Delicious sponge cake: recipes

Many housewives actively bake biscuits. To make biscuit cakes, they make a special batter, which consists of eggs, flour and sugar. There are many wonderful desserts recipes that are not only tasty, but also easy to prepare. In our article we want to talk about how you can cook a delicious biscuit cake at home.

Biscuit Miracle: Ingredients

Every housewife wants to have a simple biscuit cake recipe . Such desserts are good because they are prepared quickly and simply. In order to make a biscuit cake you do not need to be a real pastry chef. A novice culinary specialist will quite cope with the preparation. Desserts with bananas and sour cream will appeal not only to children, but also to adults.

Sponge cake


  • flour (110 g);
  • vanilla;
  • four eggs;
  • 1.5 table. l cocoa;
  • tsp baking powder;
  • three bananas;
  • sugar (110 g);
  • fat sour cream (485 g).

Biscuit Miracle: Recipe

The advantage of this biscuit cake recipe is its simplicity. We start cooking with the test. We take a large pan and break four eggs into it, then beat them with a mixer until white. Gradually introduce sugar and vanilla, while not stopping whipping. Next, add baking powder and sugar, mix again. At the very end, put the cocoa powder. Mix the dough until it becomes a homogeneous consistency and color. There should not be any lumps inside. The mass in consistency should be like thick sour cream.

Next, take a sufficiently deep baking sheet or baking dish. At the bottom we spread the parchment, due to which the biscuit cake is soft, airy and does not burn. Pour the dough into the mold and put it in the oven for 25 minutes. Bake a biscuit at 180 degrees. When it is ready, a crust will appear on top. The readiness of baking is checked with a lance or a toothpick.

Sponge Cake Products

Now you can start cooking cream for biscuit cake. The recipe involves the use of sour cream to soak the dessert. Pour sour cream from a can into a mixer bowl and add sugar. Its amount is not indicated exactly in the recipe. The sweetness of the mass must be controlled based on your taste preferences. Next, beat the cream with a mixer until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved.

The finished biscuit must be divided into separate cakes to get a real homemade biscuit cake. To do this, you can use a regular thread or a sharp knife. Depending on your skill, you can get three or four cakes. The first of them is laid out on a dish and generously greased with a creamy mass. The taste of the finished biscuit cake directly depends on the amount of cream. Cut the banana into circles and put the slices in a sour cream mass. Place the next cake on top. Apply cream and banana slices in the same way. We collect the whole dessert. After a couple of hours, a delicious sponge cake with a banana flavor is served on the table.

Striped Cake: Ingredients

We bring to your attention a recipe for a delicious biscuit cake, which looks quite impressive. To prepare it, you need multi-colored cakes. Their number depends on your desire. Below we give the number of products needed to make one cake.

Cooking dough


  • 7 table. l Sahara;
  • milk (110 g);
  • oil (110 g);
  • three eggs;
  • 2 tsp baking powder;
  • table. l cocoa;
  • orange;
  • 8 table. l flour.

For cream (per two cake layers):

  • can of condensed milk;
  • fat sour cream (175 g);
  • pack of butter.

Recipe for two-color dessert

A simple biscuit cake is cooked quickly enough. How many cakes are necessary for a full dessert, each mistress decides independently. Of the two - it turns out a small cake.

We divide eggs into proteins and yolks. First beat with a mixer, but it is not necessary to bring the mass to the formation of peaks.

Beat sugar and yolks in the combine, add soft butter. Pour the milk gradually, and then pour the baking powder and flour. Add whipped proteins to the mass. The resulting dough can be divided into two parts and add cocoa to one of them. This will prepare multi-colored cakes. Such a dessert will look more attractive. In addition, raisins or nuts can be added to the dough.

Pour the dough into prepared forms with parchment and put them in the oven. Biscuits are baked quickly enough (about 20 minutes).

Knead the dough

Meanwhile, you can do the cream. To prepare it with a mixer, beat the butter at room temperature to a lush mass. After add sour cream and condensed milk. The finished cream is lush and thick, we put it in the refrigerator for a while.

We take out the cakes from the oven and let them cool. After each cut into two parts. Soak each cake with orange juice. This will make a delicate cake. Next, we impregnate our cakes with a cream, alternating white and brown. The finished dessert is cooled in the refrigerator and served. A delicious fruity aroma biscuit cake will surely appeal to you.

