People living in the mushroom area know very well how to fry mushrooms with potatoes, they do not need to be taught. Residents of Central Russia, Byelorussian Polesie, the Ukrainian Carpathians are well versed in all local species, are able to cook them and accurately distinguish edible specimens from grebes.
Types of mushrooms and a delicious lean dish - mushrooms with potatoes
Citizens seldom possess such much-needed knowledge, so they usually have to be content with simple champignons, which are guaranteed not to be poisoned. True, they are almost tasteless, and to prepare this wonderful dish of them, special tricks and additional ingredients are required.
The better the mushrooms, the easier it is to cook them. The first place in terms of taste and usefulness is deservedly occupied by boletus. He is usually large, beautiful, and completely does not suffer from such a common vice as worminess. It is easy to distinguish it: a thick leg with specks of light, a regular round hat of light brown color - these are its “special signs”.
The butterflies look more modest, their legs are thinner, and they themselves are smaller.
What distinguishes the redheads is evident from their name, and the aspen trees differ from them in their gray “head”.
Morels have a complex shape, and not look not very appetizing, but appearance is deceiving. They are very tasty when fried, especially with potatoes. Another of them turns out wonderful mushroom soup, cabbage soup or borsch. The same applies to mushrooms.
Dry mushrooms like russules or mushrooms for frying are of little use, they have the very place in a tub with brine.
Borovik - king of mushrooms
The recipe for potatoes with mushroom mushrooms is extremely simple. It is enough just to chop both main ingredients into approximately the same pieces and fry until tender, at the end do not forget to salt. In this case, the lid should be removed periodically in order to make the dish quite ruddy rather than stewed. You can add chopped onion, or cook without it, so as not to interrupt the exquisite aroma.
This is the same recipe for fried potatoes with mushrooms of other valuable varieties, namely with redheads, birch bark, boletus boletus, yellowberry and morel. Delicious starting products do not require additional seasonings, the most important thing is to preserve their natural flavor.
How to fry potatoes with oils
And how to fry mushrooms with potatoes, if at the disposal there is only butter? Here you have to tinker longer. Firstly, they need to be cleaned, that is, to remove the sticky peel from the hats, for which they got their name. Secondly, during heat treatment, these mushrooms emit a large amount of juice, which should be drained, otherwise it will not be frying, but rather boiling potatoes. Therefore, the whole process can be divided into three stages. First, fry the oil first, until they reach the desired consistency and excess moisture does not leak from them. After this, it is necessary to add sunflower oil to the pan, add chopped onion and lightly darken, and at the end lay the chopped potatoes. In this case, salt is needed in the end, otherwise the potato will be unnecessarily fragile. You should not expect a golden hue, the mushrooms will turn out to be dark brown, almost black, but no less tasty.
Are there only champignons? Nothing wrong
The most delicious mushrooms are forest ones, but they are not always available. Moreover, they can be cooked only when there is complete confidence in the safety of the product. For these reasons, you need to know how to fry mushrooms with potatoes, if only ordinary store mushrooms are available. They were grown in the sand, so you can’t expect any kind of magical taste, but with some simple tricks you can achieve a good result.
Firstly, there should be a lot of onions. It is this vegetable that will give a rather fresh champignon the characteristic smell of fried mushrooms.
Secondly, in this case sour cream cannot be dispensed with. Before frying mushrooms with potatoes, they should be stewed in this product along with pre-browned onions. It will not be superfluous to add a little pepper to the dish, for spiciness.
Thirdly, the potatoes should be fried separately, and the sauce obtained from mushrooms and sour cream should be added at the last stage of cooking, after which cover everything and let stand for several minutes over low heat.
A cast iron pan is best suited for cooking this dish , and the bigger it is, the better. If it is not, then Teflon can be dispensed with.
Enjoy your meal!