Seasoning zira (cumin) is a fragrant spice that grows in Central Asia, Iran and India. Outwardly, it is very similar to caraway seeds, which quite often leads to some confusion in the process of creating culinary masterpieces.
Origin of spice
Cumin or seasoning zira is a dried seed of a plant that belongs to the family Umbrella. The homeland of this spice is the Middle East and North Africa. Today, this plant is cultivated throughout the Transcaucasus, Asia and the Mediterranean. The name "zira" in our country has strengthened firmly, since initially such a seasoning came to us from Central Asia. Russian residents learned about the second name of this spice (cumin) only after it began to be delivered from the West. Zira - seasoning, which is collected from the "umbrellas" of the plant (like dill) in an immature state and is dried in the open air. The collection of such seeds is quite simple.
Appearance and taste of spices
Outwardly, zira seasoning is a small greenish-gray (sometimes dark) seed (3-5 mm in length) with pointed ends. As a rule, the aroma of such a spice is revealed only after it is fried in a dry pan or rubbed with a mortar. Currently, there are several types of cumin, but their smell is slightly different from each other, with the exception of seasonings growing in India and Afghanistan. As for the last state, from there a black mountain zira with a delicate "smoked" aroma is brought into our country.
How to use spice
Zira seasoning is very often used in the process of preparing meat dishes. So, when creating an Uzbek pilaf, they use small and dark spice, which in the wild grows in the mountains of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. Of course, during the preparation of such a dinner, you can also use Indian zira, but you should be aware that these two species can differ in smell and taste (for example, like apples: antonovka and ranetka). It is also worth noting that in different countries, cumin is used in different dishes. For example, residents of Mexico prefer to buy zira in powder form and add it to various sauces and marinades. In Morocco and Algeria, such a spice is involved in the preparation of fried brooches (a kind of kebab) and couscous. In the Middle East, cumin is actively added to fish dishes, as well as to lamb, chicken and vegetables.
Zira seasoning: useful properties
Cumin is often added to various dishes, not only in order to feel its aroma and taste, but also to give the dinner beneficial properties. After all, everyone knows that zira stimulates appetite well, and also regulates digestion. In addition, this spice perfectly copes with the problems that arise against the background of any gastric diseases. Cumin is allowed to be used to taste in absolutely any dishes. But at the same time, it is recommended to fry the seasoning in a dry pan and grind with a mortar. It is also useful to use in the form of infusion (1 small spoon of seeds in 1 cup of boiling water, insist a quarter of an hour).