Reflex cough: causes, symptoms, treatment, reviews

Cough is a sign of infectious and inflammatory pathologies, but can also occur without a noticeable reason. This is a useful process because it cleans the airways of mucus and other irritating factors. A variety is a reflex cough, in which there is no sputum and inflammation.

The concept

Such a cough is a sharp, reflex exhalation that cleans the airways. It begins spontaneously, occurs with a relapse without sputum and has an onset character. Activation is performed with inhalation, exhalation, swallowing, as well as with physical and neuro-emotional stress.

reflex cough

Reflex cough, in comparison with the usual one, which clears the airways, has obsessive cramps. The arising attacks do not bring relief. Reflex cough is not an independent ailment, but a symptom of pathological processes of the body.


The cough reflex arc determines the mechanism by which this ailment appears. The centers of these reflexes are located in the medulla oblongata. Reflex arches of sneezing and coughing are different. In the first case, the arc looks like this: the nasal receptors are irritated, after which the signal passes to the medulla oblongata. And so a sneeze appears.

The cough reflex arc is as follows: receptors in the trachea, in the branch of the respiratory tract, pharynx, are irritated, the signal passes to the medulla oblongata. This forms a cough syndrome. An example of reflex regulation of cough shows the mechanism of the appearance of a reflex. According to reviews, this reflex causes discomfort to a person.


Reflex cough develops from:

  • full or segmented resection of the tongue;
  • chronic inflammation of the tonsils;
  • hypertrophy of the lingual tonsil;
  • the presence of a neoplasm;
  • uncomfortable living conditions;
  • voice nerve tics;
  • abuse of drugs that irritate the mucous membrane;
  • the presence in the throat of a foreign body.
cough reflex arc

Reflex can occur from autoimmune, oncological ailments. He also appears due to problems with the respiratory, cardiac system, disorders of the digestive tract. According to reviews, such a cough also gives a person discomfort.

Associated ailments

This cough is a sharp reflex exhalation, which can be accompanied by pathologies and changes in the body. It can develop due to:

  1. Pleurisy - inflammation from complications of lung diseases, which leads to fibrous edema in the serous membrane of the lung. With an ailment, pain in the sternum appears, aggravated by breathing, spastic dry cough, general physical weakness.
  2. Pericarditis - an infectious, rheumatic or postinfarction inflammation of the pericardial sac. The disease manifests itself in the form of chest pain, severe shortness of breath, nasal cough, general malaise.
  3. Obturation (clogging) of the external auditory canal. This is due to compaction of earwax, which leads to loss of hearing acuity. Patients hear their voice, irritation of the vagus and trigeminal nerve receptors is performed, which causes a reflex cough.
  4. Hypertrophy of the tonsils - inflammation, an immunoreactive state from which the lymphoid tissue of the tonsils grows. A person constantly breathes through his mouth, which drains the mucous membrane of the pharynx, leading to coughing.
  5. Gastroesophageal reflux is a violation of the esophageal sphincter, which is why hydrochloric acid is thrown into the digestive system. This pathology is also in healthy people who overeat and eat food, leading to gas formation. It can lead to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the esophagus, narrowing of the esophagus tube. From acid irritation of the pharynx and larynx, a reflex type of cough appears.

Whatever the reasons, the reflex arc of the cough reflex in a person is the same. Timely help is needed to improve the condition.


The main signs of a reflex cough are the following:

  • there is no sputum production, dry cough, unproductive;
  • a cough reflex can occur in any period;
  • recurrence of malaise is likely.

Often, cough syndrome appears with nervous strain, after stress, strong physical exertion, with inspiration and during swallowing. The duration of the attack can be different, it all depends on the characteristics of the body.

reflex arches of sneezing and coughing

If there are concomitant ailments, other symptoms may appear with pathology:

  1. There is inflammation of the pleural sheets. A person develops shortness of breath, pain behind the chest, fever, breathing noise, which should not be.
  2. Due to hypertrophy of the tonsils, there is a violation of the quality of breathing through the nose. There will be loud snoring, the voice will be nasal. The speech will be obscure and slurred. A dry cough is tormenting, which intensifies at night. Mucus enters the nasopharynx along the back of the larynx.
  3. From the appearance of sulfuric plugs, congestion of the ear, poor hearing, earache, autophony appears. If the sulfuric masses are deepened further to the eardrum, pain appears, coordination of movement is disturbed, dizziness, nausea occurs.
  4. Cough with pericarditis leads to characteristic signs. There is shortness of breath, chest pain, it will be difficult to swallow. There is also an increase in heart rate, swelling of the face, cyanosis is detected.
  5. A gastroesophageal reflex is evidenced by a prolonged cough, which can be combined with heartburn, sour belching, discomfort behind the chest.

To identify the severity of the cough reflex and the degree of the disease, you need to see a doctor. The specialist will collect a history of the disease and analyze the clinical deviations and sensations of the patient. Based on the existing disease, treatment is determined.


The reflex arc of a cough in a person establishes the principle of this phenomenon. Before treatment, an anamnesis is performed and clinical laboratory tests are prescribed to establish the states of the systems, identify pathologies.