Female Caprice: Ingredients

All the sweet tooths will appreciate the recipe for the Female Caprice sponge cake. A delicious dessert is easy to prepare. To create it, use cream from condensed milk. Dessert can be served not only for tea, but also on the festive table. Raisins and poppy seeds added to the dough give a special taste to the cake.


  • 1.5 cup flour;
  • the same amount of fat sour cream and sugar;
  • three eggs;
  • 1.5 tsp soda;
  • ½ cup raisins;
  • poppy seeds and nuts.

For cream:

  • a can of condensed milk and a pack of butter.

Fancy Cake Recipe

The peculiarity of the biscuit cake (photo is given in the article) is that we will prepare cakes for it one at a time. To prepare the first crust, mix ½ cup sugar with one egg and beat with a mixer until fluffy. Enter ½ cup sour cream and mix everything. Then pour the flour and knead further with a spatula. Add soda at the very end. For cooking, we need nuts. They must first be dried, and then chopped with a knife. Add the nut crumbs to the dough and mix it well again. The dough for one cake is ready. We shift it into a form with parchment and bake in the oven.

Ready biscuit dough

We prepare the dough for the next two cakes in the same way. Add poppy in one of them, and raisins in the other. Bake cakes, and then completely cool on a wire rack.

Next, proceed to the preparation of the cream. Beat the butter for several minutes with a mixer, after which we gradually bring the condensed milk. Beat the cream until it is full. At the very end, you can add a spoonful of alcohol to smell. You can also use vanilla extract.

If you do not like butter cream, then you can make a cream or sour cream. Grease the cooled cakes with cream and collect the biscuit cake. A simple recipe allows you to cook a dessert with an unusual taste.

Gift Cake

This recipe for biscuit cake will allow you to cook a delicate and delicious dessert with Charlotte cream.


  • 110 g of sugar and flour;
  • four eggs.

For cream:

  • butter (140 g);
  • sugar (115 g);
  • milk (70 ml);
  • vanilla, egg;
  • table. l cognac.

For syrup:

  • 100 g of water and sugar;
  • table. l cognac.

For decoration, we will use peanuts and powdered sugar.

To prepare the biscuit, we separate the yolks from the proteins. The first beat with half the sugar, and the yolks with the second part. After both masses are connected in small portions. And add the sifted flour. The resulting dough is mixed with a spatula.

Ready base for sponge cake

Bake the biscuit for 35 minutes. After baking, let cool on a wire rack. Now you can prepare the syrup, which will be needed to soak the cakes. We mix hot water with sugar and cognac.

For the cake we will use Charlotte cream. To prepare it, mix sugar, milk and egg, add vanilla sugar. We mix the mass and over low heat boil it until thickened. After we remove from the heat and cover with a lid. The base for the cream should cool. Beat butter with a mixer and add the egg-milk mixture to it in one spoon. Then pour in the cognac. All this time, the cream does not stop whipping for a minute.

We cut the finished biscuit into two parts. Carefully infuse the lower cake with syrup and apply part of the cream mass to it. Spread the second biscuit on top, also grease it with cream. Sprinkle the top and edges of the cake with powder and nuts.

Chic sponge cake

The recipes with photos in our article will help you cope with the preparation of very simple sweets based on biscuit. Not every housewife will decide on the preparation of complex confectionery. Biscuits are a completely different matter. They, as a rule, turn out well, and cakes based on them are tasty and delicate.

Ingredients: a glass of flour and sugar, vanillin, four eggs.

For cream: two yolks, two packs of butter, a can of condensed milk.

For decoration: black and white chocolate (35 g each).

We take out the oil in advance from the refrigerator and allow it to warm slightly to room temperature. Sift the flour. Separate the proteins and yolks in different containers. Beat the proteins until a white foam is obtained with a mixer. Gradually pour sugar in one spoon, bringing the mass to an air condition.

Whisk the yolks in a separate bowl. After we mix them with proteins, without ceasing to whisk. Into the mass we introduce the sifted flour and mix it with a spatula. The dough should be very airy.

