Mirror chocolate icing for the cake: ingredients, recipe, cooking secrets

A variety of cakes imply a different design. One of the easiest ways to decorate any cake or cake is chocolate-based icing or cocoa. There are a lot of recipes, some recipes are rightfully considered branded or family, as they have been tested for years. Mirror chocolate icing for a cake is a decoration that helps to make any dessert even more elegant without any special ingredients. It can be based on glucose syrup, which is purchased in a specialized store, or maybe just from cocoa, water and sugar. Each option deserves attention.

Simple glaze: delicious and beautiful

This recipe is considered one of the easiest. For him, you do not need a lot of different ingredients, everything is at hand. At the same time, cooking does not take much time and does not take much effort.

To prepare the chocolate icing for the cocoa cake, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • 100 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa, you need to take with a slide;
  • 50 grams of butter;
  • 50 ml of water.

Sugar is poured with water, slightly stirred. Set the capacity in the microwave and set for a couple of minutes at a power of 1000 watts. Take out the syrup, stir again. Sent for a couple of minutes.

The butter is combined with cocoa, stirred. Hot syrup is added in batches to the oil and stirred. If you want a thicker glaze, then you just need to add not all the syrup. In the process, you can adjust the thickness of the mirror chocolate icing for the cake. Apply icing to the cake while it is still warm.

mirror chocolate icing for cake recipe

Simple icing with icing sugar

The secret to making mirrored chocolate glaze according to this recipe is very simple: you need to use powdered sugar, not sugar, since it is more tender, it dissolves faster. Thanks to this, you do not need to boil the syrup, which saves time.

For this recipe you need to take:

  • 50 grams of powder;
  • a teaspoon of cocoa;
  • a couple of teaspoons of boiling water.

Powder and cocoa are mixed in a cup, carefully so that there are no lumps. Pour in parts water, stirring. This recipe does not require cooking and can be very convenient for many desserts.

Gelatin Glaze

This recipe for mirror chocolate icing for a cake is popular in that it turns out to be very shiny, it reflects the decoration of the cake, if any. You can use this option for eclairs or other desserts.

To prepare this version of glaze, you need to take the following products:

  • 240 grams of sugar;
  • 160 grams of cream with a fat content of 33 percent;
  • 14 grams of gelatin;
  • 80 grams of cocoa;
  • 80 grams of water for syrup;
  • 70 grams of water for gelatin.

Gelatin must be soaked in water. Cocoa is sieved in advance. The remaining water and sugar are combined, boiled syrup. You can do this in the microwave or on the stove. After adding cocoa, knead.

Cream is heated to about 80 degrees, dissolve gelatin in them. Both masses are combined, boiled for about another minute. After the mirror chocolate icing on gelatin is removed for a day in the refrigerator. Before decorating the cake with it, it is necessary to warm the mass to 30 degrees.

mirror chocolate icing for cake ingredients

Delicious icing on milk

For this version of chocolate mirror glaze on milk, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • 100 grams of powder;
  • a couple of tablespoons of cocoa;
  • five tablespoons of milk;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of butter;
  • some vanilla for flavor.

Milk is heated, but not brought to a boil. Powdered sugar is mixed with cocoa powder. Add milk, softened butter. Pour vanillin, mix thoroughly. It is better to prepare such chocolate icing for cocoa cake after preparing the dessert, as it quickly hardens. If this happens, you can slightly dilute it with milk.

Delicious Chocolate Glaze

This recipe will appeal to those who love the rich taste of chocolate. For cooking, you need to take:

  • 5 tablespoons of milk;
  • 100 grams of chocolate. Better to take without any additives. Cocoa content looks to your liking;
  • half a teaspoon of butter.

The container in which the glaze will be boiled is thickly greased with oil. Add milk, break chocolate. Stir, melt both ingredients. When they mix, remove from heat. Apply such a mirror chocolate icing for the cake in a warm form.

chocolate glaze on milk

Cocoa and Chocolate Recipe

This chocolate gelatin icing is an effort. However, it looks really festive and elegant. For cooking, you need to take:

  • 150 ml of water;
  • 50 grams of dark chocolate without additives;
  • 250 grams of powdered sugar;
  • 8 grams of gelatin;
  • 80 grams of cocoa;
  • 80 ml cream with a fat content of 30 percent.

Thanks to the combination of chocolate and cocoa, the icing has a rich and vibrant taste. In addition, if you take chocolate with a cocoa content of over 72 percent, then the aroma of this design for the cake will be mouth-watering, sweet.

First, gelatin is soaked. You need to follow the information from the packaging. Cocoa, sugar are mixed in a pan, then pour them with cream and water, stir. Heat the mass over low heat, when bubbles appear, remove the mass from the stove.

