Vascular nevus in children and adults: types, symptoms and treatment

The term "vascular nevus" refers to a benign neoplasm that can form both on the skin and on the mucous membranes. Most often it is diagnosed in children, but it can also appear in adulthood. If vascular nevus is detected (a photo of the neoplasm is presented below), it is recommended to consult a doctor. This is due to the fact that under the influence of various adverse factors, a benign process can turn into a malignant one, and it is important to exclude it or to reveal it in a timely manner.

Vascular Nevus


This birthmark is the result of pathological development and abnormal proliferation of blood vessels. This specific defect can form on any part of the body. Most often, it appears on the trunk and limbs, but can also occur on the choroid of the eye.

Nevus is represented by specific cells, the formation of which is a consequence of pathological changes in melanocytes. The latter are directly involved in the synthesis of the enzyme melanin, which provides the human skin with normal pigmentation.

As a rule, vascular nevi appear in newborns. More rarely, they form in adulthood. But in this case it is customary to say that the pathology is congenital in nature, it simply manifested itself much later.

Development mechanism


At present, the exact reasons for the formation of vascular nevi in ​​adults and children are unknown. However, it is proved that the following factors can act as provocative:

  • The presence of infections of the genitourinary system in women during the period of bearing a child.
  • Mutations and genetic disorders.
  • Sharp fluctuations in hormones (in particular, progesterone and estrogen) in the body of a woman during pregnancy.
  • Irradiation, a high dosage of which was obtained during gestation.
  • The unhealthy lifestyle that a woman led during pregnancy (drug use and alcohol-containing drinks, smoking).

Under the influence of any of these provoking factors, the synthesis of melanocytes in the child’s body is disrupted. As a result, they begin to accumulate in a certain place. Subsequently, they are transformed into specific cells - neocytes. It is from them that the birthmark consists.

In adolescence and adulthood, vascular nevus can appear under the influence of the following factors:

  • Menopause.
  • The presence of signs of inflammatory or allergic reactions on the skin.
  • The systematic effect on the body of ultraviolet rays. More often vascular nevi are detected in children who walk on the street during hours of maximum sun activity. In addition, adult people visiting the solarium are affected.
  • Taking contraceptives.
  • Hormonal restructuring of the body in adolescence.

At the same time, as mentioned above, the pathology is still congenital in nature. But it manifests itself in adolescence and adulthood only under the influence of one or more provoking factors.



Birthmarks can rise above the surface of the skin, and can be located under it. Most often they have an intense shade, but sometimes pigmentless vascular nevi are also found.

In other words, there are many kinds of birthmarks. However, in practice, 4 types of vascular nevi are most often found:

  • Capillary. It is also called simple. This is a spot that forms directly on the skin. It may be red or blue. The hue is very intense. The nevus has clear contours, it can be flat or presented in the form of a nodule. If you press a finger on such a birthmark, it will first turn pale, and then become the original color.
  • Cavernous. Doctors also call this spot cavernous. Vascular nevus forms under the skin. Outwardly, it looks like a tuberous node, the structure of which is represented by cavities filled with blood. The color of the skin over the nevus is not changed or has a slight bluish tint. If you press a finger on such a tubercle, it will turn white.
  • Combined. This type is characterized by a combination of signs of cavernous and capillary birthmarks. In this case, the vascular nevus consists of two parts. One is under the skin, the other is above it.
  • Mixed. The most rarely diagnosed species. In this case, the structure of the neoplasm is represented not only by the vascular, but also by other tissue (connective, nervous or lymphoid).

In 80% of cases, capillary or cavernous vascular nevus is detected in patients.

Large Vascular Nevus

Clinical picture

Symptoms directly depend on the type of neoplasm. Cavernous nevus is represented by abnormally enlarged vessels. In this regard, such a birthmark can often bleed. Very rarely, after this, the nevus can partially or even completely disappear without any measures. However, conservative or surgical treatment is most often required.

Capillary spots are usually large. In diameter, they can reach 10 cm. Most often, such a nevus appears in the neonatal period. The birthmark increases in size very quickly in the first few months of a child’s life. In most cases, capillary nevus does not require treatment. As practice shows, most often it disappears on its own in 7 years.

