How to cook pork in a pan? Recipes with photos

Pork is one of the most popular types of meat not only in Russia, but also in many other countries. It is tender, tasty, it is easy to prepare, and it takes less time for this than for cooking beef, lamb. How to cook pork in a pan? We’ll talk about this today.

Pork for dinner and beer

juicy pork slices

This recipe is universal. Meat can be prepared for a family dinner, and for a hearty beer snack. Men will appreciate!

Of the ingredients required:

  • 800 grams of pork tenderloin;
  • two tomatoes;
  • one onion;
  • a spoon of tomato paste;
  • pepper - peas (about six);
  • salt and any seasoning.

Let's start cooking pork in a pan. The photo of the final dish can be found above.

Chop the meat into small pieces, put the frying in hot oil. At this stage, add only seasoning (if unsalted) and peppers. Salt contributes to the release of juice, in which the meat will begin to stew, and we need to get a fried crust.

Cut the onion in half rings, send to the already fried meat. Bring the onion to softness and introduce the tomato paste. After that, fry another seven minutes.

The last step is to put chopped tomatoes in a pan. Solim. We continue stewing until the juice from the tomatoes evaporates.

Fried loin

pork with rice

The most delicious part of the pork is the loin. If you are wondering how to cook pork in a juicy pan, then try this cooking.

Products will require a minimum:

  • 400 grams of pork loin;
  • two tablespoons butter;
  • favorite spices, salt;
  • a glass of chicken stock.

A piece of bread should be divided into two parts, they should turn out wide and not thick. Rub with salt and seasonings. Melt the butter in a pan, put the pieces into it, add fire, it should be strong. Fry each side for about two minutes.

Pour in the broth, reduce the heat. After 20 minutes, the liquid should boil, you need to bring the meat to frying. If the broth remains, then drain it, add oil to the pan, fry the pieces.

Fried ribs

fried pork ribs

In this article, you will learn how to cook pork in a pan. Some underestimate the charm of the ribs, using them only for soups or marinating on barbecue. Do not stew the product in the freezer, let's cook a delicious dinner!

You will need:

  • 700 grams of ribs;
  • one solid onion;
  • four cloves of garlic;
  • salt, pepper and any seasonings.

The ribs need to be separated from each other, washed and dried with a paper towel. We spread them in a very hot oil, the fire should be good, fry for 10 minutes, stirring with a spatula or turning from side to side.

Add onions and crushed garlic, fry until soft. Pour half a glass of boiling water, salt, pepper, season. Stew until the liquid evaporates, then fry until well cooked.

How to cook pork steak in a pan?

pork steak

This dish is ideally combined with any side dishes, whether it is fresh vegetables, mashed potatoes, pasta, cereals and cereals. Let's see how to cook pork in a pan - a steak. We will need:

  • 600 grams of pork pulp;
  • egg;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • a quarter glass of water;
  • salt and seasoning.

We cut the pulp into several portioned pieces - not too thick, but not thin, wash, dry with a paper towel, rub with salt and seasonings.

In a bowl, mix the water and the egg. Dip each piece into this mixture, then - in crackers. Fry on both sides in vegetable oil until golden brown.

How to cook pork chop in a pan?

pork chop

This dish is very similar to the previous one, but it is prepared in a slightly different way. From the ingredients we take:

  • 600 grams of pork pulp;
  • egg;
  • salt and seasoning;
  • flour - a few tablespoons (for breading).

Meat should be cut into uniform pieces. Each in turn beat off on both sides, covered with cling film. Next, grate with salt and seasoning.

Dip each piece into an egg (you can do without it), then into flour (be sure, breading saves juiciness). Fry over high heat on each side until the crust begins to suit in color.

Pork fried with mushrooms

pork with mushrooms

This is a very aromatic and tasty dish! The “real” ones - forest mushrooms (ideally mushrooms, mushrooms, shiitake, waves, chanterelles - in general, everything without mucus) are best suited for its preparation.

Products for cooking:

  • a pound of pork pulp (fatter or lean - as you like);
  • 200 grams of mushrooms;
  • two tablespoons butter;
  • juniper berries - enough 10 pieces;
  • salt and pepper;
  • small onion;
  • a few cloves of garlic (to taste);
  • a small spoon of balsamic vinegar.

Boil the mushrooms, let the water drain. Cut the meat into small pieces, rub each with salt, vinegar and pepper.

The butter needs to be melted in a pan, put the meat in it, fry well. Next, add mushrooms, garlic, rosemary and a few tablespoons of water. Salt, cover with a lid and simmer for 20 minutes.

Pork roast

pork roasting

This recipe will appeal to everyone, without exception. Any side dishes will be suitable for him, it will be possible to prepare the sauce separately, but without it the dish is simply delicious - the meat is juicy, soft, saturated. For cooking, you don’t have to look for special ingredients and buy additional products that are not used in everyday cooking - everything can be found in any refrigerator.


  • 600 grams of pork pulp, it is possible with fat, it will turn out more juicy. If you do not like lard, then you can use butter instead of vegetable oil for frying;
  • large carrots;
  • large onion;
  • tomato paste - two large spoons;
  • salt and seasoning.

Melt the butter in a pan or pour the vegetable. Put the meat chopped into small pieces. If it is with bacon, then fry so that it does not burn - to a light crust. If lean is used, then fry until a good crust.

Onions need to be cut into rings, and grate the carrots on a coarse grater, or cut into thin cubes. Add vegetables to the meat when it is already well fried. Next, we introduce tomato paste and seasoned salt, fry until almost all the liquid has evaporated, the vegetables should be completely cooked.

If desired, this recipe can be varied by adding fresh tomatoes and bell pepper. If you like greens, chop it finely, add to the frying after removing from heat. Cover and let it brew for ten minutes, during this time the meat is saturated with the aroma of fresh herbs.

Vegetable Stuffed Pork

stuffed pork

This dish ideally complements the festive table, it is hearty and tasty. How to cook pork in a pan so as not to be ashamed to serve guests? That way!


  • a kilogram of tenderloin without fat;
  • a glass of red dry wine;
  • bell pepper;
  • canned corn;
  • two hundred grams of hard cheese;
  • one hundred grams of butter;
  • salt and favorite seasonings.

The first step is to marinate the meat. To do this, we do this:

  1. Cut the pork into broad, thick slices.
  2. We repel each, covering with cling film.
  3. Put meat in a deep container, salt and season, fill with wine.
  4. Pickle for three hours.

After that, you need to salt and season the meat again, after soaking in a paper towel to remove excess marinade.

Pepper should be cut into small cubes, mixed with corn, draining the marinade from it. The oil should be soft, so we get it out of the refrigerator first. We smear each piece with oil, put in it a mixture of pepper and corn, sprinkle with grated cheese and sew up.

Fry meat in a large amount of vegetable oil on both sides. It should be so much that each piece was hidden to half.

You can cook this dish and roll, which also needs to be fried.

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