Chocolate is crushed. You can do this with a grater, a blender, or simply chop into small crumbs. To make it easier to do this, the chocolate is pre-cooled. Chocolate and gelatin are added to the cream, mixed thoroughly. After filtering the icing through a sieve, cool. After decorating the dessert, you need to send the cake for a couple of hours in the cold so that the mass freezes.

gelatin mirror glaze

Icing with sugar and cream

In this embodiment, a strong mass with a bright creamy taste is obtained. For this design option for the cake you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 4 tablespoons of cocoa;
  • 175 grams of sugar;
  • 100 grams of water;
  • 100 ml of heavy cream;
  • a couple of teaspoons with a slide of gelatin;
  • 70 ml of water for gelatin.

The gelatin is soaked in cold water until swelling. Sugar and residual water are mixed in a saucepan, heated on a stove until sugar is completely dissolved. Boil for about seven minutes after boiling. The approximate temperature should be about 110 degrees.

Cream and cocoa are poured. With a whisk, beat everything until smooth. After again bring the mass to a boil. Remove the mass from the stove, inject gelatin, knead. If lumps have formed in the process, then you need to kill the whole mass with a blender or strain through a sieve.

Icing with glucose syrup

Glucose syrup, also known as invert syrup, is a finished product that can be purchased at a pastry shop or large shopping centers. It helps make the glaze more ductile. For this reason, it is worth buying for those who often bake cakes or pastries, using a variety of types of glaze for decoration.

For this cooking option, you need to take:

  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • the same amount of glucose syrup;
  • 100 grams of dark chocolate with cocoa content up to 55 percent;
  • 70 grams of condensed milk;
  • a couple of teaspoons of gelatin;
  • 50 ml of water for glaze;
  • 60 ml of water for gelatin.

According to this recipe, a plastic icing is obtained, which stretches slightly when slicing a cake. If you want to get a more crispy base, then you need to add more gelatin, increasing its amount by thirty percent.

mirror chocolate icing for cake

The process of making cake decorations

The gelatin is soaked and left to swell. In a bowl put chopped pieces of chocolate, gelatin, condensed milk. In a stewpan combine water, sugar and syrup. After boiling, the mass is boiled for another couple of minutes. A hot mass is poured into a container with chocolate, allowed to stand for a couple of minutes. After whipping everything with a blender at low speed. It is better to leave the finished glaze in the refrigerator overnight. To decorate the cake, it is heated to 30 degrees.

Icing with chocolate and milk powder

This option is suitable for decorating not only the top of the cake, but also for beautiful smudges on the side of the product. For this type of glaze, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • 130 grams of sugar;
  • the same amount of glucose syrup;
  • 55 grams leading;
  • 10 grams of gelatin;
  • 70 grams of milk;
  • 15 grams of milk powder;
  • 165 grams of chocolate.

Sugar, water and glucose are combined, brought to a boil. Both types of milk are mixed, introduced into syrup, brought to a boil again. Add gelatin, pour chocolate. They break through everything with a blender, this will help to get the most homogeneous mass, without lumps.

If the chocolate does not give a saturated color, then you can add a little dye. It is noteworthy that you can cook such a glaze with white chocolate. It will have the same shiny surface with a reflective effect.

Cooking process

How to cook a mirror chocolate icing for a cake according to this recipe? Gelatin is soaked following the instructions. In a pan combine powdered sugar and cocoa. Are mixed. After adding cream and water, heat the mass over low heat. After the appearance of the bubbles, remove the pan from the stove.

Chocolate triter, add to cream. Gelatin is also sent there. Knead thoroughly. After the icing is filtered through a sieve, cooled to room temperature. The iced cake is left in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

chocolate icing for cocoa cake

How to apply glaze?

You can cook the icing according to any of the recipes. However, it is also important to apply it correctly. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the nuances.

For a beautiful glaze, you need to act in two stages. It is better to first apply a thin layer on the cake, leave it in the refrigerator for solidification, and then fill out the remaining part of the mirror chocolate icing for the cake.

Apply traditionally from the edges to the center. If the cake is made out completely, then it is applied to the sides from bottom to top. It is also worth filling out with a warm mass, without waiting for it to turn into a lump.

If a bubble forms during application, it is slightly moistened with water and then leveled with a silicone spatula.

It is also worth noting that a dense biscuit, which often serves as the basis for a cake, is better to coat with a thin layer of thick jam in advance. Then distributing the glaze will be more convenient and easier.

It is also worth paying attention to the quality of cocoa. If, when added, it gives a dirty color, then it is better to either increase its amount, but this is fraught with the receipt of a hill of glaze, or use a dye.

how to make mirrored chocolate icing for a cake

A good cake is not only cakes and toppings. This is also the design. The ingredients for a mirror chocolate icing for a cake often use the most diverse. Somewhere they take real chocolate, and somewhere - cocoa. Also, in some recipes they use milk, in others they replace them with water. Often used and gelatin, which is prepared according to the instructions. It is important to find out what are the secrets of proper glaze application. Then the cakes will definitely look festive. In addition, much depends on the quality of cocoa, chocolate, cream and butter. So save on these ingredients is not worth it.

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