Who to contact?

A dermatologist is involved in the treatment of the presented pathological neoplasms. If the specialist after the examination has suspicions regarding the nature of the stain, he additionally sends a consultation with an oncologist.

Consultation with a doctor


It is not difficult to determine the type of nevus for a competent doctor. A dermatologist can make a diagnosis already at the stage of a physical examination. The doctor evaluates the structure of the spot, its color and borders, presses it with a finger and analyzes the result.

At the medical history stage, the dermatologist asks questions regarding the patient’s lifestyle. In addition, he clarifies what bad habits his mother had during pregnancy.

To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor can apply for a comprehensive examination, which may include both laboratory and instrumental methods. Most often, it is enough to donate blood for a general analysis. Less commonly, a biopsy is required.

Conservative therapy

In most cases, treatment of vascular nevus is not required. If the doctor does not suspect the presence of a malignant process, he recommends to come to him for a routine examination twice a year. As mentioned above, birthmarks can disappear on their own.

The exception is the vascular nevus of the conjunctiva in a child or adult. In this case, hormonal therapy is indicated. The choice of drug is carried out solely on the basis of inspection data and diagnostic results.

Vascular stain

Surgical and minimally invasive removal techniques

Excision of vascular nevus is performed according to indications. In addition, the stain can also be removed if it is large or has an unsuitable location (for example, it is a visible cosmetic defect or is localized in areas exposed to constant exposure).

Nevus removal techniques:

  • Classical. The surgeon with a scalpel excises a birthmark and a small area of ​​the skin surrounding it. Surgical removal is the most reliable way. As a rule, they resort to it when the nevus is very large.
  • Cryodestruction. The essence of the technique is to expose the problem area to liquid nitrogen. The tissue in the freezing area dies. Gradually, healthy cells begin to form in this place.
  • Electrocoagulation The method is suitable for removing small stains. During the excision of pathologically altered tissue, the doctor acts on the wound with high temperatures. Thanks to this, she does not bleed.
  • Laser removal. Nevus is excised by a beam.
  • Radiosurgical method. Its essence is the effect on the birthmark by radiation. The method does not pose a health hazard.

The choice of method is carried out by a doctor. If several methods are suitable for the patient at once, the financial side of the procedure is negotiated.

Possible complications

A doctor should be consulted immediately after detecting an unusual birthmark. This is due to the fact that vascular nevus can transform into a malignant tumor. The most unfavorable outcome is considered, in which the spot was transformed into melanoma. It is important to know that skin cancer is one of the most dangerous diseases that poses a danger not only to health but also to human life.

There are several factors, the presence of which may indicate the imminent process of transformation of a benign neoplasm into a malignant one:

  • The presence of huge nevi on the skin or mucous membrane. Moreover, large birthmarks are already present on the baby’s body at birth.
  • The formation of nevi in ​​adulthood or old age.
  • Continuous formation of new vascular birthmarks on the body.
  • Nevus is located on a site that is constantly subjected to friction with clothing.
  • In the area of ​​localization of the birthmark, the skin is inflamed.

If there are such signs, you should immediately contact a dermatologist and oncologist.

Nevus Removal

There are also factors that indicate that the malignancy process has already begun:

  • Nevus is rapidly increasing in size.
  • In the area of ​​the birthmark, discomfort is felt (more often it is tingling, itching and burning).
  • Nevus turned darker.
  • The surface of the spot has become bumpy.
  • The contours of the nevus blurred.
  • The skin near the spot is peeling.

If at least one of the listed symptoms has appeared, you must urgently contact a medical institution in which the nevus is quickly removed using one of the modern methods.


In order to prevent the transition of a benign process to a malignant one, it is necessary to periodically inspect the body for new birthmarks. In addition, it is recommended that persons with vascular nevus visit a dermatologist every year for the purpose of prevention.

Naturally, it is also necessary to exclude the likelihood of exposure to the body of adverse factors.


Vascular nevus is a birthmark, the structure of which is represented by nevocytes. Most often, it is detected soon after the birth of the baby. Less often, the stain is formed in adolescence, middle and even old age. Treatment of nevus may include both conservative and surgical techniques.

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