Numbness of the tongue: causes of an alarming symptom

In order to diagnose any primary signs of the disease, it is not at all necessary to undergo a full examination in the clinic. It is enough to start to listen carefully to your body. Sometimes it gives us danger signals that need to be able to decipher. Paying due attention to your body, you can avoid more serious consequences and consult a doctor before the illness enters into full force, and treatment becomes more complicated and expensive.

One such alarm is numbness of the tongue. The reasons leading to a partial or even complete loss of sensitivity can be very different. If you occasionally or regularly encounter the appearance of such a symptom, then you need to consider this case more specifically.

Quite often, temporary numbness of the tongue occurs when taking certain medications. This is not so scary, as some drugs whose task is to get rid of cramping contain substances that cause a temporary loss of sensation. In this case, unpleasant sensations in the language pass quite quickly.

One of the more serious causes is a head injury, as well as damage to the nerves of the spinal cord. This is due to the fact that the nerve processes penetrate the oral cavity too. The defeat of a nerve located directly in the language itself can also be the root cause of numbness. In this case, often numbness of the lips. Therefore, if once you suddenly felt a similar symptom in your mouth, it is best to go to a neurologist's appointment.

Numbness of the tongue very often occurs with an allergic reaction. In this case, the likelihood of developing a tumor in the larynx and oral cavity and the tongue itself. Then the edema puts pressure on the linguistic nerves, which is why sensitivity decreases until it is completely lost. By the way, the inflammatory process in the mouth also refers to the causes of numbness.

It is worth noting that in the event of a violation of blood flow and oxygen saturation of the tissues of the oral cavity, sensitivity also decreases sharply. Reduced metabolism, coupled with a violation of the blood circulation of the tongue can lead to such unpleasant sensations.

If a person regularly uses alcohol and alcohol-containing drinks in large quantities, then numbness of the tongue will become his constant companion for life. This is especially true for those who suffer from chronic alcoholism, which is accompanied by prolonged binges. And in general, poisoning the body with toxins of a different nature, as well as their excess in the blood, often manifests itself as numbness of the tongue. The causes of poisoning can be very diverse, up to the symptoms of such a serious illness as diabetes.

If you have a wrong position of the teeth when closing the jaw, that is, a malocclusion, then in this case you can also feel numbness of the tongue with a certain frequency. The reasons for the loss of sensitivity in this case are inherent in the mechanical effect. Nerves located inside the tongue can simply be squeezed, which contributes to a sharp decrease in taste abilities. A series of procedures that will correct the bite will subsequently relieve you of discomfort and discomfort.

A person may feel numbness of the tongue due to seasonal lack of vitamins. A substance such as nicotinic acid supports the sensitivity of nerve endings. That is why its deficiency in the body begins to manifest itself so noticeably.

Summing up, I want to say that it is necessary to visit specialists and conduct a series of analyzes if you feel numbness of the language. The reasons for this can be not only temporary ailments, but also serious diseases.

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