Allergic dermatitis: treatment, symptoms, causes

According to ICD-10, allergic dermatitis is encoded as L23. Currently, the incidence of such a disease is quite high. Doctors have accumulated a lot of information about the causes of pathology, methods for its elimination, as well as possible complications and consequences.

Allergic dermatitis on the face

General view

Coded as L23 according to ICD-10, allergic dermatitis is a skin pathology, manifested by numerous symptoms: redness of a certain area, itching, rashes are possible. Often, affected skin surfaces are covered with a small size by blisters filled with a specific substance - exudate.

Allergic dermatitis in adults and children can be provoked by a variety of external factors, called allergens in medicine. These include many chemical compounds, but not only. Physical factors play a role. The main feature that unites them all is the reaction of human immunity, which manifests itself on the skin.

Primary symptoms: do not confuse!

At first, allergic dermatitis is similar to acute eczema. The epidermis is covered with large reddish spots, on which numerous vesicles appear over time. When formations are emptied, crusts, flakes remain on the skin. Mostly the area directly in contact with the allergen suffers, but the pathology affects the body completely, so secondary foci are sometimes observed in the most unpredictable places. These usually form in the form of swelling, blisters, and reddish spots. Mostly patients suffer from severe itching.

What to do?

The treatment of allergic dermatitis involves a combination of several methods. They use specialized medications designed to stop the symptoms of this disease, and resort to home treatment and alternative therapy as additional methods to maintain the body's strength.

The simplest option is juice made using celery roots. Just a couple of spoons of such a product, used before a meal, helps to strengthen the body's defenses and weaken the allergic reaction. To prepare the drug, the root is rubbed on a fine grater and squeezed through sterile gauze.

Allergic dermatitis symptoms

Infusions against allergies

Home treatment for allergic dermatitis involves the use of a variety of medicinal infusions. Well-proven remedy of rose petals, plantain grass, horsetail. All ingredients are taken in equal proportions, two teaspoons of chopped herbs are boiled for half a liter of water and insisted for half an hour. As ready, the infusion is decanted and used in food four times a day in small quantities before meals.

Another method for treating allergic dermatitis is dandelion infusion. In one tablespoon of leaves, boiled water is taken in the amount of two glasses, the mixture is infused and used in food four times a day before meals. Drink one glass at a time.

Local treatment

It can be used to slightly weaken the manifestations of allergic dermatitis, a folk remedy based on apple juice, cucumber. The active ingredients of the products remove the rash, moisturize the skin, soften it, the affected areas stop itching. Simply wipe the area with fresh juice with enviable regularity. To prevent an infectious secondary process, it is worth trying natural antiseptics - decoctions prepared on oak bark, currant leaves, and a succession. This product is regularly rinsed on the skin, moisturizing them and activating regenerative processes. The tool helps well against itching.

allergic dermatitis on the hands

Another method of treating allergic dermatitis at home is the use of aloe. The plant is known for its positive versatile effect on the human body. Extracts from the leaves are most useful: they extract fresh liquid and treat the affected areas with it. To achieve maximum effect, the procedure is repeated daily 3-4 times, sometimes even more often, until the problem is completely eliminated.

Safe and reliable

In the treatment of allergic dermatitis in children, it is first of all necessary to try the most harmless, non-toxic methods. Traditional medicine recommends using, for example, oil from plants - sunflower, flax, corn. You can use other vegetable oils, if those were at hand. The product is regularly applied to the affected skin areas, normalizing the water balance and providing the skin with necessary hydration. However, an oily liquid eliminates itching.

To achieve a positive effect, it is enough to apply in one procedure only a few drops of liquid. To relieve the symptoms of allergic dermatitis, massage the oil with massage movements into the damaged skin areas. To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, it is worth using camphor, mixing a teaspoon of the substance into three tablespoons of the main ingredient. The compound is able to destroy colonies of bacteria, heals the skin.

