"Gaviscon": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

In the article, we will consider the instructions for use and reviews for Gaviscon.

The tool is one of the strongest dual-action drugs. It differs from other medicines with non-absorbable ability. This medicine is used to treat a large number of pathologies that are accompanied by high acidity.

Often, "Gaviscon" is prescribed in the presence of severe heartburn and sour belching. Patients feel the therapeutic effect after this drug enters the stomach for half an hour. The unique formula of this product envelops the gastric mucosa, creating a protective layer on it. Due to this, the aggressive environment of gastric juice does not adversely affect the cells of the mucosa. This medicine gently reduces acidity and does not upset the digestion processes, unlike analogues.

gaviscon suspension

This drug is most effective in treating ailments such as an upset digestive system, heartburn and gastritis.

Composition and format of the issue

Gaviscon is available in two versions: tablets and suspensions. The type of release does not affect the effectiveness of the drug. The suspension has a white color and a viscous consistency. The smell resembles a light mint shade. Sell ​​the medicine in bottles or in metered packets.

Instructions for use with the suspension "Gaviscon" is in each pack.

Pills also have a minty smell. Their shape is round and flattened. The tablets are white or cream color. They are designed to chew, so they have a pleasant taste. Ten blister pills are sold. One package may contain a different number of them.

The composition of this tool includes three active substances, which are alginic acid along with sodium bicarbonate and calcium carbonate. Excipients in this case are presented in the form of aspartame, macroscope, mannitol, acesulfame potassium, flavorings and flavor enhancers.

The active components in the composition have an effect on the acidity of the medium and cause a decrease in its values. The medicine helps the gastric contents to become viscous, which is necessary to stop the release of food lumps from the stomach into the esophagus. The dosage along with the administration of this medicine should be agreed with the attending physician.

Instructions for use with Gaviscon Forte indicate that the main active ingredient of this drug is sodium alginate. It forms a gel-like layer on the gastric mucosa when interacting with hydrochloric acid.

gaviscon dual instructions for use

With the help of this drug, a layer is created, as it were, between the organ of the gastrointestinal tract and its contents.

They release it in the form of a suspension for oral administration, which has a mint or anise smell, the color is from light brown to almost white.

The suspension is Packed in dark glass bottles of 80, 150 or 250 ml and multilayer bags of 10 ml. In a cardboard box are 20 bags and instructions for use with Gaviscon Fort.

Pharmacological effects

According to the instructions for use, Gaviscon is an alginate. This category of components contains two types of acids: mannuric and hyaluronic. When these components are combined with hydrochloric acid, a chemical reaction is observed during which alginic acid is produced that protects the gastric mucosa.

What is the effect of "Gaviscon"? Instructions for use indicate that regular use of the drug helps to achieve the following results:

  • The gastric mucosa is reliably protected from damage.
  • The functionality of the large intestine is improving.
  • Healing of damaged areas occurs.
  • Reduces inflammation of the mucosa with gastritis.
  • Adsorption of harmful components and acids takes place.
  • The activity of pathological organisms is suppressed.
  • The risks of constipation are reduced.
  • The state of immunity is improving.

Gaviscon reliably protects the mucous membrane from acidity. The presented drug is not addictive in people and is absolutely safe to use.

What pathologies does this medicine use?

In accordance with the instructions for use with "Gaviscon", the spectrum of action of the presented drug has a fairly wide range. But it should be remembered that it is a symptomatic drug that alleviates the condition. With some diseases, it may not bring recovery. It is for this reason that in the event of any disease, it is additionally necessary to consult a doctor. So, the indications for the use of this medication are as follows:

Gaviscon double action instructions for use
  • The patient has chronic gastritis with high acidity.
  • If the patient has acute gastritis or ulcers.
  • Against the background of the development of gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Almost all of these pathologies are usually accompanied by heartburn, epigastric pain and dyspeptic disorder. It is for the relief of these symptoms that patients need to take Gaviscon.


What else does the instruction for use with Gaviscon tell us?

Despite the safety, the presented drug has a number of contraindications, against which the medication is not recommended, for example:

  • In the presence of diseases of the heart or blood vessels. The composition of the drug contains sodium, which in patients with problems in the work of the heart can provoke undesirable complications, for example, attacks of acute insufficiency of this organ.
  • Against the background of the development of renal failure. Sodium is able to cause fluid retention, which is why an additional load is placed on the kidneys.
  • If the patient has an individual intolerance to the ingredients of the drug.
  • In childhood. Gaviscon is banned for children under six.