If these analyzes are not enough, then to make a diagnosis, the following is required:

  • X-ray of the lungs;
  • X-ray of endoscopic examination of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland;
  • echocardiography;
  • puncture of the pleural cavity.

Still need consultation of narrow specialists - a cardiologist, gastroenterologist, ENT doctor. Based on their findings, a diagnosis is made and treatment recommendations are provided.

Therapy Features

Treatment for reflex cough should be performed on the following principles:

  1. Etiotropic. It is necessary to establish the causes, eliminate contact with the allergen. Diet is also prescribed, the living conditions are improved, compliance with the regime is required. Pathologies that preceded the appearance of an unproductive cough should be identified.
  2. Symptomatic. The effect of antitussive agents on the cough center, a decrease in cough receptors is supposed.
cough example reflex regulation

Treatment should include a set of measures consisting of:

  • relaxing breathing exercises;
  • psychotherapeutic sessions;
  • the use of sedatives.

According to reviews, the use of an integrated approach to solving the problem allows you to quickly improve the condition. But treatment should be prescribed only by a doctor.


Medicines are selected on the basis of the etiology of a concomitant ailment:

  1. With gastroesophageal reflux disease, antacids are effective. This is "Maalox", "Almagel", "Rennie." With the progression of the disease, antisecretory agents are used - proton pump inhibitors. These include Omeprazole, Lansoprazole.
  2. With hypertrophy of the tonsils, antiseptic sprays are used. This is Hexoral, Novoscept, Septolete Plus. Immunomodulatory drugs - Aflubin and others, corticosteroids help to eliminate edema and improve breathing.
  3. With pleurisy, antibacterial or antiviral agents are taken. You need to choose drugs based on the individual characteristics of the person and therapy.

Folk remedies

For the treatment of reflex cough, traditional medicine is also used to relieve unpleasant symptoms. It is necessary to focus on those funds that soothe the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, provide hydration. To do this, use:

  1. Inhalations with auxiliary substances - herbal infusions (linden, St. John's wort, chamomile), essential oils (eucalyptus, cloves, fir, rosemary), baking soda and jacket potatoes. The therapeutic component is added to the water heated before the appearance of steam, and then they cover the head with a towel and inhale the composition.
  2. Herbal decoctions: walnuts (3 pcs.), Boil in water (2 cups) for half an hour, and then added to the broth 1 tbsp. l elderberry. Then it boils a little more. After straining, the composition is mixed with honey (3 tsp) and consumed in 1 tbsp. l
  3. Syrups and drinks. Helps syrup based on blackcurrant berries, warm milk with butter and soda, warm mineral water without gas.
reflex arc of coughing in humans

Eliminate coughing fits when you are in a steam-filled bathroom. Effective grindings with menthol ointments, compresses on the sternum from rye flour and honey.

Baby treatment

Reflex cough appears in children. If rare coughs intensify and become intrusive, then the help of a pediatrician is needed. Self-medication can aggravate the condition of the child. The following measures relieve symptoms:

  1. Providing a comfortable microclimate. It is required to ventilate the room, humidify the air. It is necessary to remove dust, irritating odors.
  2. Gentle mode required. Limited physical activity, which leads to fatigue. Need calm walks in the fresh air.
  3. It is important to observe the drinking regime. The liquid must be consumed in warm form fractionally and in small portions.

If a reflex cough in children occurs from gastroesophageal reflux, you need to follow a diet that excludes foods that lead to gas formation. You can’t eat chips, Coca-Cola, crackers, chocolate, fast food.

cough is a sharp reflex exhale

The cough that comes from problems with the thyroid gland is eliminated under the dynamic supervision of a doctor. The specialist should monitor the indicators of thyroid hormones, explain all stages of treatment. Reflex cough appears from contact with food, drug irritants, aggressive environmental effects. Usually, after termination of contact with antigens and after performing allergic tests, antihistamines are prescribed. Then the uncomfortable symptoms will be eliminated.

If the cough is prolonged and does not respond to treatment with standard antitussive drugs, then you need to see a doctor again. A competent specialist will choose the right approach to eliminate symptoms, identify ailment.

Surgical intervention

The operation is prescribed when a reflex cough appears from pathologies of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract. Surgical treatment is required for severe hiatal hernia. The doctor may prescribe surgery for reflux, myocarditis, cardiac ischemia.


To prevent the appearance of a reflex cough, the following preventive measures must be observed:

  1. It is important to treat infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system.
  2. It requires humidification of the air in the room, ventilation and the implementation of wet cleaning.
  3. You should sleep with an ajar window, hiding in a warm blanket in cold weather.
  4. Effective outdoor sports are effective.
  5. It is necessary to strengthen the immune system by hardening and taking vitamins.
  6. You should get rid of bad habits.
cough is a sharp reflex exhalation cleansing

Coughing for no apparent reason requires a visit to a doctor. It can arise from past and existing pathologies that need to be treated. You can handle them at home, but there is a risk of aggravation of the condition.


Thus, reflex cough is treated in many ways. But doctors advise not to do this on their own. It is necessary to consult with a specialist who will prescribe a truly effective treatment that eliminates the main cause of cough.

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