Jam "Ratibor": great taste, high quality

About 400 cans of various preserves are sold annually in the Russian Federation. And most often - domestic production. Ratibor jam is a product that has gained considerable popularity. He has plenty of fans.

Ratibor Jam - Many Benefits

So, more details. Most buyers like Ratibor Jam. For lovers of delicious snacks - a great choice for breakfast. The composition cannot but please the consumer. Only fruits and sugar. No additives or preservatives.

The cost of production is quite acceptable. About 150 rubles for 400 milliliters. Moreover, such a jar is a rather economical option. For example, in a porridge it is enough to add only one spoon.

"Ratibor" - thick jam. There is practically no liquid in it. It’s not at all like jam. In a word, the real jam.

jam ratibor

Negative reviews

Of course, all of the above characteristics attract many buyers. Nevertheless, Ratibor jam sometimes gets negative reviews. For example, some note that tea with it turns out to be somehow unnaturally burgundy.

According to lovers of homemade jam, there are too many seeds in it. This applies, as a rule, raspberry jam. However, perhaps the whole point is in the variety of berries used.

In addition, jam is too sweet. It does not feel sourness. In general, the product is not for everybody.

Diet product

Jam β€œRatibor” on fructose is simply ideal for those who limit their intake of sugar in their diet. The calorie content in it is 35% lower than in conventional traditional products. Fructose is easily absorbed by the body. In addition, it increases immunity. Thanks to a special production technology, the product retains the maximum amount of useful trace elements and vitamins.

jam ratibor reviews

The efforts of manufacturers

Ratibor Jam is no worse than home-made jam. So say the manufacturers themselves. No wonder it is very popular. Today, jam is on store shelves in all major Russian cities. The company's turnover is growing every year. She began to deal with fruits and berries in 1996. At that time, exclusively imported jams and jams were presented on the market. The residents of megacities preferred to cook jam on their own. Since then, much has changed. Preparations for the winter are not always made even by summer residents. After all, in supermarkets you can buy anything.

Ratibor, of course, put his hand to the change of old habits. The company produces as many as 60 positions. And the products are at the same time absolutely inexpensive. Today Ratibor is one of the largest domestic jam producers.

Since 2000, the company has changed packaging. Products began to be packaged in "pot-bellied" jars with a wide neck. So that a tablespoon could easily fit in. Thus, the manufacturer tries to convey to the consumer the idea of ​​care and warmth. Visually, banks seem larger than those of competing compatriots.

ratibor raspberry jam

Tasty and beautiful

In a word, the products of the Ratibor company are in considerable demand. Raspberry jam, apple, cranberry, strawberry, peach. The choice is very large. The manufacturer carefully monitors the recipe and quality of the goods.

The company has developed a special set of its own standards. For example, the size of lingonberries cannot be less than 6 millimeters in diameter. A black currant - at least 8 millimeters. A jar of cherry jam cannot have more than three seeds. In general, everything is not only tasty, but also beautiful. Therefore, jam is sold very well. Competition with housewives does not concern the factory director. And there is something to work on. Each year, on average, 1.2 kg of fruit and berry preservation is consumed by each Russian. And β€œRatibor” provides this product with pleasure to the buyer.

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