"Biostrepta" (candles): instructions for use, analogues, reviews

The main task set before the woman is the extension of the clan. The birth of a child is joy and pleasant chores, but there is a possibility of infertility associated with inflammatory and adhesive processes of the pelvic organs. In order to avoid such a serious diagnosis, you should carefully monitor your health, as well as follow all the instructions of the gynecologist.

If the diagnosis has already been made, do not despair, because it can be associated with a treatable acute or chronic inflammatory process. Drug therapy in such cases involves the use of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as drugs with a narrow spectrum of action. They become the main ones in the restoration of the mucous membrane of the pelvic organs. One of these is Biostrept candles.

Why is this drug needed?

Having a specific composition, the named drug helps to cope with various diseases associated with stagnation of blood in the tissues, the formation of blood clots and suppuration of postoperative sutures. Thanks to two components - streptokinase and streptodornase - Biostrepta perfectly copes with the task.

biostrept candles

Streptokinase is an enzyme that can interact with platelet cells, reducing their density. As a result, the blood becomes less thick and can better circulate through the blood vessels of damaged tissues. The enzyme is indispensable in the treatment of thrombosis, blockage of the main arteries, as well as with necrosis of heart tissue.

Streptodornase is an enzyme formed by the activity of streptococci that can destroy red blood cell cells, which entails the release of hemoglobin into blood plasma. Its feature is manifested in the thinning of purulent masses.

Therefore, it can be clearly answered that Biostrept suppositories are an excellent assistant in the treatment of postoperative wounds of the pelvic organs, diseases associated with stagnation of blood, as well as possible complications caused by chronic inflammatory processes (endometritis, vaginitis, endometriosis), which significantly accelerates the recovery of the body .

Candles "Biostrept": instructions

The named drug is released only in the form of candles. The package contains six rectal suppositories, packed in plastic cells. Indications for use are:

  1. Long pains in the pelvic area, adhesions.
  2. The risk of adhesions after surgery (diathermocoagulation, abortion).
  3. Chronic and acute inflammatory processes of the ovaries.
  4. The formation of suppuration with a seal after surgery.
  5. Endometritis of various etiologies.
  6. Benign neoplasms of the ovaries;
  7. Endometriosis

biostrept candles

Mode of application

Rectal suppositories are injected into the rectum, 1-3 times a day. The number of suppositories depends on the severity of the inflammatory process.

In severe cases, the duration of therapy takes 9 days. The first 3 - three suppositories per day, then reducing the amount of the drug to 2 - three days, and to one - in the last three days.

In cases of moderate and mild severity, the course also takes 9 days:

  • 1 candle twice - the first 3 days;
  • 1 candle once - the next 4 days;

The course of treatment takes up to three packs of the drug. Assign it from the first hours after surgical interventions in a minimally invasive way and from the sixth - after abdominal surgery.


Rarely there are medicines that do not have side effects, and Biostrept suppositories are no exception. The instruction for use states that the drug is contraindicated:

  • with individual sensitivity to the components;
  • the presence of fresh wounds and sutures (its use can lead to weakening of sutures and bleeding from the incision);
  • during pregnancy and lactation.

A special case

In contraindications, it is clearly indicated that use during lactation and pregnancy is impossible. But, if there is a need to use the drug according to vital indicators, when the benefit for the mother outweighs the risk for the child, it is prescribed during breastfeeding.

During this period, during treatment, you will have to abandon breastfeeding.

biostrept candles instructions for use

How to replace?

It is worth noting that there is only one generic in Biostrept candles - suppositories Distreptaza produced at the Lublin plant. "Distreptaza" has full compliance with both the active substance and the dosage and method of administration. It differs only in price, but not significantly.

biostrept candles reviews

In addition to "Distreptaza", there are analogues of suppositories "Biostrept", which cope with the same task, but at the same time have a plant and homeopathic composition.

These include β€œAgnus Cosmoplex S” - suppositories of the Heel company. They have an excellent composition of natural ingredients. They have anti-inflammatory, secretolytic, secretomotor, analgesic, antimicrobial effects. Stimulate the body's defenses, normalize all disorders.

Appointed with:

  • inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs, as well as vaginitis with increased secretion;
  • ENT diseases: sinusitis, sinusitis, bronchitis;
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Suppositories "Revitax"

This is another complex drug that has a well-selected composition of plant components. It includes hyaluronic acid, tea tree oil, marigold, aloe and Centella asiatica extract .

biostrepa candles analogues

It has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, regenerative properties. Aloe enhances local immunity, improves tissue metabolism, which contributes to rapid wound healing. Tea tree oil inhibits pathogenic microflora due to its antifungal, antiseptic abilities. Centella Asiatica stimulates the production of collagen, which is involved in the formation of epithelial cells.

Indications are:

  • prevention of fungal infections while taking antibacterial drugs;
  • prevention of infections after bathing in ponds, pools;
  • inflammatory processes associated with mucosal microtrauma;
  • vaginosis, cervical erosion, atrophic and dystrophic colpitis;
  • vaginal operations associated with prolapse of the cervix, pelvic floor failure;
  • medical manipulations that severely traumatize the mucous membrane (cryotherapy, diathermocoagulation, abortion, placement of the uterine spiral).

One candle per night is used. The course of treatment should be at least 5 days.

What do others say?

biostrept candles instructions reviews

Patients who have encountered this drug give mixed reviews. For most, embarrassment is its cost. But this is the only drug of its kind in this form of release. Yes, it has a complete analogue of Distreptaza, but it is not much inferior in price.

In addition, there are those who gave extremely negative feedback on the Biostrept candles. Referring to the fact that the use in complex therapy after surgery was supposed to stop the possibility of adhesions of the vaginal mucosa, patients, not seeing any significant changes, decided that they had wasted money.

But cases of dissatisfaction are blocked by many positive reviews. Women suffering from chronic inflammatory processes, having neoplasms, note that the use of this drug gives excellent results.

If, after seeing the price, you decide to abandon its use, think that the attending physician has not just prescribed you Biostrept candles. Instructions and reviews exist precisely so that, having studied them, you can understand whether the drug will help you or not.

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