People face kidney bruises much less often than organ inflammation or salt deposition, however, this problem also does not bypass both men and women of different age categories. Injury can result from a fall, a strong blow to the lumbar region, as well as a result of falling into a traffic accident. Moreover, if the damage is very strong, then there is even a chance of death. Let’s try to figure out what is the situation when a person’s kidneys are beaten off, what to do in this case, and what symptoms are accompanied by damage to internal organs.
general information
In the human body, two kidneys are located on the sides of the retroperitoneal space. Despite the fact that they are reliably protected by a special capsule, as well as covered by ribs and spinal muscles, nevertheless, in medical practice there are many cases when a person's kidneys are recaptured (symptoms, treatment and consequences of the incident will be discussed later).
It is worth noting that these organs are one of the most important in the human body.
They perform the following functions:
- urine filtration and excretion;
- secretion of the hormone renin and erythropoietin;
- the transformation of many useful substances into a form easier for assimilation;
- normalization of acid-base balance.
It is important to understand that a broken kidney begins to function much worse and cope with its tasks, which negatively affects the work of the body as a whole and all its systems. Therefore, if you encounter a similar problem, it is very important to go to the hospital in time and begin timely treatment.
What can affect kidney function?
If you have any health problems, it’s not at all necessary that you have a broken kidney. Conventional drafts and hypothermia can negatively affect the work of these internal organs, which is very common in the cold season. In addition, the use of large amounts of coffee, soda, beer and other alcoholic beverages, as well as salt, worsens kidney function.
As a result of which internal organs can be damaged?
Let's dwell on this in more detail. As already mentioned at the beginning of the article, a broken kidney is a problem that does not divide people by age and gender.
It can arise as a result of the following reasons:
- falling during icy conditions or at work;
- severe bruise;
- a blow to the lower back;
- injuries sustained during a car collision or plane crash, as well as engaging in extreme sports;
- domestic injuries.
All these factors can lead not only to disruption of the organs, but also to their complete failure. In the latter case, a person simply dies, and it is not possible to save him.
Who is at increased risk?
This issue should be emphasized.
Most often, a broken kidney is diagnosed by doctors in the following categories of citizens:
- Children. Toddlers often play various games and lead an active lifestyle, as a result of which they often fall and get injured.
- Professional athletes. Football players, hockey players, boxers and racers very often get severe bruises, which can be fraught with various serious consequences.
- People suffering from urolithiasis, nephroptosis, hydronephrosis, dystopia and organ deformity can lead to kidney injury and soft tissue damage.
Representatives of the mature generation are not at high risk, but many of them also turn to medical institutions with problems associated with the functioning of the kidneys.
Symptoms and clinical manifestations
So what are they like? The question of how to understand that they repulsed a kidney is of interest to many people.
An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a specialist, but the following symptoms are good reasons for going to the hospital:
- severe pain in the lower back;
- lumbago in the legs and groin;
- severe swelling in the hip joint;
- hemorrhages and hematomas at the location of internal organs.
It is important to understand that signs of broken kidneys may not be the same in different people. If some people can notice blood in the urine with no armed gaze, then others can determine its presence only through analysis.
In addition to the main signs, there may also be adverse clinical manifestations, which include:
- pain when feeling the damaged areas;
- fever;
- bouts of nausea and vomiting;
- intestinal paresis;
- pain when pressing on the ribs;
- chills;
- unstable urination;
- increased gas contamination of the intestine ;
- a change in the normal color of the epidermis and mucous membrane;
- chronic weakness;
- bad feeling.
It is worth noting that the very first symptom of kidney damage is an admixture of blood in the urine, which appears already on the second day after the injury. Therefore, if you notice that your discharge is uncharacteristic in color, it is best to go to the hospital right away. If treatment is not started on time, then the patient is more likely to develop anemia, with also a strong decrease in hemoglobin in the blood, which is fraught with very serious consequences.
Defeat classification
What is she like? Kidney bruises are divided into the following forms:
- Easy. Impurities of blood in the urine are weakly expressed and almost invisible to the naked eye. Pain is weak, and the patient's condition is satisfactory, so treatment can be carried out at home.
- Medium. The victim has a rapid heartbeat, low blood pressure and moderate pain attacks. Urine acquires a bright red hue due to the presence of a large amount of blood in it. In the lumbar region, hematomas and severe swelling are observed, which can also spread to the inguinal region. With an average level of damage, treatment is carried out exclusively on an outpatient basis.
- Heavy. If you hit your kidneys badly, the symptoms will be clearly visible. This creates a great threat of rupture of the internal organ and death. The pain syndrome is simply unbearable, the patient can not tolerate it without painkillers. In most cases, a severe form is obtained as a result of an accident or severe injuries sustained during beating. In this situation, urgent hospitalization is required, since very often bruises are accompanied by internal bleeding.
Only a qualified specialist can determine the exact condition of a person whose internal organs are repulsed, since a bruise is often accompanied by other injuries that are life-threatening.
What could be the consequences?
This issue should be considered first. Each person is interested in what are the consequences of broken kidneys. And this is not surprising, because not a single serious injury just happens.
As for the damage to the genitourinary organs, the following is observed in the victims:
- blockage of the urethra;
- severe pain in the lower abdomen;
- irritation of the abdominal wall;
- disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
To avoid all this, it is recommended that at the first suspicion of a bruise of the internal organs, contact a profiled specialist who can make an accurate diagnosis and select the appropriate treatment program.
How does it happen and what does it include? If you have any problems, then you need to contact a urologist.
A qualified doctor will perform a full examination and send you to the following examinations:
- analysis of urine and blood;
- urography;
- Ultrasound of the kidneys;
- CT scan;
- cystoscopy;
- angiography.
It is very difficult to say which specific analyzes and research methods will be prescribed, since here everything depends on each specific case, clinical manifestations and their intensity, as well as the severity of the damage to internal organs.
The main methods of therapy
If you have beaten off the kidneys, the treatment should be comprehensive. The following factors are taken into account:
- severity of organ contusion;
- the presence of deviations in the functioning and any complications;
- concomitant damage to other organs.
Only on the basis of the patient’s clinical picture can doctors choose the right treatment program. If besides a bruise there was a rupture of internal organs or internal bleeding, then surgical intervention may be required. For mild to moderate severity, patients are prescribed outpatient treatment.
Also, patients must adhere to the following requirements:
- bed rest with minimal physical activity and physical activity;
- reduced fluid intake to reduce the burden on the kidneys;
- switching to a special diet based on light foods containing a minimum amount of salt;
- taking medications: antibiotics, painkillers, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodics;
- applying cold to the affected area.
As for the treatment program, it can be either inpatient or outpatient. However, it all depends on the severity of the injuries received and the general condition of the patient.
Kidney injury is one of the most serious injuries that poses a great threat to human health and life. Fortunately, the development of modern medicine is at a high level, therefore, with timely access to the hospital and the beginning of timely treatment, the risk of death or serious complications is almost completely absent. Therefore, do not self-medicate and with any problems contact the hospital in a timely manner.