Rina Grishina - Russian theater and film actress

Who knows, a bright star Rina Grishina would have flashed in Russian cinema if it had not been for a banal broken leg? Charming young actress confidently submits project by project and has already won many admirers. About the biography and creative career of the actress can be found in this article.

Actress Biography: childhood

Russian movie star

31 years ago, on August 16, in the town of Naro-Fominsk, near Moscow, in the house of grandparents, little Rina Grishina was born. Soon, the girl moved with her parents and began to live in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. From childhood, the baby showed creative abilities and at the age of 4 she got up to the ballet machine. The girl worked diligently in classical ballet for ten years, but a broken leg put an end to her dream of becoming a professional ballerina. Rina also graduated from music school and plays the piano and violin perfectly.

In 1990, Rina had a sister. At the age of 13, the girl lost her father and moved to St. Petersburg with her mother and younger sister Elizabeth. Rina decided to try herself on stage and before graduating from school she successfully studied at the theater for children and youth at the theater “Through the Looking Glass”.

At the same time, the girl got her first movie role, appearing in the episodic role of a little beggar in the British series Crime and Punishment. A photo of Rina Grishina can be seen in this article.

The beginning of a career in cinema

At the age of 14, Rina received a prominent role of Oksana in the series “By the Name of Baron”. The next film role of the young actress took place in 2002 in the children's adventure film by Yevgeny Sokolov “The Secret of the Zaborsky Whirlpool”. This was one of the main roles in the work - the Henrietta circus. The film was extremely successful, and its cast won several awards at children's film festivals. In the next 5 years, actress Rina Grishina played several episodic roles in the then popular series - “Streets of Broken Lights”, “Secrets of the Investigation” and “Liteiny, 4”.

Rina Grishina

Admission to the university and work in the theater

After leaving school, the girl had no problems with choosing a life path, and Rina submitted documents to St. Petersburg GITIS. The attempt was unsuccessful. Rina Grishina entered the coveted university only on the fourth attempt.

During this period, the stubborn actress worked as a prop at the Baltic House Theater, and even a waitress. Finally, Rina was enrolled in the workshop of Sergei Cherkassky. While still a student, Rina takes part in student productions, and her famous partners become stage partners.

The talented artist even became the winner of several prestigious theater awards. The audience remembered the role of Charlie Chaplin in the play “Mirror of the Stage”, masterfully performed by Grishina. For this work, Rina received the main prize at the Moscow International Film Festival "Apart".

Not yet graduated from the institute, Grishina begins to work in the entreprise at the Theater. Lensoviet, at the Vysotsky Center on the Taganka in Moscow, the Meyerhold Theater. Rina's theses became the main roles in the performances of Cherkassky's “Time and the Conway Family”, “Bright Souls” and “Flies” by the director Bryzgu.

Movie roles

actress in the series Kitchen

In parallel with his studies at GITIS, Rina Grishina is actively acting in films in small episodic roles. Gradually, her talent is revealed, and the directors begin to invite the young artist to specific roles.

Having received a diploma in 2012, Grishina tightly engaged in filming in the cinema. The most successful project for the actress was the sitcom “Kitchen”. In this film, Rina Grishina played the role of the receptionist of Svetlana. By the way, the actress continued to play the same role in the series "Hotel Eleon". After the series was released, real popularity came to Grishina, they began to recognize her, they started talking about her.

The actress also played Violet Whitesbury in the series of Andrei Kavun "Sherlock Holmes". Grishina’s partners on the set were Igor Petrenko, Mikhail Boyarsky and Elizaveta Boyarskaya.

Further acting career

frame from the movie

In 2016, Rina Grishina got a role in the full-length movie “Champions: Faster. Above. Stronger". In this film directed by Artyom Akseyenko, the actress came in handy for her ballet training, she was assigned the role of a gymnast, with whom Rina coped remarkably.

In addition to acting, Rina professionally voices foreign films. Such characters as Lucy Emma Watson in the project “7 Days and Nights with Marilyn”, Angela Olga Kurylenko in “Seven Psychopaths” and Sheena in the film “Adolescence” speak Grishina's voice.

In 2017, the beautiful Rina took part in a seductive photo shoot for the men's magazine MAXIM, which caused delight of the readers of this publication. Despite his small (161 cm) height, Rina Grishina has a large number of fans who consider the miniature actress to be her undoubted highlight.

Other interests and hobbies

Rina's talent is truly multifaceted. The actress shows musical talent, taking part in the cover group "Sister Peter". In this collective, consisting mainly of dramatic actresses, Rina plays the double bass. In addition to the hobby for music, the girl successfully dances a jazz step, practices hatha yoga and tempers herself by pouring cold water. The artist is engaged in physical education at home, having developed her own, author's system of exercises. Grishin’s diet also developed for herself, this allows the beauty to stay in shape.

The personal life of the actress and her preferences

actress life and work

Little is known about the actress’s personal life, because the schedule of her filming and theatrical rehearsals is extremely busy, so Rina simply does not have free time. Rina Grishina appreciates the classics of cinema. Rina's favorite directors are Federico Fellini and Bernardo Bertolucci. The actress calls her favorite film “Dawns Here Are Quiet”. She currently continues to work on TV shows.

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