"Job-Baby": instructions, indications, reviews

Many of us are susceptible to respiratory infections, especially when the seasons change. However, children suffer from such diseases more often than adults. Therefore, pharmaceutical companies began to produce drugs against respiratory diseases specifically for babies. One of them is the drug "Barberry Comp (Job-Kid)." The instructions for this tool, its contraindications, purpose and composition are presented below.

Job kid instruction

The form of the children's drug, its composition, packaging

In what form do manufacturers produce “Job-Baby” medication? The instruction states that this remedy can be found in pharmacies in the form of homeopathic granules. They are homogeneous, have a white color with a cream or gray tint, as well as a regular spherical shape. This drug has no smell, while it has a pleasant sweetish taste.

What does the “Job-Baby” medicine contain? The instruction reports that the medication in question consists of homeopathic alcohol dilutions, in particular iodine, Western thuja, common berry barberry and przednosnolisty tabula.

It should also be said that 1 g of this drug may contain 41–55 granules. As excipients, the composition of this tool includes sugar grains.

The drug "Job-Kid", whose instruction is in a pack of cardboard, is available in bottles of 20 g.

Properties, action of the medication

What is a baby drug like Job-Baby? Reviews, instructions claim that this is a complex homeopathic medicine. Its effective action is explained by the active components that make up the composition.

When a homeopathic composition is taken orally in small patients, almost immediately all signs of a disease in the mouth and nasopharynx are eliminated.

Job baby reviews instruction

Kinetic indicators

Is the drug "Job-Baby" absorbed? Reviews, instructions report that this tool is almost immediately and completely absorbed into the systemic circulation. Typically, this occurs in the oral cavity, then in the intestine. In this case, the active elements of the drug are distributed throughout all body fluids and tissues.

This medication does not form toxic metabolites. In addition, it is not deposited in the tissues of the human body.

Indications for taking homeopathic granules

In what cases can the child be prescribed the medication "Barberry (Job-Kid)"? The instruction indicates that this tool is very often used as part of complex therapy for chronic tonsillitis, adenoids, respiratory diseases and regular colds in children.

Contraindications for taking homeopathic granules

The drug "Job-Kid", the instructions of which are described below, are contraindicated for use with hypersensitivity to its main substances. In addition, the drug in question is not recommended for use in diseases of the thyroid gland.

barberry Job baby instruction

Medication "Job-Kid": instructions for use, dosage

An experienced doctor should tell you how to use this medication in the treatment of certain diseases (in childhood). Also, this information can be taken from the attached instructions. According to the latter, for children aged 3–7 years, the drug in question is prescribed 8–10 granules once a day. A homeopathic preparation should be taken half an hour before a meal or 30 minutes after a meal.

The medicine is slowly absorbed in the mouth and is not washed down with anything. They use it for five days, after which they take a break of two days.

The duration of treatment with this agent is at least two months. Repeated doses of the drug are also possible, but only after consulting a doctor.

barberry comp iov baby instruction

Side effects

The drug in question is tolerated fairly well by small patients. Of the side effects of this drug, only allergic reactions are possible, which immediately stop after drug withdrawal.

Breastfeeding Time and Pregnancy

The use of this medication during pregnancy is not recommended. Although some doctors still prescribe this drug according to indications. The same goes for lactating women.

Interaction with other medicines and cases of overdose

There were no significant phenomena of incompatibility of the Barberry Comp (Job-Baby) drug with other medicines. It should also be noted that there is no information about cases of overdose with this tool.

Storage and purchase conditions

You can buy the drug in question without a medical prescription. It is desirable to store homeopathic granules at a temperature of no more than 27 degrees in the original pack, out of the reach of children.

Price and reviews

The cost of the drug "Job-Kid" is about 230 rubles. Consumers argue that this is a fairly low price for such a tool. They also say that this medication is very effective in chronic tonsillitis, adenoids and respiratory diseases in children. In addition, the drug in question is often taken by adults. According to them, he copes with all his tasks and in the shortest possible time restores the patient's normal condition.

Job kid instructions for use

The advantages of the drug “Job-Baby” also include its availability in all pharmacies and the absence of any side effects when taken orally.

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