Pastes and salt against allergies

With allergic dermatitis in children, a paste made from camphor and sandalwood will come to the rescue. Long known in folk medicine, such a mixture has proven effective in a variety of health disorders. The cooking process is quite simple - you need to take half a spoonful of camphor into two tablespoons of sandalwood powder, dilute the whole mass with a couple of drops of water. The paste should be applied directly to the affected areas, and as it dries, remove with boiled water. The tool quickly destroys harmful bacteria, removes swelling and redness.

Allergic dermatitis in adults

You can defeat allergic dermatitis on the hands (and not only) with the help of salt. Take a liter of a little warm clean water on a teaspoon. When the product is completely dissolved, the affected areas of the skin are moistened with the liquid in the duration of one procedure - a quarter hour. The solution allows you to stop itching, eliminates bacteria colonies.

Oatmeal - and there is no allergy!

Oats are a good remedy for allergic dermatitis on the arms, legs and other parts of the body. A full bath is poured, half a cup of oatmeal is added to it. Another method is to apply freshly prepared oatmeal on the affected surface of the skin, massage the area lightly. This procedure is recommended a couple of times a week.

Oats are also good as a remedy for allergic dermatitis on the face. Take a couple of large spoons of honey and three - oatmeal porridge, mix until smooth and apply to the sick integument, then rinse with clean running water. Such a therapeutic operation should be repeated every day until the symptoms are exhausted.

Natural Remedies: Medicines Around Us

Against allergic dermatitis, a decoction prepared with birch buds will help. One glass of water is enough for a tablespoon of natural product. The kidneys are poured into boiling water and boiled for about half an hour, allowed to cool and carefully filtered, after which they are used every day until the disease completely disappears.

At home, you can prepare an effective ointment for allergic dermatitis from glycerin, milk. The constituents are taken in equal amounts, a little bit of rice starch is added to the mixture to improve the consistency. Ointment should cover diseased skin in the evening, shortly before bedtime. In the morning, the product is washed off with cool clean water.

Allergic dermatitis folk remedy

Responsible approach

Many people are accustomed to thinking that allergic dermatitis is an unpleasant, but not dangerous disease, therefore they neglect its treatment, considering it sufficient to simply suffer when the symptoms disappear themselves. It must be understood that the disease is inflammatory in nature, provoked by an allergen, and treated comprehensively. To achieve the most pronounced and quick effect, it is necessary to adhere to a special diet for allergic dermatitis, apply funds to affected skin areas, and also take antihistamines, systemic medications to relieve inflammation.

Local therapy can reduce the intensity of skin manifestations, moisturize the integument, prevent secondary infection, and activate immunity. It is better to choose ointments for allergic dermatitis, cream, in consultation with a professional. The doctor will tell you exactly which remedy is most effective in a particular case, what precautions must be observed. Especially many restrictions are associated with inflammatory processes on the face, genitals, in the armpits. Most of the funds presented in pharmacies are not intended for application to these areas. No less accurate will have to choose medicines and in the treatment of children.

It is important!

Having assessed the causes of allergic dermatitis, the doctor can prescribe corticosteroids. You can use such medications with strictly short-term courses - within three weeks. To prevent overdrying of the skin, treatment is accompanied by the use of a moisturizer. It is better to choose products for allergy sufferers, children - it is safer and more effective.

Allergic dermatitis ointment

Local compositions: what are they?

On the pharmacy shelves in a wide variety of anti-inflammatory creams are used for allergic dermatitis. Mostly they are based on corticosteroids, stop inflammatory processes, eliminate itching. Among the most popular are the names β€œAdvantan”, β€œTriderm”. Moisturizing ointments are no less in demand, since dermatitis is usually accompanied by over-dried integuments, and the skin begins to peel off. To cope with this problem, it is worth taking a closer look at the composition of Elobeiz, a cream based on glycerin.

Diet for allergic dermatitis

The positive effect of allergic dermatitis is associated with the use of anti-inflammatory drugs without steroids. These substances are effective against itching, help to defeat unpleasant symptoms, although they do not act as pronounced as hormonal analogues. The most common and famous option is Bepanten. Against itching, you can use formulations specifically designed for this, based on antihistamines. Such funds quickly remove the rash, relieve discomfort. In some cases, zinc ointment and other dried creams come in handy. It is worth resorting to them if the form is wet. You can stay at the cream "Desitin".

