Actor Jayden Liberer: biography, personal life, films

Jaden Liberer is an American actor. He began to appear in commercials at the age of eight, after which he appeared in such successful films as "Saint Vincent", "Special Midnight Edition", "Henry's Book" and "It", as well as the popular series "Masters of Sex". By the age of fifteen, he had more than a dozen projects on his account.


Jaden Liberer was born on January 4, 2003 in Philadelphia, PA. It has Korean, German, Irish, Scottish and French roots. When the future actor was very few years old, his parents ended the relationship. The actor's father is a rather famous chef Wes Liberer. In addition to Jaden, he has three more children.

The boy grew up in South Philadelphia, was raised by his mother. At the age of eight, he moved with her to Los Angeles.

Carier start

Almost immediately after the move, Jaden Liberer began acting in commercials. A year later, he, without any prior acting preparation, got his first role in a Hollywood film. He appeared in the romantic comedy "Heart to Smithere", where he played the main character in childhood.

The film was released only three years later, in 2015. In 2013, Jaden appeared in the short film Sorrow.

First successes

In 2014, the young actor got the main role in the comedy "Saint Vincent", for Jaden Liberer the film was a real breakthrough. He appeared on the screen along with stars such as Bill Murray, Naomi Watts, Melissa McCarthy and Terrence Howard. The picture was positively received by critics and collected more than fifty million dollars at the box office.

"Saint Vincent"

As a result, the film was nominated for the prestigious Golden Globe Award in the category "Best Film: Comedy or Musical", and Jaden himself was nominated for several less visible awards as the best young actor of the year. According to the results of the award season, the novice actor received awards from the associations of film critics from Las Vegas and the city of Phoenix.

Follow up projects

The following year, the actor appeared in the romantic comedy "Aloha". The project was written and directed by the famous cinematographer Cameron Crowe, winner of the Oscar, and the cast included such names as Bradley Cooper, Bill Murray, Emma Stone, Alec Baldwin, John Krasinski, Rachel McAdams and many others.

As a result, the project turned out to be a financial and creative failure and was defeated by critics. In 2015, Jaden also voiced one of the characters in the popular animated series American Dad and got a regular role in the successful series Masters of Sex. He played the son of the main characters during the third and fourth season, appearing in a total of eleven episodes of the project, which many critics call one of the best television dramas of the twenty-first century.

In 2016, several films with Jaden Liberer were released. He played a major role in the independent tragicomedy "Confirmation", where he played the son of the character Clive Owen. The picture came out in limited rental, in only a few US cinemas, as well as on digital platforms. Critics almost unanimously agreed that the project was successful.

With Clive Owen

Jaden also appeared in one of the main roles in the sci-fi drama of the American independent cinema star, director of the films "Mad" and "Loving" by Jeff Nichols, "Special Midnight Edition." The film participated in the main competition of the Berlin Film Festival and received positive reviews from critics.

International success

The most important project at the moment in the biography of Jaden Liberer, of course, was a horror film based on the work of Stephen King "It". The actor played a major role in the film, which, with a rather modest budget, became one of the highest grossing films of the year, raising seven hundred million dollars at the world box office. β€œIt” became a phenomenon in popular culture and made young leading performers real stars. Photos of Jaden Liberer began to appear in glossy magazines, and he began to receive many offers and new roles.

In the film "It"

Also in 2017, Jaden played a major role in the movie β€œHenry's Book” by Colin Trevorrow, director of Jurassic World. After the release of the trailer, the picture was considered one of the most interesting releases of the year, however, after the release of the film, the film was defeated by film critics. The audience was also not enthusiastic about the picture, with a budget of ten million dollars, its fees amounted to slightly less than five. However, acting, and in particular the game of Liberer, many critics praised. The main problem of the film was an illogical scenario.

"Henry's Book" movie

Future projects

At the moment, several projects with the participation of the actor are at once at the production stage. Jaden will play the lead role in the drama "The Real Adventures of the Wolf Boy," where Chloe Sevigne and John Turturro will become his partners. The actor will also appear in the horror film "Lodge" along with Riley Kio and Richard Armitage.

In addition, Jaden Liberer will appear in the second part of the film "It", but his screen time is unlikely to be large, because the action of the picture will focus on the already matured heroes. But Jaden’s fee will grow, because according to rumors, he received only one hundred thousand dollars for the first film, for the second part the actor will pay a quarter of a million. Also, the actor will play a major role in the independent drama "Low Tide".

Henry's Book

The career of a fifteen-year-old actor is astounding. By the age of fifteen, he was able to work with such prominent directors as Cameron Crowe, Jeff Nichols and Ted Melfi, as well as gain critical acclaim. There is every reason to believe that he will continue to continue to choose projects as well and become one of the main stars of Hollywood.

Personal life

The personal life of Jaden Liberer is often discussed in the media, because he is currently one of the most popular teenage actors. Not so long ago, rumors appeared in the press that Jaden was dating an actress and dancer Lily Buckham, but these rumors were never confirmed.

Jayden liberer actor

The actor is actively engaged in maintaining accounts on social networks, on Instagram he has almost two million subscribers, ten times fewer people follow Jaden’s profile on Twitter. The net worth of all star assets is about a quarter of a million dollars.

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