Why do we sometimes see flying colorless flies? This is a question that at least once arose in every person. Is this an indication of a drop in vision? Maybe this indicates good vision? Can somatic pathologies that are not directly related to the organs of vision be the cause? The answers to all these questions can be found by studying the physiological structure of the eye.
How is the eye made?
We can only see the anterior chamber of the eye: the iris, pupil and sclera. In the depths of the eyeball is the vitreous, which figuratively can be imagined as a completely transparent gel.
With the age of a person, the texture of the vitreous body undergoes changes: in it, seals of individual fibers form, which reduce its degree of transparency. We perceive them as colorless flies of arbitrary shape. They change position with eye movements, that is, they are never absolutely static.
In medicine, this phenomenon has a definition - the destruction of the vitreous body.
Are flies dangerous?
The most relevant question is not about why people sometimes see colorless flying flies in the air, but how dangerous it is for human health. It all depends on how often and under what circumstances flies appear. Their appearance is normal when:
- a long look at a bright bright surface, for example, at window glass, a white surface of a table, walls;
- by squinting your eyes in the sun or sky.
Flies arise in the dark, just a person can not see them. If they appear only when looking at a bright light, do not cause any discomfort, there is no need to worry. A gradual decrease in vision is a natural physiological process, and translucent spots when looking at bright light occur even in children whose vision has not yet undergone age-related changes. Therefore, the question of why people sometimes see colorless flying flies has a simple answer: this is nothing more than the norm in the work of the human body.
Signs of pathology
Any symptom can be both a consequence of pathology, and part of a normal physiological process. But a symptom cannot exist autonomously, it can only be considered as a sign of an ailment together with other symptoms.
Therefore, when studying the question of why we sometimes see flying colorless flies, you need to pay attention to whether there are any symptoms described below:
- flies in the eyes appear suddenly;
- flashes of light appear in the eyes;
- visual acuity decreases;
- the viewing diameter decreases, that is, the side vision gradually disappears;
- distortion of visible objects occurs.
All these symptoms indicate retinal detachment - a disease that can lead to complete loss of vision.
Also, the cause of the phenomenon may be the ingress of foreign bodies into the vitreous. This often happens with internal hemorrhage, when a blood clot remains inside the eye. In this case, the fly will be the shadow that hemophthalmos casts.
Pathology requires immediate medical attention: the sooner the patient goes to the doctor from the time of the hemorrhage, the sooner he will get rid of the negative consequences. And then the question of why we sometimes see flying colorless flies in the air will be irrelevant.
Other reasons
All the causes of the appearance of flies in the eyes, as a pathology, are ultimately associated either with factors that provoke hemophthalmus, or with factors that affect the vitreous body.
These include:
- inflammatory processes in the eye area;
- vascular pathologies: sudden pressure surges, atherosclerosis;
- pathology of the hematopoietic system: anemia;
- injuries: eye, head, upper spine.
Thus, a huge number of factors affect human vision, and many somatic pathologies can lead to visual impairment and the appearance of so-called flies in front of the eyes.
How to get rid of flies?
Having found out why we sometimes see colorless flies flying, it's time to find out how to get rid of them.
First of all, it is worth emphasizing that the flies themselves usually do not cause any discomfort. Therefore, it is simple enough not to pay attention to translucent dots and dashes.
If the flies still cause discomfort, you should contact an ophthalmologist and undergo an examination that will confirm or exclude the risk of somatic pathologies that can act as a cause.
The doctor will also tell you how to avoid the appearance of new flies and maintain your vision. These rules include a healthy lifestyle, prevention of cervical osteochondrosis, a balanced diet.
These simple recommendations can reduce the risk of hemorrhage and slow down the process of destruction of the vitreous body. So the question of why we sometimes see flying colorless flies in front of our eyes will arise less frequently and will cease to be a cause for a person to worry about our health.