Vitiligo is a rare skin disease. It is manifested by the formation of characteristic white spots on the human body. According to statistics, approximately 4% of the world's population suffers from this pathology. It can occur at absolutely any age, but is most often found in young children and adolescents. The spots do not cause discomfort, they do not itch and do not itch. The only reason why many want to get rid of the disease is a cosmetic defect. Treatment takes a lot of time. Modern pharmaceutical companies offer many stain control products. Among them, the drug "Vitasan" (cream) can be noted. Reviews about this medication will be presented to your attention just below.
Description of the drug: composition and form of release
Cream "Vitasan" is a cosmetic product. Its main action is aimed at increasing the intensity of pigmentation. To a greater extent, this drug is intended for people suffering from Vitiligo disease. It contains natural components that regulate the body's production of melanin. The cream contains the following active substances:
- Fir oil. It has a tonic effect, thereby improving blood microcirculation in certain areas of the skin.
- Cedar oil. It contains vitamin E, which has a pronounced antioxidant effect. It is also a preventive measure against the destruction of cellular elements responsible for skin pigmentation.
- Hood Walnut. This component helps to even out skin tone, giving it a rich color.
- Hypericum extract The furocoumarins contained in it have a photosensitizing effect.
Among the other components of the drug, it is worth highlighting extracts of a string and calendula. They have a pronounced antibacterial effect, help eliminate existing inflammatory processes. Such a composition is presented in the instructions that come with the drug "Vitasan" (cream). Reviews of many patients confirm that the natural recipe allows the use of the product even for young children. In addition, natural components in exceptional cases provoke the development of adverse reactions. Therefore, the cream can be used for allergic patients.
The drug goes on sale in tubes of 100 ml. The price of one unit of goods is about 1 thousand rubles.
Indications for use
The most commonly used cream is Vitasan from Vitiligo. Patient reviews report that the use of this drug is also justified in the following disorders and disorders:
- inflammatory lesions of the epidermis;
- allergic reactions, manifested by skin rashes;
- dermatoses of various etiologies;
- uneven tan;
- trophic ulcers.
Before starting a course of treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
In what cases is it not recommended to use Vitasan Cream? Reviews of real consumers characterize the drug as a gentle hypoallergenic agent. The only contraindication to its use is hypersensitivity to the constituent substances. If an allergic reaction occurs in the form of itching or peeling, rinse off the cream quickly. Then you need to re-contact the doctor so that he can determine the cause of this disorder and prescribe another treatment.
How to use Vitasan cream from vitiligo?
Doctors' reviews indicate that the regimen for the use of the drug for various skin pathologies does not differ. To apply cream, the instruction recommends a thin layer on previously cleansed skin. The procedure should be repeated twice a day. It is important to carefully rub the drug into the damaged layers of the epidermis, it is better to do this with light massage movements.
If vitiligo has a seasonal course, it is recommended that therapy be started in the fall or winter. During treatment, the skin will have time to prepare for the effects of UV rays in the warm season. Of course, therapy can be started in the summer. However, in this case, the cream should be applied early in the morning and late in the evening.
What other warnings exist when using Vitasan? Cream reviews of patients characterize as a rapidly absorbing structure. However, a thin film may remain on the skin for some time after application. It does not protect against the penetration of UV rays, so you should not neglect sunscreens.
Patient opinions
If you study the reviews of real patients who, in practice, had to deal with the problem of vitiligo, there is no doubt about the effectiveness of the drug. Most people claim that the medication copes with the first manifestations of the disease. However, he does not cure him to the end.
Does Vitasan (cream) have any negative reviews? Price and the absence of a long therapeutic effect - these are the two points that patients most often complain about. Indeed, the drug is quite expensive (about 1 thousand rubles per tube). In fact, it is very economically consumed. One tube is enough for several days of use.
Now you know what violations Vitasan Cream is used for. Instructions for use, price, reviews of real patients were also presented above.
It is worth noting that the remedy considered in the article is still a drug. Therefore, before starting its use, you must always consult a dermatologist.