Corticosteroids and Dermatitis

Depending on the presence of such a component, all medications are divided into hormonal and non-hormonal (those containing no corticosteroids). Non-hormonal therapy often involves the use of the Cinovit compound. The drug is effective against external manifestations, and the effectiveness of the application is explained by a well-chosen composition: dipotassium glycyrrhizinate is combined with zinc. "Zinovit" is an antiseptic, since essential oils are included in the medication. The tool is recommended if dermatitis occurs with foci of desquamation, the patient suffers from itching, the skin is irritated, and hyperemia is observed.

Allergic dermatitis ICD 10

Among non-hormonal doctors, they often recommend trying Elan. This name is on sale in almost any modern pharmacy, it is effective against puffiness, itching and burning, protects the skin from aggressive chemicals. A good result can bring the drug "Skin-Cap". It is not cheap, but effective against the inflammatory process, infection with fungi, parasites, microbes. The ointment is quite safe, recommended for use in childhood dermatitis. Good reputation have "Naftaderm" and "Fenistil". Among antihistamines for local use, attention should be paid to "Gistan." In addition, β€œRadevit” ointment is considered effective, stopping inflammatory processes, softening diseased skin integuments. Its use prevents keratinization, activates regenerative processes.

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With such a localization of the disease, it is first necessary to identify the allergen and completely exclude it from your life. To eliminate local symptoms, Celestoderm B, intended for use twice daily, will come to the rescue. The duration of the course is from a week to two. Additionally take antihistamines, calcium chloride in the form of a solution of 10%, Claritin, Erius. The doctor may recommend other names. Drops will also help: "Histimet", "Prenicide."

Ill child: features

The treatment of allergic dermatitis at a tender age is delayed for a longer period than in adult patients, and the case itself requires constant monitoring by a specialist and a thorough examination. It is important to detect the allergen in time and exclude it from everyday life. Antihistamines are prescribed in a reduced dose than for adult patients. More often used "Erius", "Diazolin", as these names are considered relatively safe, well tolerated. "Erius" is produced in syrup, suitable for use at the age of one year. Dosage details are listed in the instructions for use.

If skin irritations are very strong, an ointment should be used to stop the itching sensation. They strictly select medications that are allowed for children. The child is transferred to a diet, coordinating the diet with a doctor. All medications also need to be previously discussed with a doctor in order to avoid negative reactions of the delicate organism.

Comprehensive approach

An important part of therapy is a diet for allergic dermatitis. Normalization of nutrition allows you to quickly deal with the negative manifestations of the disease. If dermatitis is provoked by food, the allergen should be completely excluded from food. In case of other causes of the reaction or the inability to detect an allergen, a full-fledged, balanced program is developed, forming a diet taking into account the characteristics of a particular patient. If possible, citrus and alcohol should be avoided, seasonings, including mayonnaise, should be excluded. Do not eat eggs, nuts, fish products and poultry, chocolate, cocoa, coffee. The ban applies to smoked, tomatoes, radishes, dairy products, strawberries, honey and mushrooms. Watermelons, melons, and butter products should be excluded from the diet.

Allergic dermatitis on the hands

When compiling a menu for the period of therapy, it is necessary to focus on boiled beef and low-fat soups on vegetables. You can eat cereals, potatoes (boiled), add butter (vegetable, cream) to food. Kefir, cottage cheese, greens are allowed. It is worth pampering yourself with apples: in compote and baked. Fresh cucumbers, sweet tea are allowed. The most strict diet should be followed until the condition returns to normal. When the primary symptoms have exhausted themselves, it is necessary to make an appointment with the doctor in order to clarify how long to keep a limited diet and which foods should be introduced first, and what is better to refuse in principle to prevent a recurrence of the situation.

Is the disease transmitted?

Scientists still have no official answer to this question to this day. A certain group of researchers is of the opinion that dermatitis is hereditary. Persons suffering from allergies in this form are too sensitive from birth, and the skin is prone to irritation. But you can not get allergic dermatitis. From a patient to a healthy pathology is not transmitted under any conditions.

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