflammation, then in this case not only pain will appear. Patients often complain that they have eyeballs and a headache, and the temperature rises rapidly. There are other characteristic symptoms. For example, some patients complain of redness, pain when pressing on the eyeballs and mucous discharge.
Vascular disease
In this case, quality nutrition of the eyeballs is not carried out. As a rule, in such situations, a rather severe pain is felt. This is due to the fact that the blood supply to the eye is impaired. To determine this pathology, you need to contact the eye clinic with a specialist who will conduct special studies. As a rule, ultrasonic scanning is used for this.
It is necessary to visit not only an optometrist, but also an endocrinologist. It is possible that this unpleasant syndrome developed against the background of another pathology that is not associated with the visual organ.
Dry eye syndrome
This condition, as a rule, torments those people who spend too long in front of a computer or TV. This can happen if the room where the patient lives is too dry. Dry eye syndrome may develop due to insufficient lighting or due to the fact that a fan has been operating in the room for a long time.
This pathology is treated quite quickly if the patient promptly contacts an ophthalmologist in an eye clinic. As a rule, in such situations, the doctor prescribes special drops to the patient. However, do not delay the visit to the doctor.
Poorly selected glasses
If a person chose glasses not according to the prescription, then this may well lead to the fact that his eyeballs and head will begin to hurt. As a rule, this happens if you use too magnifying or, conversely, reducing the glass. In this case, the person’s vision is very overstrained and the picture is distorted. Against this background, an unpleasant sensation appears.
To get rid of this syndrome, it is enough to pick up other glasses. To do this, you need to diagnose. An ophthalmologist will be able to tell you exactly what size of glass you need to use for this or that person. It is best to conduct an examination in an ophthalmic clinic in Moscow or the nearest major city. In small villages there is no necessary equipment with which more accurate diagnostics are carried out.
This disease often appears against the background of pathogenic viruses penetrating the eyeball. An already existing or previous bacterial disease can also provoke this pathology (for example, if a person suffers from caries, herpes, or tonsillitis).
Uveitis is very difficult to diagnose. This is due to the fact that a person complains solely of the fact that his orbits are sore. Additional symptoms are not observed. As a rule, due to the fact that the diagnosis is complicated, it is not always possible to prescribe treatment in a timely manner. As a result, therapy lasts longer.
Often, against the background of uveitis, complications develop. Patients begin to additionally suffer from inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, as well as blood vessels.
Glaucoma (according to ICD-10 - H-40)
With this pathology, a strong increase in intraocular pressure occurs. In this case, patients complain not only of pain in the eyeball, but also of visual impairment. Transparent lines and dots float in the eyes , and if a severe attack of glaucoma occurs, then in this case, the person begins to additionally suffer from a sharp pain in the temples. The whole head can hurt, as well as only the whiskey and the back of the head. With severe attacks, nausea, vomiting can begin. Patients also complain of severe weakness and drowsiness.
Diagnosing this glaucoma (according to ICD-10 - H-40) is quite easy. Specialists pay attention to the enlarged pupils. They also respond very slowly to light. In addition, a markedly reduced or absent sensitivity of the visual organ is noted. The eyeballs themselves are becoming tougher. In addition, with glaucoma, intraocular pressure rises. It also leads to unpleasant symptoms. In the process of the development of the disease, a person’s vision deteriorates noticeably.
Long use of contact lenses
In this case, overstrain may occur, as well as dryness or pain. Most often, people who sleep in contact lenses suffer from this. Also, do not use too old lenses, they become tougher over time and begin to cause great discomfort, which is why experts recommend changing them periodically. In addition, such pain can occur due to prolonged reading of books, in this case, the human organs of vision are too stressed.
Eye injuries
If a person received a blunt blow to the eyeball, cut or accidentally scratched it, then he will experience pain. It must be understood that even a slight injury to the visual organ can provoke very serious consequences. If you do not visit a specialist in a timely manner, do not undergo diagnostics and do not start treatment therapy, then in this case there is a risk of completely losing your eyesight.
This is due to the fact that after damage to the lining of the eye, a large amount of blood begins to accumulate in it. This can trigger a severe hematoma or an inflammatory process. In addition to eye pain when moving the eyeball, patients complain of significant visual impairment. If a person did not apply for help in a timely manner, then the condition will only worsen.
Foreign body
If a midge, a speck of dust, hair or any other small particle gets into a person’s eye, then in this case he will experience sharp pain. Among the additional symptoms, tearing is worth noting. If you cannot remove a foreign object from the eye yourself, it is better to consult a specialist. Otherwise, there is a risk of scratching the eyeball, against which an infection can develop quite calmly.
If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, then this can provoke serious vision problems. A person may even lose him.
This disease is characterized by inflammation of the "body" of the eye. Moreover, a person suffers not only from pain, but also from photophobia. In addition, impaired susceptibility of the pupils to light can be noted. Transparent lines and dots float in the eyes , it becomes more difficult for a person to examine objects.
If the pathology was detected on time, then in this case the doctor helps to maintain normal pressure inside the eye. There is no violation of the smoothness and luster of the cornea. If help is not provided to the patient, then the inflammation will begin to spread and cover the entire iris of the eye.
