Hypoxia of the brain: what is the danger?

Brain hypoxia is a very complex and dangerous condition that occurs as a result of an insufficient amount of oxygen that enters the neurons of the brain, or a violation of the absorption of this gas.

Hypoxia of the brain: causes. In fact, there are many factors that lead to this condition. Firstly, it is natural that hypoxia of the brain develops as a result of too low oxygen content in the atmosphere. But this option is rarely observed. In most cases, the cause is a violation of the functions of the human body.

Oxygen enters the tissues of the whole body, including the brain, along with blood. That is why quite often cerebral hypoxia develops due to problems with the work of the cardiovascular system - acute vascular insufficiency, heart block, circulatory disorders in the brain tissues. In addition, the same disease occurs with asphyxia of diverse origin.

Quite often, hypoxia begins during a major operation or during postoperative rehabilitation. In some cases, oxygen deficiency results from severe poisoning, including ethyl alcohol or carbon monoxide.

Hypoxia of the brain: symptoms. Symptoms of this condition are quite characteristic. First comes the stage of increased excitability. During this period, the patient becomes overly energetic, falls into a state of euphoria. His movements become somewhat uncontrollable, and his gait becomes shaky. It is worth paying attention to the skin of a person - they either turn too red, or acquire uncharacteristic pallor and even cyanosis. Cold sweat may appear at this stage .

Then begins the second stage, which is accompanied by inhibition of the activity of the nervous system. At this stage, a person complains of bouts of dizziness and nausea, which often result in severe vomiting. The clarity of vision is disturbed, it darkens in the eyes. In the future, a person may lose consciousness.

In more severe cases, cerebral hypoxia may be accompanied by cerebral edema. In this state, severe disturbances in the brain function begin in the human body, as the body gradually begins to lose conditioned and then unconditioned reflexes. With further oxygen deficiency, the skin loses its sensitivity, and all other organs lose their ability to function normally.

In some cases, brain hypoxia ends in a deep lump.

Hypoxia of the brain: treatment. Only an experienced practitioner can diagnose this condition. In this process, the results of the examination, as well as the patient's complaints, are taken into account. It is worth paying attention to the reason for the development of such a condition, since it is on this that the treatment methods depend. That is why it is so important to indicate the factor that led to this result, whether it is abuse of alcohol or a long stay in a room with poor ventilation.

Treatment can take place both in stationary conditions and at home - it all depends on the severity of the condition. A sick person is prescribed a number of drugs that are aimed at normalizing the work of the whole organism. In addition, it is necessary to take vitamins that restore brain tissue.

If cerebral hypoxia was mild, and treatment was started on time, then the prognosis for such a patient is very favorable. But it is worth noting that with prolonged oxygen deficiency in the brain tissues, irreversible disorders begin that can no longer be treated.

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