Red throat in infants: treatment, list of drugs

In the article, we consider the treatment of red throat in infants.

There is not a single child who has never had a sore throat. Diseases of the oropharynx are very common, especially during the epidemic season in the fall, and also in early spring. It is possible to cure a red throat in an infant only in accordance with medical prescriptions. The fact is that pain, along with other unpleasant symptoms in the throat in children, can indicate the occurrence of completely different diseases.

red throat in infants treatment

Treatment of red throat in infants should be timely.

Causes and symptoms

When a baby's throat turns red, then he may experience diseases in the form of scarlet fever, pharyngitis, laryngitis, measles, flu, sore throat, or allergic reactions. Signs that the baby urgently needs to treat a throat are:

  • The appearance of redness along with swelling of the tonsils.
  • The appearance of purulent spots, and in addition, plaque and various points on the tonsils.
  • The appearance of pain and sore throat.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes and temperature.
  • The occurrence of a cold.
  • Strong crying along with irritability.

In the presence of a viral infection, the signs of the disease progress rapidly, and the temperature rises from the first day of the disease. Bacterial infections lead to a gradual increase in symptoms, and the temperature can increase to thirty-eight degrees. Against the background of allergic reactions, the symptoms of the disease can quickly disappear after the elimination of irritating factors.

Treatment of red throat in infants

To cure the throat of a nursing baby is not an easy task. First you need to call the pediatrician home, which you need to do with the first symptoms of a sore throat or other malaise. An experienced doctor will determine if the pathology is caused by viral or bacterial infections. Also, the doctor will be able to establish the reasons. Sometimes pathological symptoms and inflammation occur due to teething.

chamomile for babies with a red throat

Every parent should know how to treat a baby's throat.


As a rule, all this is accompanied by rhinitis. Therefore, it is better to start therapy with washing the nose in order to prevent microbes from multiplying further. Infants need to pour saline into their nose along with special means based on sea water. This is done using a pipette. It is forbidden to spray aerosol into the nasal passage to avoid damage to the Eustachian tube. The crusts of dried mucus in infants should be removed with gauze swabs or cotton flagella.


In no case should air drying be allowed in the room where the baby is sleeping. It is also forbidden to put on too hot clothes on babies in which they can sweat. Give infants more fluid (e.g. water, fruit drinks without sugar, baby teas), if possible. Breastfeeding should be continued if possible, even if the baby's appetite is reduced.

Treatment of red throat in infants should be carried out by a professional.

Therapy rules

Here are the rules for how to treat throat in infants:

  • Depending on the type of infection (bacterial or viral pathogen), infants are prescribed antiviral pills or antibiotics.
  • For children, the oropharynx is irrigated with Miramistin and other antiseptic drugs. Chamomile pharmacy for babies with a red throat is very often used.
  • Inside, if there is a cough, children's preparations are prescribed in the form of syrups, expectorant drugs, homeopathic remedies, allergy medications and antipyretic medicines.
  • All drugs are given to infants only in the form of drops, syrups, and in addition, in the form of tablets dissolved in water or milk. Pills such as Lizobakt along with Sedin should be crushed, and then carefully poured into the oropharynx so that the baby does not choke.
  • In children under two years of age, the use of aerosols and sprays can provoke laryngospasm, so this dosage form is prohibited for use. Inhalation for babies can be done, but only under the supervision of a doctor in the hospital.
  • When there is a red throat in a baby without fever, you can use proven home remedies. Some folk methods are allowed for use even for the treatment of infants. True, allergens in the form of honey, ginger and garlic should not be given. But warm milk with pieces of butter along with flaxseed infusion will do. All these products for babies aged seven to eight months will certainly allow them to recover.
tantum verde throat for children

As a rule, treatment of the throat in babies up to a year lasts from seven to ten days and no less. The use of antiviral drugs usually lasts up to five days, and antibiotics can cure the baby's throat with antibiotics in five to ten days, depending on the type of drug.

List of drugs

The following are the most effective drugs from various drug groups that are used in the treatment of throat diseases in infants:

  • Among the antibiotics, it is worth mentioning Amoxicillin along with Panclave, Amoxiclav, Flemoklav, Flemoksin, Solyutab, Erythromycin, Sumamed and Supraks.
  • Suitable antiviral agents include Ergoferon, Anaferon, Viferon, Kipferon and Tsitovir.
  • Gedelix along with Linkas, Doctor Mom, and, moreover, marshmallow and licorice syrups are suitable cough medicines that dilute phlegm.
  • Lozenges are widely used along with pills and lozenges for sore throats in the form of "Lizobakta", "Faringosepta", "Svebina", "Grammidina" and "Septolete".
  • Miramistin, along with Furacilin, Chlorophyllipt, Chlorhexidine, Aquirin, and Rotokan, are the medicines that can gargle for infants. Also, infusions of calendula, oak bark and sage are suitable for this purpose.
  • Often throat sprays are used in the form of “Tantum Verde”, “Hexoral”, “Stopangin” and “Ingalipta” (without direct spraying into the throat).
  • The use of systemic immunomodulators, for example, Amiksin along with Echinacea, Imunorix, Tonsilgon, Sinupret, and Ribomunil, is widespread. Very often prescribed "Interferon" for infants.
  • Antihistamines in the form of Erius, Zodak, Tsetirizin, Loratadin and Tavegil may also be prescribed.
  • Among the antipyretic drugs, Paracetamol should be mentioned along with Nurofen and Cefekon.
  • Preparations for washing the nose are Aquamaris along with Aqualor, Physiomer and Dolphin.
  • Additionally, vasoconstrictors with oil drops in the form of Salina, Nazivin, Vibrocil and Pinosol can be used.