Symptom Features
It is worth noting that if the eyeballs and head hurt, then in this case most often we are talking about infectious diseases. They can spread throughout the human body. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor on time. If the visual organ hurts only during movement, then in this case glaucoma is often suspected. Often, with this pathology, an operation is performed.
With redness of the eyes, doctors suspect a variety of diseases. It can be allergies, injuries, chemical and thermal burns, conjunctivitis and other pathologies.
If eyeballs and head ache at the same time, what is dangerous
First of all, it is worth noting that this pathology is often found if a person has ARI or the flu. Similar symptoms are observed with oncology and joint diseases. However, it must be understood that such discomfort can also be caused by intracranial hematoma, preinfarction, infections and brain tumors.
If we are talking about high intracranial pressure, in this case the pain will increase. At first, the pain will only be in the head, gradually the person will begin to experience discomfort in the eyeballs. Additionally, nausea and general weakness are manifested. It is worth noting that during increased intracranial pressure, pain becomes much stronger if the patient sneezes or coughs. Many complain of darkening in the eyes.
It is possible that the patient has a simple migraine. In this case, the pain will be localized in the temples and forehead. If a person additionally manifests numbness of the limbs and hypersensitivity to light stimuli, then this can also be a symptom of migraine.
If we talk about why the eyeballs hurt, sometimes doctors suspect aneurysm of the vessels. As a rule, its localization is observed on the one hand. In this case, surgical intervention may be required. Also, sinusitis can become the cause of this syndrome. However, it must be understood that such symptoms can be caused by both completely harmless diseases and serious pathologies that require the immediate assistance of a specialist. Do not delay a visit to a doctor or self-medicate, it is better to consult a specialist who can accurately determine the cause of the development of an unpleasant sensation.
First of all, you need to contact an ophthalmologist. The doctor needs to tell all his complaints and accurately describe the nature of the pain. Be sure to clarify whether the patient has a darkening in the eyes and other unpleasant symptoms.
After that, the doctor conducts an examination and tries to detect visible changes in the patient’s ocular organs. In order to diagnose uveitis, glaucoma or trauma, it is necessary to study the eye structures. Using an ophthalmic microscope, it becomes possible to examine the anterior segment of the eye. Its bottom is also being studied. For this, an ophthalmoscopy is performed.
The doctor carefully examines the history and research. Additionally, the specialist determines the level of refraction of the human eyeball. For this, as a rule, special lighting products are used that help determine the strength of the optical system of the eye. The doctor also clarifies how well the visual eye is able to adjust during the examination of certain objects at different distances.
After the doctor has precisely determined why the patient has an eyeball inside or outside, he prescribes the appropriate therapy. If we are talking about strong overvoltage, then in this case it is necessary to give the eyes a rest and perform special flushing and compresses.
Experts also recommend conducting gymnastic exercises for the eyes and applying specialized moisturizing drops such as Vizin. Additionally, vitamin complexes may be prescribed. Also, a person should eat carrots, spinach and blueberries more often.
If we are talking about uveitis, then in this case there is a great danger of serious complications. Therefore, you can not self-medicate, as this can lead to complete loss of vision. The doctor must determine the type of pathogen that led to the infectious process. After that, he prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs with an exact spectrum of action. The following drugs are good for eliminating pain: "Optometrist", "Visimed-gel", "Aktipol" and others.
As a rule, on the first day after the start of therapy, additional drugs are prescribed that can dilate the pupils. For this, corticosteroid ointments and special injections are used.
If the patient suffers from optic nerve ischemia and complains that the eyeball inside him is very sore, then therapeutic measures should be taken immediately as soon as the patient has the first symptoms of this disease.
If the visual organs are too long without oxygen, then this will lead to complete necrosis of the nerve endings, it will be impossible to restore them. If a person suffers from an attack of this pathology, then it is necessary to quickly put nitroglycerin under the tongue, and enter the solution of aminophylline intravenously. However, optic nerve problems are treated exclusively in a hospital under the supervision of doctors. Specialists often prescribe diuretics, vasodilators, anticoagulants, vitamins.
If the patient suffers from glaucoma, then in this case can not do without surgical intervention. Additionally, medications are used that help reduce intraocular pressure.
If we talk about surgical intervention, then most often procedures are performed using a laser.
For infectious eye lesions, antibiotics are required. As a rule, patients are recommended to instill "Levomycetin", "Sulfacyl sodium" and other drugs. The procedure is performed 5 times a day. For each sore eye, 3 drops are required.
In order not to encounter serious troubles, it is necessary to adhere to several recommendations of specialists. First of all, do not read books while lying down. It is best placed so that the light from the lamp or from the window is directed directly at the book itself.
If a person works at a computer for a long time or sits in front of a TV, then periodically you need to perform exercises for the eyes. You will also need to purchase moisturizing drops. If a person works in difficult conditions, then every half hour it is recommended to take a break of at least 5 minutes to give the eyes a rest. At this time, you should not use a smartphone or other gadgets that will also load the optic nerve.
On the streets, do not rub your eyes with dirty hands, as this can provoke infection. In the human diet should be fruits and vegetables that positively affect the state of vision.