Drops "Normax": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Very often, diseases of the eyes and ears require the use of different types of drugs that quickly become unusable after opening the bottle. However, already today there is a universal remedy that allows simultaneously solving both ophthalmic and otolaryngological problems. Such a medicine are drops of Normax. Instructions for use of this medication, its properties, composition, principle of action, indications and other features will be discussed later.

Description of the product, release form and packaging

What is the drug "Normax"? The instructions attached to the medicine, reports that this medication is available in the form of eye and ear 0.3% drops. They are placed in 5 ml dark glass bottles and come with a dropper cap (sometimes they are sold in 5 ml plastic dropper bottles). Moreover, the drug itself is a clear, colorless or slightly yellow liquid, free from any particles.

The composition of the medication

What is the active ingredient in Normax? Instructions for use states that the active substance of this medication is norfloxacin. Also considered drops include auxiliary ingredients such as sodium chloride, disodium edetate, glacial acetic acid, benzalkonium chloride, and d / a water.

normax ear drops instruction

Therapeutic effect of a local drug

According to the instructions, Normax drops have an antimicrobial effect against gram-positive and gram-negative aerobic bacteria. Such properties are given to the drug by its active component, or rather, norfloxacin. It should be noted that the medication in question is absolutely not effective against infectious diseases that are caused by anaerobic microorganisms.

The therapeutic effect created by this medicine is explained by its ability to inhibit the bacterial DNA gyrase enzyme. This action of the drug disrupts the synthesis of cellular proteins of harmful microorganisms and the replication of their DNA.

Drug absorption

What pharmacokinetic features are inherent in the drug "Normax"? The instruction reports that this medication has a low systemic absorption. In this regard, studies of its pharmacokinetics have not been conducted.

When is it prescribed?

In what cases can Normax ear and eye drops be prescribed? The instruction states that this medicine is intended for the treatment of chronic and acute infectious and inflammatory diseases that were caused by bacteria sensitive to it.

Normax instructions for use

Thus, the drug "Normax" has the following indications for use:

  • blepharitis;
  • conjunctivitis (including gonococcal);
  • trachoma;
  • keratitis;
  • otitis externa;
  • keratoconjunctivitis;
  • blepharoconjunctivitis;
  • corneal ulcer;
  • chronic and acute otitis media;
  • infectious eustachitis;
  • otitis media internal.

Other indications

Eye and ear drops "Normax" (the drug should be mandatory studied by the patient before use) are actively used not only for the treatment of ophthalmic or otolaryngological diseases, but also for the prevention of certain problems. For example, this drug is very often prescribed to prevent the development of eye infections after:

  • damage to the visual organs by physical or chemical means;
  • removal of a foreign body from the conjunctiva or cornea;
  • surgical interventions (or before surgery).
Normax drops instructions for use

As for ear diseases, the medication in question is often used for ear injuries, for the prevention of otitis media during surgical interventions, and also during the removal of a foreign body from the ear canal.

Prohibitions for appointment

In what situations can Normax Eye and Ear Drops not be used? The instruction contains the following contraindications for use:

  • hypersensitivity of the patient to norfloxacin;
  • hypersensitivity of the patient to other quinolone drugs.

In addition, such a tool is not recommended for women during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. It is also contraindicated in children under 18 years of age.

Eye and ear drops "Normax": instructions for use

Before using the drug, be sure to consult your doctor and pass all the necessary tests.

If the specialist has not prescribed an individual dosage of the drug, then it is used according to the standard scheme specified in the instructions.

normax eye drops instruction

In the presence of eye problems, the Normax preparation is recommended to use 1-2 drops in each affected eye, four times a day. If required, then on the first day of use, the indicated dosage can be increased. In this case, 1-2 drops of the drug are used every two hours.

After eliminating the symptoms of the disease, the use of the medication is preferably continued for the next 48 hours.

If the patient has chronic or acute trachoma, Normax is used in the amount of two drops in each eye, from 2 to 4 times a day for 1-2 months.

The dosage of the drug for ear diseases is similar to that described above (1-2 drops in each ear canal, four times a day). However, before the treatment procedure, it is imperative to carry out ear sanitation.

Drops must be at body temperature before use in otolaryngology. To do this, they must be warmed in the palm of your hand. Further, the patient should take a position “on his side” or simply throw his head back (to the right / left) to facilitate the procedure of instillation of the drug solution.

After the drug enters the ear canal, it is necessary to give the drops the opportunity to drain deep inside. To do this, experts recommend pulling the earlobe down and back a little. In this position, it is advisable not to change the position for about two minutes. In some cases, doctors advise patients to place a small lump of cotton wool in the ear canal.

Normax ear drops

Side effects

Does the drug “Normax” cause side effects? The instruction reports that sometimes when using such a tool in patients, the following are noted:

  • feeling of tiredness;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • heartburn;
  • irritability;
  • anorexia;
  • sense of anxiety;
  • itching
  • diarrhea;
  • sleep disorders
  • stomach ache;
  • skin rash;
  • headache;
  • Quincke's edema.

Possible cases of overdose, interaction with other medicines

If drops are accidentally swallowed, the patient may experience the following symptoms: nausea, headache, vomiting, dizziness, diarrhea, and anxiety. To eliminate such phenomena, symptomatic treatment is performed. To do this, the victim is provided with sufficient drinking and an acidic urine reaction is created to prevent the development of crystalluria.

According to experts, a drug containing an active substance such as norfloxacin is incompatible with medicines that have a pH value of 3-4 (that is, chemically or physically unstable).

Normax instructions for use

It's important to know!

What should the patient know before using Normax drops (eye and ear drops)? Instructions for use of this medication contain a separate paragraph on special instructions. It focuses on the fact that the medication in question is intended only for local use. The annotation also says that in order to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, Normax drops must be combined with antimicrobial therapy (especially in severe cases).

Precautionary measures

A dropper with a sterile solution should be protected from any contamination.

For half an hour after instillation of the drug into the eyes, it is necessary to refrain from potentially dangerous activities that require high concentration and attention.

Means with a similar action

There are few analogues of the drug "Normax". Most often, this medicine is replaced with medicines such as Norfloxacin, Norbactin and Norilet. It should be remembered that the listed funds have their own characteristics in the properties, indications and dosages, in connection with which their use is possible only after consultation with a specialist.

Consumer Reviews

Unfortunately, there are not as many patient reviews about Normax as we would like. However, from those reports that are posted on the World Wide Web, it can be concluded that such a medication is effective in both eye and ear diseases. Patients note that their condition improves markedly after the first use of the drug solution.

normax instruction

There are also a few negative reviews about this medication. Such reports say that the price of Normax drops is overpriced. In addition, some patients claim that the use of the drug for the eyes caused undesirable reactions such as itching, burning and redness of the mucous membranes. Experts attribute this to possible intolerance to norfloxacin or quinolone drugs. In such cases, it is better to cancel the therapy and consult a doctor who will recommend a safer drug for the patient.

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