Cream for cake

We prepare a baking dish, greasing it with oil. Pour the dough and send the container into the oven. Bake a biscuit at 200 degrees. After 25 minutes he will be ready. During the cooking process, do not open the oven so that the pastries do not settle. Ready sponge cake should cool on a wire rack.

Meanwhile, you can begin to prepare the cream. In a saucepan, mix condensed milk, water and yolks, mix thoroughly with a whisk. Next, put the container on fire and cook, not forgetting to constantly stir. The thickened mass is left to cool. In a clean bowl, beat butter and vanilla, and then add to the mixture in the cooked cream. Do it in small portions without stopping whipping. Our cream is ready.

Using a sharp knife, we cut the biscuit into two or three parts. We smear the cakes with cream, apply it on the top layer and the sides of the cake. Dessert decoration can be made of white and black chocolate. Separately, we heat both types of chocolate in different containers, after which we draw it on the surface of the cake.

Chocolate Cake

Sponge cakes are always very tender and delicious. Lovers of chocolate desserts will surely appreciate this recipe.


  • butter (65 g);
  • four eggs;
  • as many yolks;
  • sugar (210 g);
  • flour (175 g);
  • 2 tsp vanilla sugar;
  • a pinch of salt.

For cream:

  • condensed milk (195 g);
  • cocoa (25 g);
  • cream (490 g).

For the preparation of glaze: 240 g of cream and chocolate.

For syrup:

  • 90 g of sugar and water;
  • rum (25 g).

Sift cocoa and flour together before starting cooking. Break four eggs into the dishes and add the same amount of yolks. But squirrels can be removed in the refrigerator, because we simply do not need them. They can be used to prepare another dish. Add sugar to the eggs and place the container in a water bath. The mass is constantly mixed and heated to forty degrees. After we remove it from the heat and beat it at high speed, adding vanilla and a pinch of salt. In the process of cooking, the mass volume increases three times. Gradually, we mix flour into it in separate portions and cocoa.

Delicious sponge cake

Part of the test must be transferred to a separate container. Pour melted butter into it, mix and return to the main part of the dough. We transfer the finished mass to a detachable form with parchment and send it to the oven. Bake a biscuit for about 35 minutes. After we take it out and leave to cool.

And we ourselves begin to prepare the syrup. We will infiltrate cakes with them. In principle, any syrup can be used to make a cake.

Pour sugar into the container, pour water and send it to the fire. We prepare the syrup until the crystals are completely dissolved. Bring it to a boil and add rum. Next, turn off the fire and let the syrup cool.

Cut the cooled biscuit into three parts.

Next, prepare the cream. To do this, put in a bowl of cocoa mixer, condensed milk and mix. Pour in the cream and beat the mass until a lush cream is formed.

When all the components are ready, proceed to the assembly of the cake. Soak each cake with syrup, and then grease with cream. We spread them on top of each other. The sides and top of the product are also treated with a cream mass. Ready cake sent to the refrigerator. While it cools, we have time to prepare the glaze. Pour the cream into a saucepan and bring them to a boil. Pour the crushed chocolate with a hot mass and mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Then you have to wait a bit until the icing cools down. But it must remain fluid. We put the cake on the wire rack, and then pour the chocolate mass over it, leveling its layer on the surface of the confectionery. It is necessary to evenly cover not only the top cake, but also the sides of the dessert. We put the finished cake in the refrigerator.

The remaining glaze can also be sent to cool. After whipping the chocolate mass and transfer it to a pastry bag. With it, draw patterns on the surface of the cake.

Instead of an afterword

Sponge cakes are very popular among consumers. They are prepared not only by housewives at home, but also by bakeries in the production of desserts. On their basis, you can make very delicate and delicious confectionery products that are liked by absolutely everyone.

A great addition to the air mass is cream. Many cooking options have been invented. In general, any lush mass that can soak delicate cakes is suitable. Very often, the confectionery formulation involves the use of various syrups for impregnation. This allows you to get an even more tender cake that will not be dry.

There are different options for biscuits: classic, honey, chocolate. If we talk about creams, then you can use custard, sour cream, curd, creamy curd and others. Dessert will be very tasty anyway. In addition, fruit is useful for making a cake. Unusual notes of taste appear when rum or brandy is added to the syrup.

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