Suspension from worms for children and adults: a review, instructions for use and composition

Despite the improvement of living conditions and sanitary literacy of the population, the incidence of helminth infections has only recently increased. This is due to the frequent infection of food and water with worms, as well as low immunity of people. Most often, children suffer from helminthiases. They carry the infection quite hard, and it is difficult to cure them, since not all medicines can be taken. The best drug for treating children and adults is a suspension of worms. Despite the large number of anthelmintic drugs, there are not many drugs in this form. Although in some cases, their administration is preferable.

General Description of the Problem

Worm infection among the population is very widespread. There are more than a million registered cases of helminthiases every year. And among adults, not everyone goes to the doctor. Therefore, it is believed that about 80% of the population is affected by parasites. Quite often, symptoms such as digestive disorders, allergic diseases, sleep disorders, chronic fatigue are caused by this problem.

Parasites enter the body not only through dirty hands. Their eggs can be found on fruits and vegetables, in poorly cooked fish or meat, and in water. Especially often worms are infected by children aged 2-5 years. In addition, owners of cats and dogs, residents of rural areas, as well as agricultural workers are at risk.

from worms suspension

The benefits of suspension drugs

Helminthiasis is very contagious, therefore, when worms are found in one family member, everyone needs to be treated. Often, treatment is carried out simultaneously for parents, children, and even for pets. And owners of cats and dogs are advised to conduct such preventive courses 2-3 times a year.

But not all medicines can be taken by children; many doctors recommend choosing a suspension from worms. This is a liquid form of release of the drug. The drug is in it in dissolved form. It is believed that this increases its availability and improves digestibility. In addition, for children, suspensions are preferable because of their pleasant taste. Not every child can swallow a pill, and such medicines usually contain fruit flavors and sweeteners. Therefore, children are happy to drink suspensions from worms.

It is also convenient to choose the correct dosage of the drug in liquid form, and it is easier to digest. But such drugs also have contraindications and can cause side effects, although much less often than tablets. Sometimes when taking a suspension, there may be such reactions:

  • bowel disorders;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • stomach ache;
  • rash;
  • headaches;
  • drowsiness.

Their appearance depends on the correct choice of the drug and the accuracy of its dosage. Therefore, any treatment should be prescribed by a doctor.

pyrantel suspension from worms

The best suspension formulations

Any medicine against worms in a pharmacy can be bought without a doctor’s prescription. And many people are treated on their own, suspecting infection in themselves or the child. But the problem is that some drugs are active only against a certain type of worms. There are drugs with a wide spectrum of action, but they are usually more toxic, especially for a child, and may also not work. Therefore, the choice of suspension from worms for children is usually done by a doctor after an examination.

Now on sale there are many drugs. But they often have the same active ingredients. There are only a few:

  • albendazole contains preparations "Nemozol", "Albendazole", "Vormil";
  • mebendazole is part of the drugs "Vermox", "Vormin";
  • Suspensions "Pyrantel", "Nemocide" and "Helminthox" contain pyrantel pamoat.

These drugs are prescribed most often for the treatment and prevention of worms in people of any age.

worm suspension for dogs

Suspension from worms "Pirantel"

This medicine is considered safe, so it can be used even for children from 6 months. This is the most common treatment when treatment is needed for all family members. The main active ingredient of the drug is detrimental to pinworms, roundworms and some other parasites. Used "Pirantel" for the treatment and prevention of ascariasis, enterobiasis, hookworm, as well as mixed helminthiases. The drug acts not only on mature parasites, but also on their larvae.

Apply a suspension of worms "Pirantel" for children once. Dosage is calculated depending on body weight. Usually it is 5 ml per kilogram of the weight of the child. For children under 6 years, this can be no more than 1 scoop, from 6 to 12 years - 2 tablespoons. For adults, especially with a lot of weight, taking this suspension may become uncomfortable, since you will have to drink at least 4 tablespoons.

Additionally, no drugs can be taken. But to ease the condition of the child from the next day you can drink sorbents. This will help cleanse the body of toxins secreted by parasites. After 2-3 weeks, a repeated dose of Pirantel is recommended. This is necessary in order to prevent self-infection.

worm suspension for children pyrantel

The drug "Albendazole"

With this active substance, suspensions from the worms "Nemozol" or "Vormil" can also be purchased. These drugs are among the most expensive, as they have a wide spectrum of action. They are successfully used not only for infection with the most common parasites. Albendazole-based agents are effective for opisthorchiasis, giardiasis, neurocysticercosis, echinococcosis and other helminthiases.

Albendazole-based drugs can cause side effects. This is an indigestion, vomiting, stomatitis, headaches, allergic reactions. Therefore, an accurate dosage of the drug is necessary. This suspension of worms for children is usually used in an amount of 10-20 ml, depending on the age of the patient and the severity of the disease. You need to drink the drug twice a day for 3-5 days.

suspension of worms for children

Suspensions with mebendazole

The most famous drug with this active substance is Vermox. It is available in the form of tablets or suspensions. This drug can be used for children from 2 years. Often also use this suspension from worms for kittens and puppies.

Mebendazole is effective against many different parasites, but mainly related to the species of roundworms. It leads to their death within 2-3 days. This substance is practically not absorbed, therefore it is completely excreted from the body.

The dosage of this suspension from worms is also calculated depending on the weight of the patient. Usually it is 5-10 mg per kilogram of weight. With a mild degree of infection and for prevention, it is enough to take the drug once. In severe cases, treatment may last several days. In this case, the doctor prescribes the treatment regimen.

suspension from worms for kittens

The drug "Gelmonet"

This medicine is not recognized by official medicine and is considered a dietary supplement. Therefore, it is best to use it for prevention or at the recovery stage after taking more powerful drugs. The composition of "Helmonet" includes plant components, so it is considered relatively safe. Use this medication for children over 3 years old. They are advised to give 1-2 teaspoons twice a day. Treatment should last at least 2 weeks. Contraindications for taking this drug include only individual intolerance and diabetes.

The composition of the Gelmonet preparation includes extracts of walnuts, thyme, tansy, fennel seeds, pumpkins, cloves, aspen bark, prunes and other components that have established themselves in folk medicine as effective anthelmintic agents. In addition to the destruction of parasites and their removal from the body, this tool normalizes digestion, cleanses of toxins.

worm suspension for cats

Suspensions from worms for cats and dogs

Pets for many are members of the family, so they also need to be treated for worms. Moreover, infection occurs more often in them than in humans. The most common worm suspension for cats and dogs is Prazicide. The drug causes the death of parasites and gently removes them from the body. "Prazicide" is often used to prevent helminthiases in pets.

This suspension from worms for dogs and cats is given once. You can add it to the feed, but it is best to introduce it into the jaws of the animal with a disposable syringe. The dosage is usually 5-7 ml per day. But when using this suspension from worms for puppies or kittens, the dose is reduced to 4 ml. They are advised to repeat treatment after 3 weeks.

If it is not possible to purchase a special drug for a pet, you can use the medicines that are given to children. In this regard, it is easiest to dose drugs in liquid form, as they are calculated according to weight. The most common suspension from worms for kittens and puppies is Vermox, as it is most easily tolerated.

suspension from worms for puppies

Reviews about different drugs

Judging by the reviews, for the treatment of worms in children, it is better to use drugs in the form of a suspension. Many parents choose Pirantel, as it is well tolerated and tastes good. This medication can also be given to all family members for prevention. But adults will have to take a large dose, so they better buy it in tablets. Many positive reviews about Vermox suspension. This medicine can also be given to young children, as it rarely causes side effects.

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