With caution, this drug should be prescribed to patients with excessive calcium and urolithiasis. Given the fact that Gaviscon contains a lot of this mineral, it can cause various complications and attacks.

gaviscon instructions for use analogues

It should also not be used for people with reduced secretion of gastric juice. The antacid effect of the drug leads to an even greater malfunction in digestion. Because of this, undigested food can begin to rot, and will cause intoxication of the body. The drug is allowed to children only after twelve years, however, for the appointment of a pediatrician, it can be used for children over six. But this should be done very carefully.

This is confirmed by the instructions for use with Gaviscon.

Dosage and administration

You need to take the drug orally after eating and in the presence of severe heartburn before bedtime. According to the instructions for use, the suspension "Gaviscon" is used in its pure form and is not washed down with water. The tablets must be chewed thoroughly and washed down with some liquid. Dosage depends on the age and severity of the disease:

  • Children after twelve years at a time can drink 10 milliliters of suspension or two tablets. At the same time, you should not use more than 40 milliliters of medicine and eight tablets per day.
  • For adults, a single dose is 20 milliliters or four tablets. No more than 80 milliliters of medicine or sixteen tablets are allowed per day.
  • For elderly patients after sixty years, the dosage is selected only after consulting a doctor. It should be borne in mind that with age, the secretion of juice in the stomach decreases.

This is stated in the instructions for use with Gaviscon. The double effect of the drug is to protect the body and improve its work.

gaviscon forte instructions for use

Adverse reactions

This drug almost does not cause any side effects. But in rare cases, it can provoke an allergic reaction in the form of itching or the appearance of a rash. If these symptoms occur, it is better to immediately stop using the medicine and seek medical advice.

It is important to remember that this is a double-acting remedy. Instructions for use with "Gaviscon" in great detail about this.

In the presence of gastritis

Gastritis is a fairly common pathology, affecting an increasing number of patients. This disease can occur in acute or chronic form. Acute gastritis can begin rapidly. Directly inflammation on the mucous membranes appears as a result of the pathological effects of harmful factors.

Chronic gastritis forms in people for a long time. Against its background, an internal change in the mucosa occurs, due to which it mutates and grows.

As indicated by the instructions for use "Gaviscon", the double action of which is very effective in treating both forms of gastritis, its purpose is justified only if the pathology is accompanied by excessive production of hydrochloric acid. This drug helps to get rid of unpleasant symptoms in the form of burning, belching and heartburn. Under its influence, the affected areas on the gastric walls heal.

stomach pain

Cost of medicine

Gaviscon can be bought at any pharmacy. Release this medicine without a prescription. Its average price in the country is as follows:

  • For twelve tablets of "Gaviscon" you need to pay one hundred and fifty rubles.
  • For 150 milliliters of suspension will have to pay two hundred and forty rubles.

Keep in mind that, depending on the dosage and the manufacturer, the cost may vary.

Analogs of "Gaviscon"

The presented drug has a wide range of similar drugs that have a similar effect or composition. The most famous analogues are funds in the form of “Rennie”, “Gastal”, “Maalox”, “Phospholugel”, “Almagel” and so on. Despite the similarity in effectiveness, the drug has a number of advantages over its analogues.

maalox tablets

We will not consider in detail instructions for use with Gaviscon analogues.

Reviews about the drug

In the reviews, patients mainly praise this drug and write that it effectively helps to cope with such unpleasant symptoms as heartburn, abdominal pain and belching. It is also noted that the effect of taking this medicine occurs quite quickly, and, in addition, lasts a long time. Consumers admit that, having convinced themselves of the effectiveness of Gaviscon, they use only it.

In addition to effectiveness, buyers are pleased with the price of this medicine, which, as a rule, does not exceed two hundred and fifty rubles. Among other things, the convenience of Gaviscon in use and the pleasant taste of the medicine are noted. Also, patients are very pleased that this tool does not cause any side effects. Even inveterate allergy sufferers praise him and write that, despite the sensitivity of their body, this drug does not provoke any undesirable reactions.

Thus, the drug "Gaviscon" is currently widely used in patients with gastritis or ulcer pathology. Patients are satisfied with the effect of the drug and its low cost.

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