According to the instructions for use, "Tonsilgon" for children is prescribed from 1 year for the complex treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, namely:

red throat and cough in infants
  • tonsillitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • acute rhinitis.

In addition, the medicine is an excellent prophylactic in the season of mass colds and epidemics of influenza. Drops or dragees can be used in combination with antibacterial agents prescribed by your doctor, or as an independent drug at the first sign of a viral infection.

Instructions for use with Tonsilgon for children should be strictly followed.

Doctors Recommendations

During the onset of throat diseases in infants, doctors recommend the following:

  • It is necessary to limit the child's outdoor games, it is necessary to ensure that he is as much as possible in the crib and sleep.
  • Antibiotic treatment should not be ignored if prescribed by a doctor. In addition, you can not interrupt the course of antibiotic treatment.
  • You can not be frivolous about local treatment, rarely gargle, and in addition, forget about taking probiotics after antibiotic therapy.
  • Doctors do not recommend performing any physiotherapy and heat treatment if the child has a high temperature.
  • Do not warm the throat of a baby in the presence of an acute phase of any otolaryngological disease.
  • It is not recommended to immediately give the baby a full dose of a new drug, which is especially true for allergic children.
  • In no case should the baby be a passive smoker.
  • It is impossible for a child to eat food that irritates his throat.
  • In no case should you go to the doctor if home therapy does not bring improvement on the third day after it is started.
how to treat a baby's throat

When does the baby need to be taken to the hospital?

Most often, treatment is prescribed in a hospital with a red throat and a high temperature in an infant up to a year. Similar treatment is carried out for any infectious disease accompanied by high fever. Other indications for hospitalization in the presence of throat diseases in infants are the following manifestations of the disease:

  • The appearance of complications in the form of an abscess, rheumatic heart disease, phlegmon and so on.
  • The development of a serious condition in a child along with severe intoxication.
  • Presence of temperature that cannot be brought down.
  • The appearance of lethargy in the child and seizures.
  • Occurring episodes of laryngospasm (parents should be sure to familiarize themselves with the rules for assisting with the occurrence of laryngospasm). There may be both a red throat and a cough in the baby.
  • The presence of systemic diseases in a child in the form of glomerulonephritis, diabetes, blood pathologies and the like.
  • The presence of anomalies in the structure of the larynx in the baby.
  • The presence of epidemiological indications for infectious diseases requiring treatment exclusively in a hospital.

It must be borne in mind that the main danger in itself is not the disease itself and the redness of the throat, but the complications of this ailment. Therefore, in order to avoid serious consequences, treatment should be started at an early stage, and if necessary, and on the recommendation of a doctor, immediately go to the hospital.

red throat in infants without fever

"Tantum Verde" for the throat for children

Young children, especially in autumn and winter, often begin to suffer from respiratory diseases, and their throat regularly turns red. The smaller the baby, the more difficult it is to cure it. This is due to the fact that for children under one year of age, many drugs are contraindicated. Among other things, babies cannot tolerate some procedures, for example, they are not able to blow their nose, open their mouth wide so that parents spray it or rinse it. During such procedures, parents of young children always experience certain difficulties.

The medicinal spray called "Tantum Verde", which is made by an Italian manufacturer, has unique composition and properties. This medicine is well suited to treat common respiratory ailments. The drug produces an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. But there are contraindications: spray can not be used for children under 3 years old. In some cases, doctors prescribe this drug. But it should not be sprayed. It is permissible to apply it on the inside of the cheek or nipple, no more than 2-3 times a day.

The pediatrician himself should prescribe this drug based on the well-being of the child, his exact age and diagnosis. In addition, the specialist takes into account whether the baby is allergic to the constituent ingredients. Only after collecting all this information will the pediatrician advise or, conversely, prohibit the use of this spray.

the baby has a red throat what to do

Red Throat Prevention in Infants

The main goal that parents of infants should strive for is the formation of good immunity, which will not allow various infections to penetrate the body of the child. This will certainly help proper nutrition, which implies a sufficient amount of fresh fruits and vegetables. Equally important are daily walks in the air along with active physical activity and moderate hardening.


In the event that all this is strictly observed, the baby will be better protected from all kinds of infections and will not often get sick. And the parents, in turn, will not have a headache about what medicines the baby should be given so that it cures quickly, because the baby’s immunity will be strong and will be able to fight microbes on its own, and the throat will not redden due to infections .

When the baby has a red throat, what to do, now we know.

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