About the needs of the human body in calcium today there is a lot of different information. They constantly explain to us that the use of dairy products will surely protect us from such troubles as brittle bones, loss of teeth and hair. However, to achieve full satisfaction of the body's need for calcium only by including milk and its derivatives in the diet, unfortunately, will fail. Doctors prescribe their patients, especially nursing or pregnant women and the elderly, special medications, among which is Calcemin. Instructions for use of this complex involves its regular use.
"Calcemin" - vitamins or ...?
Due to the high degree of employment, doctors rarely explain the essence of the action of drugs. As a result of the lack of the slightest enlightenment in the field of pharmacology, patients include the vitamins “Calcemin” in the concept. However, such a name of the indicated means is an error. "Calcemin" refers to the regulators of calcium-phosphorus metabolism in the human body, so it could be called a mineral complex. However, to ensure maximum absorption of the minerals included in Calcemin, its composition was supplemented with vitamin D3. Thus, “Calcemin” should be called nothing more than a vitamin-mineral complex, and by no means vitamins.
"Calcemin": instructions for use
The drug is prescribed to patients as a prophylactic or therapeutic agent. People suffering from osteoporosis, calcium-phosphorus metabolic disorders after pregnancy and childbirth, during the lactation period, as well as in fractures and other conditions accompanied by a deficiency of this trace element, especially need a vitamin-mineral complex. Minerals and vitamins "Calcemin" are also prescribed for children, the elderly and adolescents. The doctor carefully examines the medical history and development of the patient before issuing the prescription.
Are there any contraindications?
Do not believe anyone who says that the drug, even the vitamin-mineral complex, has no contraindications. They have all the means developed in the laboratory. It should not be forgotten that the Calcemin tablet, whose composition includes several minerals at once, contains a loading dose of active substances. It is this property that is useful for some patients that turns into a cause of contraindications for others. You can not take the drug if a person has urolithiasis. In addition, undesirable reactions can occur in people sensitive to Calcemin components. The instructions for the drug should contain an indication of the symptoms of an overdose.
Exceeding the prescribed doses is accompanied by:
- bloating;
- constipation and nausea;
- salt deposits in the kidneys;
In addition, uncontrolled intake of the complex can provoke the development of anemia, interfere with the full absorption of copper, zinc and other minerals and vitamins.
The procedure for taking the vitamin-mineral complex
Doctors prescribe specific doses of Calcemin to patients. The instruction also contains information about the dosage, however, the specific amount and frequency of administration is determined only by the doctor. As a rule, the drug is prescribed one tablet for babies from five to twelve years old and two tablets for older age. If necessary, the doctor can increase or decrease the dosage. It is strictly forbidden to independently change the order and frequency of reception! Especially the requirement for a physician to observe Calcemin should be observed in relation to young children. It happens that the "caring" mothers themselves begin to give the baby pills. Many of them sincerely believe that there will be no harm from such a decision. However, severe forms of urolithiasis are known in very young children, caused precisely by such "care" of parents.